Assalam-O-Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,
By the grace of Allah almighty, and the supports and duas from all my brothers and sisters on this forum I would like to share the greatest news that I received in the last year and a half of this immigration process. MY WIFE HAS RECEIVED HER PASSPORT REQUEST TODAY

I am so happy and relieved today that you wouldn't understand. All prayers are payed off in this beloved month of Ramadan and I am very thankfull to Allah and I pray for all that everyone get through this soon InshAllah. I also would like to thank you all for the support I have received from all of you. Below is my complete timeline for the records:
Almost 19 months since the application sent.
24/01/2010: Application Sent to Mississauga
16/07/2010: Extra Supporting Documents & Proof of VISIT Sent Voluntarily
22/02/2011: Re-PCC, IMM & Suppelementary Form Request
25/05/2011: Re-Medical Request
13/06/2011: Medicals Done
11/08/2011: Passport Request
This is the 3rd time my wife's address disappeared from eCAS and she received her PPR today. 1st time it disappeared she received re-PCC, 2nd time it happened she received reMedical.
Keep me and all in your prayers...
JazakAllah Khair
P.S. I am not going anywhere, I will stick around and help people like I always try to do so don't think that I will leave you all alone naaa aahh, not gonna happen!

And InshAllah each and everyone of you will get a chance to announce this greatest news. I think I am still dreaming! Seriously! WOW...