I absolutely LOVE all these stories
My man and i met while he was working in Australia on a dairy farm exchange program. Of all the places in Australia he could have been placed he was stuck in a town only 20minutes from my hometown (this is so crazy because both towns have a population of barely 1000).
In the city closest to us (roughly 40,000people thank goodness) there are quite a few bars and nightclubs. One night in November 2009 i was out with "friends" the term used loosely since they ditched me at the bar and went home. As i was (admittedly drunkenly stumbling) around the bar i ran into a friend of mine who played Australian Rules Football at our local club, so immediately made a beeline for him hoping he could help me get home. Well apparently they were a little intoxicated too since they were celebrating the arrival of Reed (my man) from Canada. I was introduced to him here and we talked for HOURS. Around 1am i decided it was definitely time to head home and decided id go catch a cab. Now i dont know how it works anywhere else but in this particular town we have what is called lockout. Which means after 1am you cannot get into any of the bars, if you are already in the bar and leave for whatever reason you CANNOT go back in. Period! too many hooligans in this town
So imagine my surprise when Reed offered to walk me to the cab stand. I said not to worry about it that he would be locked out but he told em he would rather know i got into a cab safely. Sweetest guy ever. When we were waiting for the cab he shocked me even further by asking if it would be ok if he kissed me! I am far from used to this behaviour from a guy, where i come from first chance they get they just try to get on in there and suck your face off, so i was pleasantly surprised by his request lol. Of course i obliged and he got a peck on the cheek hahaha. His buddies in the bar however didnt leave until close which is 230, So poor Reed was stuck outside waiting for them all because he was a gentleman and helped me get a cab
This happened on the Saturday (November), by Wednesday we'd had our first real date, the following Saturday he met my Mum, Saturday after that he met my Dad and 2 brothers. and by December it was decided i would be coming back to Canada with him. We dealt with a lot of people putting their 2 cents in....."its all too fast, itll never last"....."youre too young dont be so stupid"..."you barely know each other"... blah blah blah im sure youve all heard similar things from "friends".
Well im happy to say we have been together 3 years this previous Christmas. Ive been living here in Canada for 3 years in April and we are happier than ever. My family are coming to visit again in July and i could not be any happier than i am right now with my hunky Canadian. Well except maybe when PR is done lol..We intend to marry in 2015 (since we are only 23 right now lol) we dont feel like we need to rush, immigration sponsorship is a big commitment anyways.
And vain as it is, to all those "friends" who were "so supportive" **voice dripping with sarcasm lol** of our relationship, look at us now!! You are still stuck in a tiny town you've never left, all alone. And im an international traveller, who found the man of her dreams. Just shows it pays off to take a chance on love