This post is SO true.
DH and I met on Livejournal (do you guys know the site? A mix of blogging and Facebook) on a Harry Potter related community. We were definitely NOT looking for a relationship online. After talking for a year, we just couldn't help it... we fell in love. We talked for a year and a half on chat and Skype before meeting IRL, and when we did, it was simply the confirmation that we really worked as a couple. I often say that those 10000kms between us were our chaperones, LOL --- sorry, meant hahahahahahah--- because we were forced to talk and get to know each other in ways we're not sure we would have experienced if we had met IRL somewhere.
Distance is difficult, but I love our relationship, level of communication and honesty so much, that I wouldn't change a thing.
PS: Thinking of other things I read in this thread about scams, I remember 2 things about my own experience.
When our relationship was just starting, a big earthquake shook my country, during which I lost my external hard-drive. It was a REAL LOSS to me, since it was the only place I had a full back up of all my University work.
DH, not even officially my boyfriend at the time, tried to replace it for me from Canada, but he was having problems to pay from outside of my country. Our only option was for him to give me his credit card information. When that came up, we just stared at each other on the screen... he said he wasn't comfortable doing that, and I said I didn't either. It was too much of a responsibility. Soooooo, I thanked him very much for his gesture, that it only showed how kind-hearted he was, but we should leave it at that. Finally, I got my hard-drive back, and everything was good
Sometimes I think that had I been a scammer, I would have been all over that offer, LOL! But I am not that, and my intentions were genuine. I didn't feel comfortable having access to his information like that. On the other hand, DH was concious of the risks, and decided not to take one on me... which at the end makes me feel better, because I know that now he truly trusts me and my love for him... or he wouldn't have married me!!
That links to my 2nd thought after reading this thread.
When hubby told his family about me for the 1st time, they didn't like it very much. It was only his brother, though, that came to him and asked him directly if he was sure I wasn't a scammer. He said he was sure I wasn't.
Much later, once when I was talking with DH's mom, she told me they were so very afraid for him when he came visit me. They thought I was going to kidnap him or something

<<< my face at the time. She then said that now that they know me, they feel much better and happy for their son. Hey, they even helped him to prepare his wonderful proposal in Las Vegas...
So, I guess what I mean to say, is that scam is a real danger. But being afraid of that shouldn't be such a prevalent thought, that you miss out on developing a real, wonderful relationship! Just make sure to pay attention to the signs, be honest, take care of yourself, and TALK. Talk on the camera for hours, get to know each other, and you won't go wrong