British_Bulldog said:
Hey Dair, I just wanted to say keep your chin up! At least you know what's going on with your application; we still haven't heard and even when I phone the call centre, they are unable to tell me anything. The system is saying nothing, so what can they tell me really?
I'm trying to get on with life and not worry so much, but it's sooooo hard!
Oh man... I can't imagine your frustration. It seems to be very odd that they have NO INFO in their system for you. Do they acknowledge receipt of your application? Meaning do they find you when they look you up? Or you are not in there at all?
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I know I am not the only one and as odd as it sounds that kinda keeps me going...LOL I am just going to take a break from this for a bit. Coming on here everyday is more painful at the moment as it just reminds me of my stupid mistake and the grief it is causing me.
I am going out to celebrate a friends birthday tonight, tomorrow is cleaning, Sat is picking up my daughter from camp and car races in the evening (VIP seats no less 8) woohoo!!).
Hope you all have good news....or even some news soon. ;D
trini777 said:
All i can say is everything works out in its time. I have been frutrated by so many events in life and in the end things always work out, maybe not the exact way I wanted it, but it works out nonetheless. If you are a believer, just trust in God.
You are right trini....I am going to try and think of this as an adventure. Not all parts are pleasant but overall you end up having a great time and it is worth it in the end. God is greater than any circumstance in our lives. Thanks for the reminder