I have just discovered this forum today and thank you all for sharing your experiences and advice given.
I am Canadian and married a British man last fall. We submitted our application for a Spousal Sponsorship Outside Canada December 27th 2013 and the process had been accepted and begun on January 30, 2014. Our application is very straight forward and incredibly thick with photo's, travel documents and all the necessary documents required by Immigration. Everything was complete, minus the Medical as we were instructed to wait for instructions from Canada Immigration on when that was to take place. We received an email mid March requesting a medical completed within 60 days.
He had been here as a "visitor" and living with me for the past two years with about a month break back to the UK every six months as required by the visitors visa. While on this last visit cut short because he was requested to return for a medical which he has completed on April 4th. The medical results have been received is all the information I can get on "status of application" website.
Thankfully, everything I have been reading thus far on this forum have claims that London is very quick to process PR status if it is a straightforward application.
1.What time frame are we looking once the medical and all required documents have been received that he will get notice for his CoPR status?
(weeks? months?)
2.What exactly is involved in that last step?
3.Will he be summoned to hand in his passport in person?
4.Have an interview? If so, what types of questions or documents will he need to present?
5.Are there any more monies that have to be paid to the London Immigration offices for this process?
6.When he returns to Canada, how is it handled in our Customs and Immigration officers? Is there another interview or briefing that takes place?
7.What are some things people may not think of bringing with them when they come to Canada as PR status...things like a World Personal Tax file for example.
(Something that will be requested on Personal Income Taxes the following year by Revenue Canada)
I'd appreciate any advice or personal experiences you can share to give me some insight on when I will see my husband back again?
Contemplating if he should remain in the UK because the process will be quick or return here to Canada until he receives word then go back?
Thank you