I had THE most uneventful, unromantic wedding EVER...hahaha
We had spent most of my trip to Morocco running from police station to tribunal to court house to Adul to tribunal to police...etc....
Then 4 days before I had to leave we made a trip to the Adul's office again *rolling eyes. We signed some more papers and then left the office. As we were walking along I said "Where next?" DH says "That's it." I was like "What do mean that's it? We are married now?" He says "Yes" ..O__O
So I take my wedding ring off my necklace and say "I guess I can put this on now." DH says "No, I will do it." So standing in the middle of a street in Kenitra, Morocco we STOOD there (no he did not get on his knee!!) hahaha and he put the ring on. Then DH looks at me and says "Wife"... well I roared with laughter and said right back "Husband". And that was it. He did not even sleep in the same bed as me that night because we were staying at his sisters house. Now, knowing my DH as I do and knowing the culture there I was not surprised as he has a deep respect for his family and mother. Eventually though family came for the party and his mother told him to sleep in my room hahahaha THANK GOD we don't have that issue now that he is here...makin up for lost time actually

Yea so the fact that any of you lucky ladies got a dress or ceremony or carriage or even something formal ...count yourself's as blessed. hahahaha