"Yer" is not a word. "B" is a letter of the alphabet, not a verb. "4" is a number, not a word denoting ownership. Lastly, "B4" is a character from Star Trek: Nemesis, not a way of indicating a event has already occured.
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I hate "text talk" and "leet speak."
What's worse is I have a friend, who is very intelligent, has a diploma, takes courses at U of C constantly, but still uses text talk when she texts me. I want to beat her with my broom.
However, my least favorite is "PLZ" especially when it's in all caps and repeated: "PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ." You know what? You're too lazy to write the word "please" out and make a nice, polite statement. You're probably too lazy to help yourself, which is why you're on the internet begging others. NO, I will NOT help you! Grrrr!
PS: I understand typos, non-native speakers, and brainfarts. Those are okay.