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Hero Member
Mar 12, 2013
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RE-DO 30-04-14
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Passport Req..
Re: Is It advisable?

Avissa said:
you can add the documents for the money transfer now but if you have initially said that there has not been any money transfers that means your wife is financially independent which is not a problem. It WILL add to your processing time if you send any additional documents since they'll have to go back to and check it over again.

as for the giving and receiving gifts, my husband and I had the same question and our lawyer said to say "NO" since it implies that you have exchanged gifts upon your first ever meeting.
I dont see why saying YES to gifts would go against your case...its common in some cultures and a sign awareness. I bought my wife perfume and 2 teddy bears with canadian flags on it and she got me a watch and a teddy bear. I see no harm in that. I cant recall but does it say exchange of gifts upon your first meeting. Its not like we exchange cars and money lol.


Champion Member
Nov 16, 2011
Thessaloniki, Greece
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Stage 1 22/3/2013 & Stage 2 Aug 2013
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Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Hi guys and gals

Sunny welcome back dear. I am in the same way give or take a few hehehe :D

Can someone who is Excel literate please take a look at our Vienna spreadsheet and try to fix it please. It seems that some one (I like to believe accidentally) has messed up the format so it's now pretty well tangled up. i dont mind fixing it but due to my overload of work and trips lately I simply do not have the time.
Last year I managed to make it look attractive by separating the Years of members but now it like katrina passed through it ;D ;D

I will appreciate anyone to take the time!



Hero Member
Jun 10, 2013
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Re: Is It advisable?

Milance said:
I dont see why saying YES to gifts would go against your case...its common in some cultures and a sign awareness. I bought my wife perfume and 2 teddy bears with canadian flags on it and she got me a watch and a teddy bear. I see no harm in that. I cant recall but does it say exchange of gifts upon your first meeting. Its not like we exchange cars and money lol.
It was an odd question for us too until we consulted with not only our lawyers but also another immigration law firm. They both said that this question is to show if there was a significant 'object' was exchanged upon the first meeting. To put it simple, some cultures have it that the one of the parties has to give gifts as a way of showing interest in the other one.

This question DOES NOT refer to the gifts exchanged during your relationship.


Hero Member
Oct 11, 2013
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December 3, 2013
AOR Received.
Stage 1 AOR + SA January 8, 2014
File Transfer...
January 12, 2014
Med's Request
Further Medical Tests Requested: October 24, 2013
Med's Done....
October 15, 2013
Passport Req..
October 20, 2014
October 27, 2014
January 17, 2015
messenger said:
Hi guys and gals

Sunny welcome back dear. I am in the same way give or take a few hehehe :D

Can someone who is Excel literate please take a look at our Vienna spreadsheet and try to fix it please. It seems that some one (I like to believe accidentally) has messed up the format so it's now pretty well tangled up. i dont mind fixing it but due to my overload of work and trips lately I simply do not have the time.
Last year I managed to make it look attractive by separating the Years of members but now it like katrina passed through it ;D ;D

I will appreciate anyone to take the time!


I tried to add myself to the spreadsheet, so if there was any change that I made during this process, it was unintentional and I apologize.


Champion Member
Nov 16, 2011
Thessaloniki, Greece
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Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Stage 1 22/3/2013 & Stage 2 Aug 2013
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Avadava said:
I tried to add myself to the spreadsheet, so if there was any change that I made during this process, it was unintentional and I apologize.
Avadava i don't think you did that by simply trying to add your self.

Somebody was seriously playing with it . Don't worry dear. Nothing that can't be undone!



Full Member
Oct 23, 2013
First of all congrats to muby! And for TOM i really hope what you said is not true. It would be so unfair for the 3 of you. But think of it this way atleast you get to spend your hollidays with your family. Not every one of us are
so fortunate. I haven't seen my daughter in 3 months in person and about a month on camera. And when I try to skype with her she said that this is not good for her :(. She starts to cry when she sees me in camera. She misses me. So I always have to talk to my wife when she is already asleep so that she doesn;t realise it as much. I work every single day till 5 or 7 o'clock because i am a contractor my wife is also working in hungary and it's really hard to even to talk for 5 mins during weekdays. And also the fact that we work in different hours and days is not helping either. i work monday to saturday. She works friday to wednesday every day it's getting harder and harder as the holidays come. I told my wife to quit her job as soon as possible. We don't need her earning anyways sometimes we get to talk over Video Calls on our phones when her launch time comes. but her service provider pretty crappy in the building and its really choppy. :( So she has to go outside of the building just to talk for 5 mins and freeze, while then i go outside as well. And the worst of it that there's no getting away from it. 2 weeks ago one of my cousins had a birthday. I thought to myself that atleast I get to forget about vienna a little. Man was I wrong. Every single person kept asking about me my wife and daughter one by one. It was about 30 people + the kids. So it took the whole night. Then i had enough and just went home without even saying anything to anyone. Which was even a bigger mistake because after everyone realised I left they all started calling me. It got me really depressed that day. To make mathers worse I live alone in our 3 bedroom house now in Toronto. So during the weekdays the closest i have to a person is a smart phone :S.

I really wish that employees of vienna and whoever organises this this way from the government get to live like this for a month. So atleast they would have decency of replying when we try to reach out to them. Instead of giving the same bullshit. "The estimated processing time is 13 months" Well we all know how long is the processing time. Atleast help us with little hints like your wife medical expires in one month. Redo it now if you don't want to get additional 2 months of wait time. It's not hard to write 2 lines of text.
I was thinking off going back to hungary for 2 weeks for christmass, but unfortunately I cannot. Because the hardwood flooring company that i work for would give the jobs to someone else. And it is really hard to find a hardwood flooring company that can keep you working for 6 days a week. Especially in winter.

I didn't wanted to sound too depressing. But this is getting harder and harder every day now.

Hopefully it will all be over soon for every single one of us.


Full Member
Sep 25, 2013
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App. Filed.......
Avadava said:
@ Tom: my jaw dropped when I read your post, it is unbelievable. My husband is shocked all together by the immigration process, and so is my mother in law. She immigrated in the '70s as a spouse of my father in law who was a PR back then. She told me all they had to do back then is send her passport together with the marriage certificate to the Canadian embassy. She received COPR within 2 weeks. Now, a Canadian citizen, born and raised in Canada (my husband) needs to prove that he will go back to Canada, his home country.

Sometimes I feel discriminated and treated like a third world person and a criminal, just because I want to move to Canada with my Canadian husband. With the immigration process, you are guilty until proven innocent.
Welcome to the show. When my wife got to Germany 13 years ago, we had to do just one appointment with the immigration office in Berlin. We had to bring our marriage certificate, her passport, passport pictures and proof that I wasn't on social welfare. That was it! The appointment we got 2 weeks after we called upfront. The appointment itself took us about 30 mins and then she had her PR. And it costed nothing!!!! Because I am a German citizen! This is how it is supposed to be!

My wife is Canadian by birth, we have two kids. And still we have to go through this unbelievable, expensive and inhuman application process. And once you are all happy when you finally made it, you will most likely face the brutality of the Canadian labour market, which is treating foreigners with no Canadian experience and education like dirt. Probably even my wife will have huge problems to get a job, since her university degree is from Germany and she never worked in Canada before. It will be fun for me to clean toilets in Canada as a survival job, after I worked as an IT consultant on high profile projects here in Germany, earning probably 8 times what I make in Canada in the beginning. Now take also into account the insane costs of living. 400$ car insurance PER MONTH! 3.50$ for a liter of milk? The list would be endless... The only things that are cheaper in Canada are gas and energy in general. That makes me think really hard again what the real motivation is to make that move. And everybody else should do the same.

So... better life ahead in Canada? For us I am not sure at all. On my part I would probably skip this whole experience, but my wife misses Canada and her family so much, that we are in a lose/lose situation right now. I love my Canadian family and to spend time in Canada. But as a country in general I think Canada is highly overrated, since there seems to be a major misconception what it actually means to live there... It is not the promised land. Not at all.

If you put as much effort into your current life at the place where you are right now as you are putting into the whole immigration process, including the struggle for survival after finally landing in Canada, you would be probably really well off where you are right now.



Star Member
Oct 16, 2012
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groovebuster said:
Welcome to the show. When my wife got to Germany 13 years ago, we had to do just one appointment with the immigration office in Berlin. We had to bring our marriage certificate, her passport, passport pictures and proof that I wasn't on social welfare. That was it! The appointment we got 2 weeks after we called upfront. The appointment itself took us about 30 mins and then she had her PR. And it costed nothing!!!! Because I am a German citizen! This is how it is supposed to be!

My wife is Canadian by birth, we have two kids. And still we have to go through this unbelievable, expensive and inhuman application process. And once you are all happy when you finally made it, you will most likely face the brutality of the Canadian labour market, which is treating foreigners with no Canadian experience and education like dirt. Probably even my wife will have huge problems to get a job, since her university degree is from Germany and she never worked in Canada before. It will be fun for me to clean toilets in Canada as a survival job, after I worked as an IT consultant on high profile projects here in Germany, earning probably 8 times what I make in Canada in the beginning. Now take also into account the insane costs of living. 400$ car insurance PER MONTH! 3.50$ for a liter of milk? The list would be endless... The only things that are cheaper in Canada are gas and energy in general. That makes me think really hard again what the real motivation is to make that move. And everybody else should do the same.

So... better life ahead in Canada? For us I am not sure at all. On my part I would probably skip this whole experience, but my wife misses Canada and her family so much, that we are in a lose/lose situation right now. I love my Canadian family and to spend time in Canada. But as a country in general I think Canada is highly overrated, since there seems to be a major misconception what it actually means to live there... It is not the promised land. Not at all.

If you put as much effort into your current life at the place where you are right now as you are putting into the whole immigration process, including the struggle for survival after finally landing in Canada, you would be probably really well off where you are right now.

Chris, I totally agree with you. this whole immigration procedure has done nothing but disappointing me in terms of the Canadian attitude towards immigrants. like you said, I'm not sure it's gonna be any easier once this PR-nightmare is over. although I am in Canada all I can see is the negatives and I'm wondering why they classify Canada as a welcoming country... if it wasn't for my loving husband I would not stay in this country for sure. I will have to change my attitude I know. but Immigration Canada is not making it any easier.

but hey Muby well done!! at least one happy person on this forum :p


Champion Member
Nov 16, 2011
Thessaloniki, Greece
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Stage 1 22/3/2013 & Stage 2 Aug 2013
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
gabiroli said:
First of all congrats to muby! And for TOM i really hope what you said is not true. It would be so unfair for the 3 of you. But think of it this way atleast you get to spend your hollidays with your family. Not every one of us are
so fortunate. I haven't seen my daughter in 3 months in person and about a month on camera. And when I try to skype with her she said that this is not good for her :(. She starts to cry when she sees me in camera. She misses me. So I always have to talk to my wife when she is already asleep so that she doesn;t realise it as much. I work every single day till 5 or 7 o'clock because i am a contractor my wife is also working in hungary and it's really hard to even to talk for 5 mins during weekdays. And also the fact that we work in different hours and days is not helping either. i work monday to saturday. She works friday to wednesday every day it's getting harder and harder as the holidays come. I told my wife to quit her job as soon as possible. We don't need her earning anyways sometimes we get to talk over Video Calls on our phones when her launch time comes. but her service provider pretty crappy in the building and its really choppy. :( So she has to go outside of the building just to talk for 5 mins and freeze, while then i go outside as well. And the worst of it that there's no getting away from it. 2 weeks ago one of my cousins had a birthday. I thought to myself that atleast I get to forget about vienna a little. Man was I wrong. Every single person kept asking about me my wife and daughter one by one. It was about 30 people + the kids. So it took the whole night. Then i had enough and just went home without even saying anything to anyone. Which was even a bigger mistake because after everyone realised I left they all started calling me. It got me really depressed that day. To make mathers worse I live alone in our 3 bedroom house now in Toronto. So during the weekdays the closest i have to a person is a smart phone :S.

I really wish that employees of vienna and whoever organises this this way from the government get to live like this for a month. So atleast they would have decency of replying when we try to reach out to them. Instead of giving the same bull*censored word*. "The estimated processing time is 13 months" Well we all know how long is the processing time. Atleast help us with little hints like your wife medical expires in one month. Redo it now if you don't want to get additional 2 months of wait time. It's not hard to write 2 lines of text.
I was thinking off going back to hungary for 2 weeks for christmass, but unfortunately I cannot. Because the hardwood flooring company that i work for would give the jobs to someone else. And it is really hard to find a hardwood flooring company that can keep you working for 6 days a week. Especially in winter.

I didn't wanted to sound too depressing. But this is getting harder and harder every day now.

Hopefully it will all be over soon for every single one of us.
Dear friend gabiroli You have spoken out of my heart and mind. I don't think you sounded depressing and I am sure everyone here reading this will somehow connect with you.

I feel so much for you not being able to be near your wife and daughter (how old is she?) I What is your timeline?

I am with them but until 3 months ago before our wedding and the baby came we lived like gypsies. She was staying and working inside the border of her country and I worked in mine and commuted there on the weekends and she commuted to my country on her days off. In between, the OB doctor was in my country and just imagine the issues making appointments and keeping them split ed in two countries. All this because in the past almost 6 years my country did not recognize us as a couple but only if we got married a thing that we couldn't do because it took this long to get my divorce. So Aspa did not have a visa to stay here in my country and there was always the fear of not counting the allowed days properly (only 90 days allowed every 6 months). Fear of deportation and going through hell with the legal system. Amigo life is a *censored word*! What shines is not always gold!

Their usual reply every time someone communicates with them is always a reminder of 13 months processing time. Like we are so stupid and cant read. As you said. If only they could communicate with us. Give us a little light to hope for! Most of my country folk are being serviced by Rome. Not only Rome is finalizing their Visas in less than 6 months but during this time this VO is keeping a constant communication with its clients Yes this is what we are...Clients but Vienna seems to have forget that!

Have a great day!

BTW If my wife was from a Visa exempt country I wouldn't be here today writing this. i would have packed my family and moved on to Calgary. Isn't Hungary Visa Exempt yet?



Hero Member
Jun 30, 2013
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Received with application
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
10-12-2013 SAMEDAY
10-12-2013 SAMEDAY
Now i can see what to expect for canada it was not good after long way of being sad waiting and u coming to canada and see dissapointed by the way they should look at our hard time and treat us as good as they can even if u consider the amount u spent for application until visa and the time whole things deserve to get better result. Unfortunatully you will get nothing but at least u are with someone u love that matters good luck to everyone


Champion Member
Nov 16, 2011
Thessaloniki, Greece
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Stage 1 22/3/2013 & Stage 2 Aug 2013
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
KKMoe said:
Chris, I totally agree with you. this whole immigration procedure has done nothing but disappointing me in terms of the Canadian attitude towards immigrants. like you said, I'm not sure it's gonna be any easier once this PR-nightmare is over. although I am in Canada all I can see is the negatives and I'm wondering why they classify Canada as a welcoming country... if it wasn't for my loving husband I would not stay in this country for sure. I will have to change my attitude I know. but Immigration Canada is not making it any easier.

but hey Muby well done!! at least one happy person on this forum :p

@ groovebuster I agree with you to a point. What is good for the goose is not always good for the gander!

A German immigrating to Canada is an uneven comparison! Germany is a well organized country, with a great social system, jobs, low food prices etc.
But don't forget that this great country was also an immigrant Welcoming country in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's for millions of new immigrants. They were not placed into high positions immediately when they stepped off the ship! They had to do odd jobs the German citizens did not do.
Eventually they went up the ladder of life and by hard work they succeeded eventually. But again I say, it didn't happen overnight!
They met the other Germany. The hard labor for long hours, the crowded little shared rooms and many other hardships.
You would ask me how do you know all these?
Almost every Greek family has an immigrant relative in Germany. WE are southern Europeans....we know!
I immigrated to Canada in 1980. Yes during the first year my job was to make rounds in the washrooms and check for finished toilet paper and cleanliness. Eventually my life became better and I was given better jobs and couple years later I had a career. Canada gave me dignity, self respect, many good friends, and helped me see life with a different view !
I do not disagree with people like you feeling bad or having second thoughts about their decision to move to Canada as every person, every individual, sees life from his own perspective! Again we come to the goose example ;)

For me going back to Canada after an absence of 23 years is something like a rejuvenation. I have an excellent job here in Greece that takes me around the world. A good salary that was not reduced although my country is in a terrible financial and austerity crisis. But I want to leave if it was possible yesterday! Not for a bigger salary in Canada. Actually I don't know what I am going to do when I arrive in Canada. Maybe toilets for the first year.....who knows!
But one thing that I know is I will sleep and wake up in the morning knowing that the laws are the same and no one is stepping over my rights and wishes for a peaceful life.

Again I say to each his own! No system is perfect!
I know people in Germany or the UK who are praying for a break to move to Canada. On the other hand I totally agree that Canada\s immigration policy and system is not so good and I believe is a dis-functioning system! It seems that the family status immigrant is no longer welcome!

Regards to all



Champion Member
Nov 16, 2011
Thessaloniki, Greece
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Stage 1 22/3/2013 & Stage 2 Aug 2013
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Muby said:
Now i can see what to expect for canada it was not good after long way of being sad waiting and u coming to canada and see dissapointed by the way they should look at our hard time and treat us as good as they can even if u consider the amount u spent for application until visa and the time whole things deserve to get better result. Unfortunatully you will get nothing but at least u are with someone u love that matters good luck to everyone

Please do not believe me here neither take any other's account for real! Every person has his/her own points of view in life. What is good for me may not be good for you!
Just believe in your self and good things will come to you!



Hero Member
Oct 5, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
12-01-2012 redo the medical February 05 2013
18-10-2012 in process from that date nov 16 asking for the military booklet
Passport Req..
05-05-2013 thnx god is over

I totally agree her ein Canada if you dont have Canadian experience is really hard to find a job , i am in Windsor and it is realy a small place , and is the hardest way to find a job , even if you have a degree in back home is hard to find a job , when i came to canada i had to starty from 0 all in the beggining , and after i finished school i was scare if i am going to have a job because you have to hava e canaian experince at least 2 yeras, but thnx god i found , i see now with my husband most of the time is with no jobs , is hard to apply for any jobs you need to have again work experience, here ,in Europe he own his company but here nothing , he doesnt say anythign to me , cuz he is saying i am happy here and most important thing for him is me to be happy , sometimes i feel to quit all and to move ack in europe , and to open my own business , and my husband to work on his company , Canada Economy situatiosn is getting realy bad, and most of the people they are using Social service welfare , which is not fair we are young and all we can work and make this country to prove more

Cbn Cdn

Star Member
Aug 14, 2013
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October 9, 2013 [ ARC Requested ]
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November 28, 2013
December 19, 2013
January 18, 2014 :)
messenger said:
@ groovebuster I agree with you to a point. What is good for the goose is not always good for the gander!

A German immigrating to Canada is an uneven comparison! Germany is a well organized country, with a great social system, jobs, low food prices etc.
But don't forget that this great country was also an immigrant Welcoming country in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's for millions of new immigrants. They were not placed into high positions immediately when they stepped off the ship! They had to do odd jobs the German citizens did not do.
Eventually they went up the ladder of life and by hard work they succeeded eventually. But again I say, it didn't happen overnight!
They met the other Germany. The hard labor for long hours, the crowded little shared rooms and many other hardships.
You would ask me how do you know all these?
Almost every Greek family has an immigrant relative in Germany. WE are southern Europeans....we know!
I immigrated to Canada in 1980. Yes during the first year my job was to make rounds in the washrooms and check for finished toilet paper and cleanliness. Eventually my life became better and I was given better jobs and couple years later I had a career. Canada gave me dignity, self respect, many good friends, and helped me see life with a different view !
I do not disagree with people like you feeling bad or having second thoughts about their decision to move to Canada as every person, every individual, sees life from his own perspective! Again we come to the goose example ;)

For me going back to Canada after an absence of 23 years is something like a rejuvenation. I have an excellent job here in Greece that takes me around the world. A good salary that was not reduced although my country is in a terrible financial and austerity crisis. But I want to leave if it was possible yesterday! Not for a bigger salary in Canada. Actually I don't know what I am going to do when I arrive in Canada. Maybe toilets for the first year.....who knows!
But one thing that I know is I will sleep and wake up in the morning knowing that the laws are the same and no one is stepping over my rights and wishes for a peaceful life.

Again I say to each his own! No system is perfect!
I know people in Germany or the UK who are praying for a break to move to Canada. On the other hand I totally agree that Canada\s immigration policy and system is not so good and I believe is a dis-functioning system! It seems that the family status immigrant is no longer welcome!

Regards to all


Dear Tom, I agree with you..!

Cbn Cdn

Star Member
Aug 14, 2013
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October 9, 2013 [ ARC Requested ]
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November 28, 2013
December 19, 2013
January 18, 2014 :)
messenger said:

Please do not believe me here neither take any other's account for real! Every person has his/her own points of view in life. What is good for me may not be good for you!
Just believe in your self and good things will come to you!

Again, I agree..!