Everything starting from call logs since beginning (I used rebtel, ttag, primus ); email conversations, FB message log, skype log.
Around 300 pictures of my wedding, reception, engagement, post wedding (honeymoon, dinner, lunch everything outside home) following original wedding card & reception card, FB wedding invitation screenshot, congrats cards from my colleagues/friends. Honeymoon pictures, hotel booking emails, hotel receipts, plane tickets including boarding cards.
Original Marriage certificate and notarized engagement deed plus plane tickets including boarding cards for both my engagement and wedding (so don't loose them). I even send them my luggage tags too ..lol .. The thing I still have my luggage tag when I first came in Canada as a student so

be detail as you never know.
lastly opened a joint bank account back there and provided sufficient fund until my next visit so those documents including cheque book copy. Also a confirmed plane ticket that I will be visiting her again in 6 months for 3 weeks.
That's basically it, I think.