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CPP Ottawa: Sponsorship of Spouse in Pakistan


Star Member
May 3, 2013
Visa Office......
CPPO - Ottawa/ CHC - Islamabad/ CHC - New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 2011
Doc's Request.
June 2013
AOR Received.
January 2012
File Transfer...
From CPPO- Ottawa to CHC - ISL - May 2013/ From CHC - ISL to CHC New Delhi Feb 2014
Med's Request
Remed/ RePCC and Supporting Doc Request- June 2013
Med's Done....
June 2013
Interview Scheduled in June- CHC New Delhi
Passport Req..
June 2014 - CHC New Delhi
June 2014 - CHC New Delhi
August 2014
Suzum27 said:
Firstly welcome to the thread :)

Thank you for sharing your experience n I sincerely pray that you n your wife get done with this process ASAP. 21 months is a long time...I can't imagine my myself going through it..but anyhow if that's to be n then may Allah bless us all with utmost strength and patience...Ameen suma Ameen.

I have a question..hope u won't mind to answer :)

Why did CIC rejected your wife visit visa application ? What reasons did the provide you with?
M asking this coz most of us r hoping to apply for a visit visa in future if things don't start moving for us lol God forbids.

Hi Dear Suzum 27,
Hope all is well with you, family and love once, in response to your question regarding the TRV visa application it is a tricky one, the application itself called dual intent application, means under the immigration regulation that while your PR application is in process you can apply for TRV visa, but @ the same time it contradict itself you are saying that you permanently want to immigrate but at the same time you want to just visit and leave, it depends in a country of resident for the Main applicant, if its country does not produce refugees or a main refugee source based on Immigration statistic than you might get lucky or you belong to visa exempt country otherwise no chance they will refuse you in no time, I submitted my application online in the next 48 hour they refuse the application, we both have a good job and employed full time for numerous years, it took me almost 2 month to prep for the application, you named I had on that application from A to Z, once the application got rejected my MP office, Lawyer whomever I knew was surprised that they just rejected with no mercy it was perfect align with immigration guide line and regulation, to sum it up the window for ( Pakistan & Afghan ) National are very limited and difficult, please I don’t want to discourage you, you can give it a shot but don’t count on it, once they reject my wife TRV I couldn’t sleep for weeks and I was so upset it took me two month of hard work to prep everything I bit they didn’t even read the application and reject it in 48 hours some pre typed reason to reject I am attaching the letter reason and you will see how many reason they have to reject you is about anything they can find to refuse you the objective is not to accept is to reject. Please here are the reasons as follows. Her refusal reason was (Travel History and family ties back home) even though she has all her family there, but because we don’t have kids yet, they suspect if she visit me here, she might not go back any way here are the complete list of their refusal list if your application falls under any of these one or multiple you are refused which can by anything. Hope this was help full and informative. God bless all of us and thanks for response and care of all respected members. My priers are with all of you. Wish all the best to all of you if any help, I am here for you guys if need some help. Thanks


This refers to your application for a temporary resident visa to Canada. I have completed my assessment of your
Application and I have determined that you do not meet the requirements for a temporary resident visa;
Therefore, your application is refused.
In reaching a decision, an officer considers several factors; these may include the applicant’s travel and identity
Documents, reason for travel to Canada, contacts in Canada, financial means for the trip; ties to country of
Residence (including immigration status, employment and family ties) and whether the applicant would be likely
To leave Canada at the end of his/her authorized stay.
In accordance with Section A11 (1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), any person wishing to
Become a temporary resident of Canada must satisfy an officer that he or she is not inadmissible to Canada and
Meets the requirements of the Act. This includes the requirement to establish to the satisfaction of the officer
that the applicant will respect their conditions of admission and will leave Canada by the end of the period
authorized for his or her stay.
This application is closed. Please note that any new information you wish to provide must be submitted with a
new application and processing fee. Should you wish to reapply, I would suggest that you do so only if your
situation has changed substantively or you have significant new information to submit.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Citoyenneté et
Immigration Canada
Citizenship and
Immigration Canada
Application no.:
Following an examination of your application, I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of the Act and
the Regulations for the reasons explained below. I am therefore refusing your application.
You have not satisfied me that you would leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident.
In reaching this decision, I considered several factors, including:
Your history of having contravened the conditions of admission on a previous stay in Canada
Your travel history
Your immigration status
Your family ties in Canada and in your country of residence
Length of proposed stay in Canada
Purpose of visit
Limited employment prospects in your country of residence
Your current employment situation
Your personal assets and financial status
That you have a legitimate business purpose in Canada
I am not satisfied that you have answered truthfully all questions put to you.
I am not satisfied that you have sufficient funds, including income or assets, to carry out your stated
purpose in going to Canada or to maintain yourself while in Canada and to effect your departure.
You have not provided sufficient documentation to support your / your host's income and assets.
You have made an application for a temporary resident visa in the transit visitor category. As you are
planning to remain in Canada longer than 48 hours, you do not meet the requirements of this category.
You must make an application for a temporary resident visa in the visitor category and pay the
associated cost recovery fees.
You have submitted documentation which lacks authenticity as part of your application. This has
diminished the overall credibility of your submission.
You have not complied with our request for information, as per section 16(1) of the Immigration and
Refugee Protection Act. To date, you have failed to comply with our request for:
Completion of a medical examination
An interview
The following documents:
IMM 5621 (05-2010) E GCMS
Citoyenneté et
Immigration Canada
Citizenship and
Immigration Canada
Application no.:
From the documents which you have submitted in support of your application, I am not satisfied that you
have answered all questions truthfully, as required by subsection 16(1) of the Act. Specifically, I am not
satisfied that the following information is truthful:
Other reasons:
IMM 5621 (05-2010) E GCMS
You are a member of an inadmissible class of persons described in the Immigration and Refugee
Protection Act. As a result, you are inadmissible to Canada pursuant to the following Section(s):
On security grounds for:
A34(1)(a): Engaging in an act of espionage or subversion against a democratic government, institution
or process as they are understood in Canada;
A34(1)(b): Engaging in or instigating the subversion by force of any government;
A34(1)(c): Engaging in terrorism;
A34(1)(d): Being a danger to the security of Canada;
A34(1)(e): Engaging in acts of violence that would or might endanger the lives or safety of persons in
A34(1)(f): Being a member of an organization that there are reasonable grounds to believe engages or
will engage in acts referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c).
On grounds of violating human or international rights for:
A35(1)(a): Committing an act outside Canada that constitutes an offence referred to in sections 4 to 7 of
the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act;
A35(1)(b): Being a prescribed senior official in the service of a government that, in the opinion of the
Minister, engages or has engaged in terrorism, systematic or gross human rights violations, or genocide,
a war crime or a crime against humanity within the meaning of subsections 6(3) to (5) of the Crimes
Against Humanity and War Crimes Act;
A35(1)(c): Being a person, other than a permanent resident, whose entry into or stay in Canada is
restricted pursuant to a decision, resolution or measure of an international organization of states or
association of states, of which Canada is a member, that imposes sanctions on country against which
Canada has imposed or has agreed to impose sanctions in concert with that organization or association.
On grounds of serious criminality for:
A36(1)(a): Having been convicted in Canada of an offence under an Act of Parliament punishable by a
maximum term of imprisonment of at least 10 years, or of an offence under an Act of Parliament for
which a term of imprisonment of more that six months has been imposed;
A36(1)(b): Having been convicted of an offence outside Canada that, if committed in Canada, would
constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at
least 10 years;
A36(1)(c): Committing an act outside Canada that is an offence in the place where it was committed and
that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament punishable by a
maximum term of imprisonment of at least 10 years.
On grounds of criminality for:
A36(2)(a): Having been convicted in Canada of an offence under an Act of Parliament punishable by
way of indictment, or of two offences under any Act of Parliament not arising out of a single occurrence;
A36(2)(b): Having been convicted outside Canada of an offence that, if committed in Canada, would
constitute an indictable offence under an Act of Parliament, or of two offences not arising out of a single
occurrence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute offences under an Act of Parliament;
A36(2)(c): Committing an act outside Canada that is an offence in the place where it was committed and
that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an indictable offence under an Act of Parliament;
A36(2)(d): Committing, on entering Canada, an offence under an Act of Parliament prescribed by
IMM 5621 (05-2010) E GCMS
On grounds of organized criminality for:
A37(1)(a): Being a member of an organization that is believed on reasonable grounds to be or to have
been engaged in activity that is part of a pattern of criminal activity planned and organized by a number
of persons acting in concert in furtherance of the commission of an offence punishable under an Act of
Parliament by way of indictment, or in furtherance of the commission of an offence outside Canada that,
if committed in Canada, would constitute such an offence, or engaging in activity that is part of such a
A37(1)(b): Engaging, in the context of transnational crime, in activities such as people smuggling,
trafficking in persons or money laundering.
On health grounds as your health condition:
A38(1): Is likely to be a danger to public health or to public safety, or might reasonably be expected to
cause excessive demand on health or social services.
For financial reasons:
A39: You are or will be unable or unwilling to support yourself or any other person who is dependent on
you, and have not satisfied an officer that adequate arrangements for care and support, other that those
that involve social assistance, have been made.
On misrepresentation:
A40(1)(a): For directly or indirectly misrepresenting or withholding material facts relating to a relevant
matter that induces or could induce an error in the administration of this Act;
A40(1)(a) and A40(2)(a): You are still inadmissible to Canada as a period of two years has not passed
since your prior refusal.
IMM 5621 (05-2010) E GCMS


Star Member
May 3, 2013
Visa Office......
CPPO - Ottawa/ CHC - Islamabad/ CHC - New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 2011
Doc's Request.
June 2013
AOR Received.
January 2012
File Transfer...
From CPPO- Ottawa to CHC - ISL - May 2013/ From CHC - ISL to CHC New Delhi Feb 2014
Med's Request
Remed/ RePCC and Supporting Doc Request- June 2013
Med's Done....
June 2013
Interview Scheduled in June- CHC New Delhi
Passport Req..
June 2014 - CHC New Delhi
June 2014 - CHC New Delhi
August 2014
sarah123 said:
Bro by the way how u applied for TRV -- Paper or online
How much time CHC ISBD took for rejecting the TRV and what was the basic reason
Kindly reply
Hi Dear Sarah 123<

I applied online and it took me two month to prep the application, tons of time and money and CHC Islamabad they just reject it in 48 hours, the reason was ( Travel History and Family ties ) but they can reject you about anything they can find, its almost impossible to get TRV, I have the full detail posted on the forum reply to Dear Suzum 27, take Care.


Star Member
Oct 23, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
File Transfer...
I have posted this on other thread as well.

Applied to Sponsor Wife on Feb 14th 2012. Received approval from Ottawa for first step and file was transfered to ISB on May 28th 2012

last frinday, I received mail to my Canadian address (not to my wife in Pak). Letter asking to re-submit few applications again:


I think I still have good one year to go. I remember one of my friend's spouse got remed in April 2012 and by the time PPR came it was December 2013. In my case still no re-med.


Hero Member
Oct 31, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
28th May 2013
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
8 May 2014
Med's Done....
13th May 2014
Passport Req..
PPR 1 on 12th June 2014 and PPR 2 on 25th June 2014
July 4 2014
Oct 27 2014
Thankyou so much for such a detailed reply :) I really appreciate it ! My mom about a year back applied for TRV on the basis that my elder sis living in canada needs help in her maternity leave. We submitted everything to them. My sis even provided a letter from her Dr. stating that she needs loads of bed rest hence her mother should be here to help her out as she also has a 3yr old son.

Anyhow after a month since applied..we got back the passport with a rejection letter for visa. The letter which you have posted here was exactly the same which she got. And the rejection reason was that they were in doubts that my mother won't come back to Pakistan. lol

Its so so stupid. We are 4 siblings. One is married n is in canada. My visa process is in queue. And rest of my two siblings are here n are single. And all of this was mentioned in one of the forms. So Y won't will my mom come back for her kids n husband ?

They are just so plain stupid.


Hero Member
Apr 24, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Nov 2012
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Not Yet
Med's Done....
Hopefully No
Passport Req..
Insha Allah Soon
Insha Allah Soon
Insha Allah Soon
cvimm said:
Hi Dear Sarah 123<

I applied online and it took me two month to prep the application, tons of time and money and CHC Islamabad they just reject it in 48 hours, the reason was ( Travel History and Family ties ) but they can reject you about anything they can find, its almost impossible to get TRV, I have the full detail posted on the forum reply to Dear Suzum 27, take Care.
Thanks for reply CVIMM
I have read your detailed post also. My hubby also got the one of the reasons on his rejection letter.
1- Purpose of visit is not clear ( his purpose was to visit us -- his wife and two sons)

God Bless CHC and also us.



Hero Member
Apr 24, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Nov 2012
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Not Yet
Med's Done....
Hopefully No
Passport Req..
Insha Allah Soon
Insha Allah Soon
Insha Allah Soon
LLCOOLPaki said:
I have posted this on other thread as well.

Applied to Sponsor Wife on Feb 14th 2012. Received approval from Ottawa for first step and file was transfered to ISB on May 28th 2012

last frinday, I received mail to my Canadian address (not to my wife in Pak). Letter asking to re-submit few applications again:


I think I still have good one year to go. I remember one of my friend's spouse got remed in April 2012 and by the time PPR came it was December 2013. In my case still no re-med.

Usually sponsoring Pakistani or afghan wife cases take 12-16 months, even now, if no prior travel history is involved.... My family has many examples. Even in last few years when projected processing times were 12 - 18 months, our relatives case was approved in 9 months in 2011. She was never out of Pakistan. Means she had clean travel history. So lesser background checks. Also wife'd PCC and criminal background checks are limited -- not that many as in the case of sponsoring husbands from pak or afg.

Metal Gear

Full Member
May 5, 2013
Sponsoring Wife
Applied Nov 2011
Case Transfer Jan 2012

Havent heard anything from them yet. Case is in Ottawa as I confirmed this through MP in Etobicoke.

I just read on this forum that they have started working on 2012 applications...but why they have left late 2011 applications behind ??!!


Hero Member
Oct 31, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
28th May 2013
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
8 May 2014
Med's Done....
13th May 2014
Passport Req..
PPR 1 on 12th June 2014 and PPR 2 on 25th June 2014
July 4 2014
Oct 27 2014
Metal Gear said:
Sponsoring Wife
Applied Nov 2011
Case Transfer Jan 2012

Havent heard anything from them yet. Case is in Ottawa as I confirmed this through MP in Etobicoke.

I just read on this forum that they have started working on 2012 applications...but why they have left late 2011 applications behind ??!!
That's exactly what everyone is wondering...lol


Hero Member
Sep 23, 2012
Visa Office......
CPP Ottawa
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
5-09-2013 along with REPCC
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
30-04-2014 (ppr 1) and 12-06-2014 (ppr 2)
Not Yet
Not Yet
Metal Gear said:
Sponsoring Wife
Applied Nov 2011
Case Transfer Jan 2012

Havent heard anything from them yet. Case is in Ottawa as I confirmed this through MP in Etobicoke.

I just read on this forum that they have started working on 2012 applications...but why they have left late 2011 applications behind ??!!
yes dats wat i'm wondering too.....this is really very upsetting :(


Star Member
Jun 15, 2011
Thunder Bay
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
10-04-2014 (step 1) 12 may for step 2
LLCOOLPaki said:
I have posted this on other thread as well.

Applied to Sponsor Wife on Feb 14th 2012. Received approval from Ottawa for first step and file was transfered to ISB on May 28th 2012

last frinday, I received mail to my Canadian address (not to my wife in Pak). Letter asking to re-submit few applications again:


I think I still have good one year to go. I remember one of my friend's spouse got remed in April 2012 and by the time PPR came it was December 2013. In my case still no re-med.
I vaguely remember reading somewhere on these forums that Cases that are very straight forward and genuine will get transferred from ottawa to islamabad and approved first. So those people who are first wave of correspondence from 2012 did a great job in proving their case. Congratulations.

If I don't hear anything by end next month then I am applying for GCMS notes right away.

Not gonna let time fly by past that time. I NEED TO KNOW IF THERE'S AN OBJECTION SO I CAN CORRECT IT RIGHT AWAY.


Hero Member
Oct 31, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
28th May 2013
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
8 May 2014
Med's Done....
13th May 2014
Passport Req..
PPR 1 on 12th June 2014 and PPR 2 on 25th June 2014
July 4 2014
Oct 27 2014
Kasam_se said:
I vaguely remember reading somewhere on these forums that Cases that are very straight forward and genuine will get transferred from ottawa to islamabad and approved first. So those people who are first wave of correspondence from 2012 did a great job in proving their case. Congratulations.

If I don't hear anything by end next month then I am applying for GCMS notes right away.

Not gonna let time fly by past that time. I NEED TO KNOW IF THERE'S AN OBJECTION SO I CAN CORRECT IT RIGHT AWAY.
You unintentionally gave a lot to worry about my file ab LOL


Star Member
Jun 15, 2011
Thunder Bay
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
10-04-2014 (step 1) 12 may for step 2
cvimm said:
Hi Dear Forum Members:

First of all thanks to creator of this thread to made it possible for all of us to share our experiences here, I am a new member and was looking for proper thread to fit in and is finally here, please forgive me for my lack of experience and expertise in this thread.
My situation is also similar as most of you, my timeline and details are as follows:
Category........: FAM/ Spouse
Visa Office......: CPP Ottawa
App. Filed.......: September 2011
AOR Received.: None
File Transfer...: April 2012
Med's Request: no Remed requested
Med's done....: April 2011

My journey with immigration regarding my wife's application is not so good so I am very tired and frustrated by their BS. The entire process from submission until now in point form hope would be helpful to some of you

• Application filled on September 2011 to CPC Mississauga.
• Approval from Mississauga on Jan 2012, case forwarded to CHC Islamabad (Wife is Afghan National) based of approval letter but instead was transfer to CPPO – Ottawa in April 2012.
• Since I have visited her once and submitted tons of pics and supporting document about anything I can think of.
• Numerous emails, all I got response back is pre automated message your case is in progress.
• Three MP inquiries, case is in the queue for initial review.
• Applied for TRV Visa for my wife in Feb 2013, rejected.
• Ordered GCMS notes on late March 2013, nothing was started since the case was transferred to Ottawa for almost a year was collecting dust.

It's almost 21 month that I have submitted the initial application, no response for remedial or police clearance or nothing. I am getting very tired and depressed, hope this info would be helpful to member of this thread, and please let me know if you guys have any question. Take care for now and God bless all of us, my prayers are with all of you.
Your application was transferred april 2012, and most april 2012 cases have not heard anything yet so I wouldn't count your time from the time you submitted your application(sep 2011) Obviously the delay to transfer file must have been for missing docs/forms/info etc.

I guess it's a safe bet to gauge your file progress from time it is submitted to islamabad, which is apr2012 in your case and june2012 in my case. When I applied for my wife in feb the time for approval was 90 days and it took almost that long to receive AOR.

So dont get frustrated brother. Keep Calm and carry on.


Star Member
Jun 15, 2011
Thunder Bay
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
10-04-2014 (step 1) 12 may for step 2
Suzum27 said:
You unintentionally gave a lot to worry about my file ab LOL
Lol. Yes, I could have sugar coated it ;)


Star Member
Jun 15, 2011
Thunder Bay
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
10-04-2014 (step 1) 12 may for step 2
Suzum27 said:
You unintentionally gave a lot to worry about my file ab LOL
Have you got GCMS notes yet and when if so ?


Hero Member
Oct 31, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
28th May 2013
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
8 May 2014
Med's Done....
13th May 2014
Passport Req..
PPR 1 on 12th June 2014 and PPR 2 on 25th June 2014
July 4 2014
Oct 27 2014
Kasam_se said:
Have you got GCMS notes yet and when if so ?
Naa I haven't order for GCMS notes yet. Will wait till June..If nothing comes up then hopefully will order them. But I still don't get it if there is some mistakes in our forms or some form is missing! Atleast they should request us to send the corrected form or something.

I have seen a case where the application was sent back to the sponsor from CIC coz the application missed some documents/forms.

So y are they wasting our 1yr n then will be asking us to correct our mistakes if there are any! So frustrating!

Surprisingly only Feb 2012 applicants have done perfect work at their files! Like seriously lol

No offence to Feb 2012 applicants. Honest I have no grudges against u guys. I am happy! But frustrated on CIC,Ottawa and CHC ! :(