Just venting, as I know a lot of people will feel like I do...
After this morning had to refuse my 4TH job offer this year because I don't hold a WP, here I am at McDonalds to buy some coffee, at my side this young lad is talking to the lady manager about a job, and as she is telling him that he may start any time he wants as they really need someone as like yesterday, he starts telling her that he is not so sure about it, as his doctor told him he shouldn't be on his feet for a long time because some sort of injury he recently contracted, so he's not sure about working there and he rather start on a part time basis and then, if he likes the job and the people he might consider a full time position (sic).
They pay 11.80 per hour and he is also not so sure about it...
And all I feel like is screaming, as I would take it in a heartbeat, regardless I have a master degree in Business & Administration, speak and write 4 languages and can program computers in 3 different languages...
Seriously, and then we're like the criminals here, "robbing" jobs to the Canadians... We... as we wait, unable to get sick, unable to get a drivers license, unable to study, unable to exist, always afraid the police will come to us and asks us about something that might compromise our staying here...
I came from one of the most miserable countries in Europe, but at least there our immigrants are allowed to work the moment they start their legalization process, if they get refused they are sent back, but at least they are allowed to exist, to be...
Just venting, as I wonder if I post this or not, because my IP can be traced and I might suffer even more on the hands of I don't even know who...
God bless you all...