I have been living in Canada for almost 10 year...i have started from a small factory jobs to reputed position in the bank....( it will test your patience before you are at right
It is not impossible to find a good job and buy a house. I did study in Canada even after my engineer degree from my home country..
Lot of things depends upon people you live with and hang around...if you are focused and determined you can find a good job in your field...
if you are bringing money with you...it will help for sure....
The other parts of living in Canada is the cultural shock... you may not have a same social life....depression and stress will become part of our lives..
even as family you may feel sometime lonely and alone...reason because you don't have same relatives friends here like back home and off course festivals...friends cannot replace your mother, father brother....cousins...childhood friend...
its not there fault either ...they are also struggling for the basics like you....may be in situations like most of us....
Making money become the only goal of our life so we can support basics of our lives and family.....weather is definitely a worst part here....because of this you cannot travel must most of the year...(Snow looks good only during Christmas or in movies)...you will figure out....

...truth is lot of people wants to go back in their homeland but cannot for various reasons...specially future of their kidz...and for lot of people it is right place to spend rest of their lives.
Now in Canada law and order is much better than most of our countries....no to less corruption...clean roads and less crime (because of less population of Canada).
If you like multicultural society then it is the good place for you...you will have opportunity to meet people from different countries...share their food, festivals and language.
There are give and takes living here...off course this is not the heaven just like our own countries and nothing comes for free...no pain and no gain...