Hi Hungary and everyone,
I wish you all the best in the new year! PR and a flight to Canada would be a nice start

I hope we all close this Vienna chapter in our lives this year and start a new Canada chapter with a lucky star on our side!
I am enjoying my last days of visit in Canada. It's been wonderful spending the holidays and all this time with my hubby, traveling and simply living the love

I am trying not to think how hard it's gonna be saying goodbye again. We contacted our MP and are expecting an update from Vienna any days now.
Csilla, I am sad to hear about your problems, distance seems to affect him too much and he's behaving irrationally. I hope that with time you guys will find strength and patience to surpass all of this. So nice of you to worry about our progress in those circumstances. I wish you the best outcome possible.
JJ my newest GCMS notes from December showed they didn't start any of the background checks (they have my file since end of February!!!) so like Milance said you can feel lucky that your security check is in progress at least. I have no idea about the criminality/security details, and so many other notes in GCMS, it's so user unfriendly!!! I am thinking that maybe Vienna doesn't do the GCMS update on a regular basis (better said hoping). I have the same note on the photos but I wouldn't worry about it, they would ask for new ones if these are not good. I think the problem is that some offices ask that applicants write their name and DoB on the back of the photos (Vienna asks it for TRV applications) but they don't mention it in the PR applications if I recall?
Newpal, I'm so sorry the TRV application didn't work out

After a bad news, a good one should come!
Tom, I don't see the sense in the email you got. They only send generic emails and God forbid they give the smallest piece of info beside it. Uhhhh! Keep us posted on the answer you get about the medical expiring, I'm in the same boat and have no clue what to do.