Wow that's a lot of posts guys
Eva and Milica you have wonderful names thanks for sharing them

Avissa, it was a great thought about Christmas and you know, I was thinking just the same thing the other day, I love positive thoughts, especially nowadays because I was kind of negative lately.
My hormones messed up as well, it's crazy I don't need medications yet but I have troubles with monthly things :-[ Milica!!!!!!! This reminds me you were SOOOOO right in your post about genuine relationships and then they don't even let us visit or making us wait for over a year.... ??!!!!! This is unfair and actually it's torture.....
I do have to children as well but I am from a visa exempt country... I could go and visit and my husband could come and visit me but he is waaaay tooooo busy working two jobs and the lack of money affects us negatively.
He will come and visit me next year sometimes in the first part of the year though. He has to work like crazy for another 6 months to pay off his loan plus get prepared for us... We will need a lot of necessary things, like children furniture, double times and right now he is selling his car and wants to buy a bigger one because simply its too small for the four of us.
Lets see what if I go there with the girls: he is working (Canada time) from 15:30 till midnight. He gets home after that, has a shower and actually wakes up everyone. By 2:00 am he has to start his second job he arrives home by 7:00 am.... And would really like to sleep after 15 hours of work... BUT we are waking up and the house is small.... He needs to sleep till 13:00 pm or 14:00 pm to be able to get through the day, obviously. WE wouldn't even SEE EACH OTHER!!!! No time spent together as a family, no time for love, no time for the children to experience a father figure, nothing! Just work work work work!
And while he is doing this, I would have to keep the two 2,5 years old quiet

, not singing, dancing , arguing, no back yard.. No friends and family... etc... But I would have to cook and do the laundry etc.. There would be no help for me to do the shopping, what if the girls get sick, who would take us and help at the doctor's? I don't even know where to go and what to do... I would go crazy more than I do now.... So for the first time its close to impossible. At least I have all my friends to talk to , visit, have fun, we are going on programs with the girls, the Father is helping a lot and my mother , whenever she can visits us.
And top of all this , what if they expect me to send documents, or an interview... A flight back again to Vienna would definitely push us back to debt once he climbs out of it! So what would be the sense? We rather hold on like this at least till next spring, see how far we got by then and make decisions than.
Tom the answer of your question is that yes, he barely got time even to talk with me. Its 9:30 am for me when its 12:30 am for him and we can talk for an hour between his jobs. Other than that, he is working, literally not at home - or is sleeping.
Apple pie!!!!!! The american style in a different shape

but its tooooo good!!!! SO now i am going to have my CARROTS with milk for breakfast
Hugs to all of you!!!!!