Srećan Božić Eva!

All the best to everyone celebrating!
I came back from Canada. Being home with family and friends feels so great, I wasn't completely aware how much I missed them. Being apart from my hubby again after spending few months together isn't easy so it balances it out
Newpal, about your question, Canada was really nice for me but at this time I wasn't trying to find a job. I enjoyed furnishing our apartment, making it look and feel like a home, meeting new people, exploring Toronto, working on my thesis, discovering my culinary skills

, traveling and enjoying every minute of free time my hubby had after work (he works soooo hard). I didn't feel this relaxed since my summer breaks while studying but that's not the real life. Real life will begin when I start looking for a job without Canadian experience in such a competitive market, trust me that's the only worry I have after this visit because it will affect a lot my mood and general quality of life. People work and study at the same time, they are very ambitious and committed, self improvement is a must at all times. I like that, I am not afraid of working hard, I am just worried about getting that first chance of obtaining Canadian experience.
With a good job it is my opinion that Canada can be great, of course it has it's positive and negatives but it all depends on your attitude and circumstances you are coming from. Standard of life is great, you feel safe, the system works, the best thing is that you do know what is coming tomorrow, there is some kind of certainty. Coming from a country like Serbia I can honestly say Canadians are not fully aware of this blessing. I am not saying it is easy at all, every day you have to work hard, life is expensive in general, you pay for all kind of silly stuff if you ask me, people do not complain because they are used to it but when two people work and live together I think it can be great.
People are very kind and friendly, in a city like Toronto you can never feel like a stranger, you can be yourself. Getting used to everything was much easier for me than I thought it would be. There are things I don't like that much but you just have to accept it as a part of different culture (not just Canadian). People are not as sociable as they are in my country. Spending time with your friends and family is far less spontaneous, on a first contact they are very easygoing but they don't open up as much, don't show so much emotions, they are just not close on the level I am close with my friends. On line dating is in 99% a way of meeting new people. I have nothing against it, don't get me wrong, I am just trying to say I feel sorry that people are so alienated. 10 seconds after midnight on New Years Eve I turned to see everyone around us was looking at their smartphones
These are some of my thoughts for now, we'll see what I will think in a year from now

But all in all, I am very satisfied with my visit because I could see our future at least for some time.