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Hero Member
Mar 17, 2013
Visa Office......
Ottawa - LA
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
09-01-2013 ext till 2015
Aug 5-2014 passed
Passport Req..
Dec 8, 2014
Muby said:
Now i can see what to expect for canada it was not good after long way of being sad waiting and u coming to canada and see dissapointed by the way they should look at our hard time and treat us as good as they can even if u consider the amount u spent for application until visa and the time whole things deserve to get better result. Unfortunatully you will get nothing but at least u are with someone u love that matters good luck to everyone
My friend don't believe everything you read, especially an opinion from someone who has never lived here in Canada. This is still a big country full of vast opportunities and many employment openings. I know many immigrants who have come here and found great success. Sometimes life is what you make it by your lifestyle and decisions.


Full Member
Oct 23, 2013
messenger said:
Dear friend gabiroli You have spoken out of my heart and mind. I don't think you sounded depressing and I am sure everyone here reading this will somehow connect with you.

I feel so much for you not being able to be near your wife and daughter (how old is she?) I What is your timeline?

I am with them but until 3 months ago before our wedding and the baby came we lived like gypsies. She was staying and working inside the border of her country and I worked in mine and commuted there on the weekends and she commuted to my country on her days off. In between, the OB doctor was in my country and just imagine the issues making appointments and keeping them split ed in two countries. All this because in the past almost 6 years my country did not recognize us as a couple but only if we got married a thing that we couldn't do because it took this long to get my divorce. So Aspa did not have a visa to stay here in my country and there was always the fear of not counting the allowed days properly (only 90 days allowed every 6 months). Fear of deportation and going through hell with the legal system. Amigo life is a *censored word*! What shines is not always gold!

Their usual reply every time someone communicates with them is always a reminder of 13 months processing time. Like we are so stupid and cant read. As you said. If only they could communicate with us. Give us a little light to hope for! Most of my country folk are being serviced by Rome. Not only Rome is finalizing their Visas in less than 6 months but during this time this VO is keeping a constant communication with its clients Yes this is what we are...Clients but Vienna seems to have forget that!

Have a great day!

BTW If my wife was from a Visa exempt country I wouldn't be here today writing this. i would have packed my family and moved on to Calgary. Isn't Hungary Visa Exempt yet?

Dear Messenger I wish it was that easy. I came to Canada in 2000 never left since even for day. My wife gabriella was already here in canada as a refugee claimant. We met in 2009 december. Have been together eversince till 2013/ october. While in 2011 our daughter was born. That's when we started to think about sponsorship. But we didn;t have any relatives in hungary to get the documents, eventhough it wouldn't have caused a problem financially to make a trip to hungary. We werent able to because as soon as gabriella leaves the country she would have had abandoned her immigration case. In 2012 december shit hit the fan literally because her case was refused and we knew that it would be a mather of time until she would get deported. Her family got deported in january already. So her mom did get all the necessary documents for us.
So i sent everything off march 20th I was approved as a sponsor on april 17 right on my daughters birthday.
And actually one day someone from vienna was actually nice enough to confirm that they received my application at the end of april. Eversince then we are waiting for it. It's hard. My monthly expenses are getting close 5200$ a month. Not to mention the lawyer fees which i had to pay in advance was almost 10000$ for the immigration lawyer for the refugee case + the other lawyer for the sponsorhip.


Hero Member
Oct 11, 2013
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
December 3, 2013
AOR Received.
Stage 1 AOR + SA January 8, 2014
File Transfer...
January 12, 2014
Med's Request
Further Medical Tests Requested: October 24, 2013
Med's Done....
October 15, 2013
Passport Req..
October 20, 2014
October 27, 2014
January 17, 2015
gabiroli said:
Dear Messenger I wish it was that easy. I came to Canada in 2000 never left since even for day. My wife gabriella was already here in canada as a refugee claimant. We met in 2009 december. Have been together eversince till 2013/ october. While in 2011 our daughter was born. That's when we started to think about sponsorship. But we didn;t have any relatives in hungary to get the documents, eventhough it wouldn't have caused a problem financially to make a trip to hungary. We werent able to because as soon as gabriella leaves the country she would have had abandoned her immigration case. In 2012 december *censored word* hit the fan literally because her case was refused and we knew that it would be a mather of time until she would get deported. Her family got deported in january already. So her mom did get all the necessary documents for us.
So i sent everything off march 20th I was approved as a sponsor on april 17 right on my daughters birthday.
And actually one day someone from vienna was actually nice enough to confirm that they received my application at the end of april. Eversince then we are waiting for it. It's hard. My monthly expenses are getting close 5200$ a month. Not to mention the lawyer fees which i had to pay in advance was almost 10000$ for the immigration lawyer for the refugee case + the other lawyer for the sponsorhip.

Hi Gabiroli, I understand your pain, I don't know what I would do in your situation. Seems like this whole process has gotten to you and is bringing grief into your family. Not much I could say, I wish I was a VO, I would give PR to everyone here that is separated from their loved ones. Fortunately, my husband and I are together during this ordeal, and if I don't get PR for Canada, we have other plans and other countries in mind to move to. But I do feel the pain for everyone here that needs to be away from their spouses and children.
Just don't lose hope, and if you ever need to talk, we are here. That's the least we can do, support each other morally. I'm very happy to have found this forum. Remember you are not alone, and one day good news will come your way.
Muby here didn't hear anything from Vienna since the AoR, and he came back from an interview with a visa. Good things happen to good people.

It's a frustrating process, I almost lost it when I was gathering the papers, so confusing. And reading all the horror stories there are, made me paranoid. But in the end I said: if it's meant to be, it will happen; if not, then I will try to make the best of it and improve my life however I can. Canada is not the only good country in the world.

Your story made me a bit sad, if I could, I would let everyone separated from their children and spouses to cut in front of me in the queue.

You know what I always say to myself to cheer me up when something bad happens? At least I have my health, my family is healthy and not suffering from any terrible disease. If you have your health, then you can look ahead for the future. When you or someone in your family is sick, then nothing else really matters anymore. It may sound cheesy, but I am always thankful for what I have and never forget what is really important to me.

Big hugs for everyone! :-*


Full Member
Sep 25, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
messenger said:
A German immigrating to Canada is an uneven comparison! Germany is a well organized country, with a great social system, jobs, low food prices etc.
But don't forget that this great country was also an immigrant Welcoming country in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's for millions of new immigrants. They were not placed into high positions immediately when they stepped off the ship! They had to do odd jobs the German citizens did not do.
Eventually they went up the ladder of life and by hard work they succeeded eventually. But again I say, it didn't happen overnight!
They met the other Germany. The hard labor for long hours, the crowded little shared rooms and many other hardships.
You would ask me how do you know all these?
Tom, I really do know all this. Some of my best friends over here are second generation immigrants from all over the world. I am just realizing lately, that emigrating to Canada only makes sense, if you are not facing a severe "downgrade" in your living standard. And that of course is something very personal. As it looks like right now, I will never be able to earn as much money in Canada as I do right now in Germany. Even not after a few years, except I would start my own business over there.

All the immigrants that came to Germany back than did it for economical reasons. They finally had work in Germany and made way more money than in their home countries. I am sure there are people in Germany today who can also only gain on the long run by moving to Canada. In my case it would be the other way around. I am moving from a well-situated life into an uncertain future. The question is really, if there are other things justifying the risk. I don't see any right now... except that my wife would be happier with her family around. But since we also have two kids and it is also about their future and well-being, this can't be the main driver for a decision. We are having deep discussions right now what would be the best thing to do.

I am used to work hard. But if I change something, there must be something to gain in the end, if not right away, then at least on the long run. After a lot of research I did during the last few weeks, it looks more and more as if we will be losing more than we gain.

Call me naive, but I really thought that it would be way easier to start a new life in Canada, considering my work experience in my field an being the spouse of a Canadian (by birth). But it seems that I was wrong. And on top there is that ridiculous application process for family class immigrants.

So my strategy is... We will send in the application. But if we will move in the end we will make depending on the situation when I hold the PR card in my hands. But something I know for sure already is that there will be no move before I didn't find an adequate job over there. Without a job -> no move. Everything else would be crazy in our case.

Good luck to all of us with the application.



Full Member
Sep 25, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
chala said:
... especially an opinion from someone who has never lived here in Canada.
... but has a Canadian wife since 13 years, has a huge family over there (through wife and uncle) and visits the country twice a year for several weeks.

chala said:
Sometimes life is what you make it by your lifestyle and decisions.
Exactly... decisions. If you make the wrong ones, it can become really strenuous.

My opinion is based on what also my family told me, e.g. my uncle. He lives in Toronto since 40 years and was VP at CIBC. After he learned about our plan, he had several serious talks to me that we should rethink our plan thoroughly. And we do right now...


Full Member
Oct 10, 2012
Hello, Does any one have any progress with Vienna regarding Parents sponsorship?

Our application has been sent to Vienna since July 2012 and we didn't get any updates yet? I have tried contacting them with no success. Email them and all I got an email back that said the paper are still in process.

We have started the application since 2009. At this speed it seems that by 2019 they might get to Canada or pass away.

Any help would be appreciated.



Hero Member
Jul 8, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
25-03-2013 & 15-01-2014
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
1st 12-09-2012; 2nd 22-01-2014
Passport Req..
Valoni said:
Hello, Does any one have any progress with Vienna regarding Parents sponsorship?

Our application has been sent to Vienna since July 2012 and we didn't get any updates yet? I have tried contacting them with no success. Email them and all I got an email back that said the paper are still in process.

We have started the application since 2009. At this speed it seems that by 2019 they might get to Canada or pass away.

Any help would be appreciated.

this is posted on the CIC website for parents sponsorship:

processing time for Vienna: 55 months


Hero Member
Jun 10, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Med's Done....
Valoni said:
Hello, Does any one have any progress with Vienna regarding Parents sponsorship?

Our application has been sent to Vienna since July 2012 and we didn't get any updates yet? I have tried contacting them with no success. Email them and all I got an email back that said the paper are still in process.

We have started the application since 2009. At this speed it seems that by 2019 they might get to Canada or pass away.

Any help would be appreciated.

have you tried applying for GCMS notes? That kinda tells you what they've already done and what they are working on right now. But according to the processing time table the process (including assessment of sponsor) takes 96 months. have you (as the sponsor) been approved?


Star Member
Jan 7, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Fingerprints request 11.03.2013. Redone 19.04.2013 . Vienna received on 23.04.2013
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
07.01.2012 redone 13.02.2013
16.10.2012 in process from 19.10.2012
Passport Req..
11.10.2013 Vienna received on 15.10.2013
17.10.2013 I received passport on 25.10.2013
groovebuster said:
... but has a Canadian wife since 13 years, has a huge family over there (through wife and uncle) and visits the country twice a year for several weeks.

Exactly... decisions. If you make the wrong ones, it can become really strenuous.

My opinion is based on what also my family told me, e.g. my uncle. He lives in Toronto since 40 years and was VP at CIBC. After he learned about our plan, he had several serious talks to me that we should rethink our plan thoroughly. And we do right now...
Hello Friend!!!

Are you born German? If you ask me I'll tell you to stay in Germany. I'm very surprised when I see people from Germany want to move in Canada. For me Germany is the perfect country. If I can choose I'll move in Germany immediately. I worked for Macedonian company which works for Germany for 2.5 years. I love the work with German people. Use the German rules and the job is done. I spent one month in Germany to work on one project. You have nice public transportation system. German education is better than here. Even Macedonian education is better than Canadian. I'll write few experiences here and I'm very disappointed. Few days ago ours friend son came over our place to help him in math. He is a college student in Architecture. The math they study on the college we learned in primary school and maybe some parts in high school. ex. y=x^2+3x+4 find y if x=2. Yesterday I was to downtown Toronto. We are 42 km far away from downtown. The bus usually needs 40 min|(by schedule) to get to downtown. We needed 55 min to Toronto Union station 15 min more. Nothing couldn't move, we were stocked. They build North of Canada but nobody thinks about the traffic and to solve the problem with public transportation. It's disgusting. From downtown to home we took the Go (slow) train. One guy talk all the time on which station which doors will not open and in he put ramp on every station so wheelchair people could pass from train to outside or in other direction. Germany has excellent, super fast, on time trains. Now I'm searching for a job. The company usually ask for a Canadian experience. How can I get Canadian experience if nobody wants to hire me???? I landed on 4th November and I'm still waiting for the Permanent residence card. Last week was 44 days now they increased to 50 days. I'm tired of waitingggggggggggggggg.


Star Member
Jan 7, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Fingerprints request 11.03.2013. Redone 19.04.2013 . Vienna received on 23.04.2013
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
07.01.2012 redone 13.02.2013
16.10.2012 in process from 19.10.2012
Passport Req..
11.10.2013 Vienna received on 15.10.2013
17.10.2013 I received passport on 25.10.2013
I forgot something. You can't drink beer on a train station or beach or other public place except restorants. Even you can't drink alcohol in your front yard. Only inside or in the backyard.


Hero Member
Jun 12, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
New Police Cert. 11-02-2014
AOR Received.
Sponsor Approval 19-02-2014
Med's Done....
January 22, 2015 - Vienna - FAILED - Appealing.
Passport Req..
In God's time.
To everyone who's going through a tough time finding a job in the GTA:
I can comment on this because i'm from NYC, which is a thousand times more congested and bigger than Toronto (and much easier to find a job in as well) but when a potential employer asks you for 'Canadian Experience', they either don't want to take you, or are complete idiots. A good employer will waive the 'Canadian Experience' bull because lets face it, YOU CAN'T GET EXPERIENCE UNLESS SOMEONE WANT'S TO GIVE IT TO YOU. When i came to Toronto, everyone knew i was American, and the only people that didn't give a rats rear if i had that elusive CE were people who actually wanted to hire me. The rest of them (failed employers) i had simply said to their faces "If you'd like to give me the job, then i can get the CE you ask for, so problem solved!"
But don't say that. I'm an arrogant American who doesn't like idiots so I don't mind telling people something like that, and employers who see that you are new to the country and ask you for CE are IDIOTS. Plain and simple. Take it from a New Yorker.
Make sure you brush up on your English grammar as much as possible. I know I'm sounding harsh, but it's a turn off for potential employers if your grammar is shaky. You don't need to SOUND like a Canadian, but your spelling and basic grammar need to be 'up there'. STUDY while you wait for your PR/Visas, YouTube has a lot of tutorials.
Back to the employment issues and the moronic Canadian Experience, like, seriously? Canadian Experience? Because working in Canada is harder/more important/different than working in NYC/London/Moscow/Belgrade? This is something that needs to be abolished, quick.
I think this was only made up to torment new immigrants, to make them lose hope, and to be forced to take smaller jobs (like restaurants, etc) for the time being. Heck, I had to do that. Had to work at a fast food shop then manage a restaurant before I was deemed 'smart' enough to run AN ENTIRE FINANCIAL OFFICE.
It's ridiculous, yes, BUT DON'T LOSE HOPE! DON'T let these stupidities stop you dead in your tracks!!! If you need to take a restaurant job (if you are healthy enough) then TAKE IT for a few months!!! It sucks, but at least you are where you sought to be!!! With your family in Canada. Don't be discouraged. Take a smaller job, live a little bit on the lower side (shop at No Frills, it helps...) for half a year, and DURING the entire time you are working at a smaller job (gaining CE) always keep a lookout for new jobs, that you'd like to do, OR that can LEAD you to your dream job, or where you want to be in general.

I hope i didn't frighten anyone, but as an American, from one of the greatest cities in the world (NYC <3 ) I gotta tell you all how it really is. Someone has to be tough on here. I'm only 30 but I've been tossed from continent, country and home so many times, i feel like i've experienced more (and i definitely have) than someone twice my age.
Don't be mad or frightened. It may take you over a year to get to where you need to be. Rent a smaller place, eat cheaper, don't dine out, go out once a month not once a week. Lower your standards JUST FOR A BIT! You have the rest of your life ahead of you, don't let a few months or a year of job torture discourage you. TOUGHEN UP! You will be ok!!! =D



Cbn Cdn

Star Member
Aug 14, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
Doc's Request.
October 9, 2013 [ ARC Requested ]
Passport Req..
November 28, 2013
December 19, 2013
January 18, 2014 :)
sponsor2012 said:
I forgot something. You can't drink beer on a train station or beach or other public place except restorants. Even you can't drink alcohol in your front yard. Only inside or in the backyard.
Sorry to hear about your troubles..!!

As a Canadian, I can tell you that there are plenty of opportunities, but they may not be what you are looking for initially. My advice to you is to become more humble and stop comparing countries first. All countries are different. As an educated individual it was YOUR responsibility to research Canada, it's laws and customs before you applied, especially with the information now easily available on the internet (YouTube, Google, Wiki, etc). Second, be open to accept a job "beneath" you...and maybe enrol in a college or university part time to get some Canadian education. Third, smile, try and enjoy your new environment, explore, be honest with those around you and to yourself, be sincere and please try and develop some patience...all good things come to those that try hard, work and wait.

Remember, Canada was built by open minded, humble, persevering, enthusiastic, understanding, caring immigrants. We are a fun loving people who have helped build this country from virtually nothing to one of the top destinations to live in the world in just less than 150 years, which is more than I can say for many first world countries. The only true "Canadians" are our First Nations and Inuit Peoples, who by character are fun loving, generous and open minded, gentle people. So stop your belittlement and small minded attitude like that which you are expressing. Canada can make dreams come true but you must change to fit Canada, Canada does NOT change to fit you.

I hope with this you will learn to develop a more open, accepting, positive attitude and come to the realization that Canada does not give you things just because..., but that you have to WORK for it, even if it is working in a factory, or a small store for several months or a year just to get your foot in the door and grow your life.

You are closing your doors, Canada is not...and once you accept that it is you that must change (just a bit :) ) then your life will get better. Stop complaining and see the good, otherwise it may be best you move to where you will be happier. :)

GOOD LUCK and hope you will find your positive attitude soon :)

Angie, as an American individual, the work culture is the same/similar to Canada and can be very easily verified, thus making you able to have the CE waived, where as someone from another country must learn the working culture of North America and trust me when I say, there is a huge difference in work ethics and culture between us. I know because I am also of European background and I am currently living in Europe waiting to move back home once my husband gets his visa.

Hope this helps and good luck :)


Hero Member
Apr 5, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
13-12-13...Sent and recvd 13.01.14
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
File Transfer...
17.04.2013 Stage 2 AOR
Med's Request
request 05.03.14 sent &amp; recvd 11.03.2014
Med's Done....
First 19.06.2012
Passport Req..
In Process
Hopefully Today
Muby said:

Hello Everybody!!! HERE ITS MY NEWS!!

I was in vienna today around 13:45 I went to Inside the Embassy and I was waiting for 5mints cox I already meet 3guys coming to collect there visa 2 crotian and one German and then the women ask my passport then she come back and said u have interview in room 2 but u most to wait. After that the Interview guy come and ask me to provide my documents for review it all before Interview after 10mints we start Interview it was like 45mints, normal chatting like a friend very nice guy asking all stuff about our relationship here is the question:

1- When and where did we meet?

2- Proposal date and place,
3-Engagement and Ceremony place who was attending,
4-Did my close friend know about your relationship
5-How did u maintain your relationship until now
7-When and where did u finish your University
8-What did u you do after you finish school
Those are very serious question you most to know and all you submit try to review it cox they will show those documents and ask you to know if it was you.
After Interview with minutes he told me Congratulation you pass the interview, then he ask me one strange question WHEN U WANNA GO TO CANADA? I SAID WHEN U GIVE ME A VISA, Then he said U got 10mints before 3 to go to paid the Visa paid which 360 Euros and come to me i will issue your visa right now i went to bank the bank is close so he want to me to stay a night in Vienna i ask him what about Post office he said OK you can do it, there i went to past ruining like hell then i paid it and come back guess what I got a Visa on HAND at 16:10 Now I am home i cant even believe it. GOD IS GOOD DONT GIVE UP MY GUYS

one more things to everyone: DO NOT PANIC IN INTERVIEW OR LIE TRUTH FIRST!!!!

HEY MUBY.. CONGRATULATIONS... it is really a great excitement esp. for you. Now remain happy . and plan for your TRIP :p I am very much happy to hear the grreat news from your side


Hero Member
Apr 5, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
13-12-13...Sent and recvd 13.01.14
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
File Transfer...
17.04.2013 Stage 2 AOR
Med's Request
request 05.03.14 sent &amp; recvd 11.03.2014
Med's Done....
First 19.06.2012
Passport Req..
In Process
Hopefully Today
HEY GUYS.. VIENNA is indeed alive :p

I recvd an email today. they are asking me to send them a Proof of RECENT COMMUNICATION.. I dont know HOW MUCH RECENT:: :Can anyone help me in this case?



Star Member
Oct 28, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
07-02-2014 New PC &amp; medical
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
06-11-2012 and 14-02-2014
Passport Req..
I would send them as much proofs as you can, Skype, Gmail or Facebook conversations, Viber, text messages, phone calls, WU transfers for example, and of course pictures, if you have them. :-* Yeeeeee, they are alive, and they are probably finishing your application, but as you sent it last July, they just want some more proofs to give you PR. :-*