Guys thank you so much for worrying and sending positive thought to the universe for me

And Muby and jkhan thanks a lot for your advice!!!
I'm sure it helped because it all went perfectly!!! I'm officially eligible
I didn't get the chance to write earlier because I had an early morning flight to Vienna (didn't get even a minute of sleep, guess I was too excited) and had a return flight late in the evening so was soooo exhausted and went strait to bed, after 12 hours here I come
The interview was about half an hour long. I came earlier expecting that they will look into the documents I brought but he actually took them 3min before. I had 3cm thick pile of papers so I think he just read the essay where I explained all the things he can find inside

To think I spent a week to prepare them! I was so proud of my pile
I was nervous as if I'm passing some kind of oral exam, prepared days before in details

But the moment I looked in the officer's eyes while he was taking that pile of papers I knew that it's all going to be fine because I could see he was this normal guy just doing his job and not someone who is going to question every word I say.
The questions were standard, first only about me, based on Schedule A, which I signed again at the end. Then it was about our relationship, he asked me to imagine it in a linear way, actually to describe the whole timeline of our relationship since we met till that day. He wanted facts: visits, trips, dates of proposal, marriage, next planned visit etc. It was interactive because he interrupts when he wants details, explanations or wants to move to the next time period but generally he was supportive. I could see from his body language that he was listening and also noticed that he doesn't know everything we wrote in the app or maybe that was an act, not sure. Also, the officer who called for an interview is not the one who is doing it, I didn't know that either. At the end he said: we're done, wow this was easy! I'm sorry you had to come all this way, congratulations!
All in all, it was less stressful than I expected. What I don't like is the interview room, it has less than 3m2, looks like it's underground!!! 2 tables and glass in between from the floor to the ceiling with a small hole so he can hear you and you can exchange papers. No natural light, no windows, luckily I'm not claustrophobic!!! I think there are cameras as well but I tried not to think about it. He types while you talk so that was a bit strange for me because I prefer eye contact. Also, I generally talk fast and a lot so I had to slow down, not easy
At the end I asked him what we can expect next because we want to be able to make plans finally. He checked in the computer and said that I had passed everything but medical expired so I can expect medical instructions by email. I asked about the extension, he was like you don't need that, it's gonna take longer than to do another one?!!!! (never mind the 135 EUR but what the hell) He said: I would say early spring you are ready to go! Knowing them and reading about Canucks fan experience I just hope it's not gonna be after May. I scheduled my new medical for tomorrow! So we're very happy, for now!
In this positive mood I will say it's gonna be over soon for all of us guys!!!