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Spousal sponsorship


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Jan 31, 2012
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Victorswife said:

We need to send off my t4's and Notice of assesment in the next 10 mins... we do not have a Client Id number... so far just have a letter stating to please match up this letter with our file... is this ok????
Include both your names and DOBs. Hopefully they will be able to find your file.


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Mar 19, 2012
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October 23,2012
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February 06,2013 Submitted by 5/21/13, ECas changed "In Process" by 6/20/13.
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November 7,2012
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November 25,2012
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September 19,2012
Passport Req..
July 4,2013 Passport sent by july 12
July 16, 2013
August 4, 2013
how will they recognize its ur file ? r they asking u to send t4 and notice of assessment ? if yes for sure they send u request letter to send us these document..... in that case u need to attach copy of that letter fist page and send them if u dont have ID call CIC and ask them, because each client have to have file number. I hope it will help u :)


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Jul 13, 2012
Hi computergeek,

People have given me their input as what the issue with my case may be.Judging by your responses to other people I think your opinion on this matter will be the most credible. I received AIP on sep 5th. I was asked to provide medical results ,copy of my Pakistani passport and police certificates from back home. Medical results were sent on the 25th of sep, and passport copy and police certificate was sent on the 4th of oct. On the 10th of oct CIC sent me a letter stating that my file was transferred to the local office in Montreal, and they might call me in for an interview or ask for additional information/clarification. On the 28th of oct my ecas updated to "medical results have been received". What do you think Montreal office will ask of me,. Could I be called in with my wife for an interview to determine the legitimacy of the marriage?. I thought the AIP meant the interview is waived.According to call center agent I might still have to go in for that interview regardless of the AIP, which doesn't make much sense.

My wife is sponsoring me Inland

app received....... nov 14th 2011

started processing ........ jan 27th 2012

CSQ received...................March 18th 2012

AIP..........Sep 5th 2012

Medical results received...........oct 28th 2012

Would love your thoughts on this

Thanking you


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Zion786 said:
People have given me their input as what the issue with my case may be. Judging by your responses to other people I think your opinion on this matter will be the most credible. I received AIP on sep 5th. I was asked to provide medical results ,copy of my Pakistani passport and police certificates from back home. Medical results were sent on the 25th of sep, and passport copy and police certificate was sent on the 4th of oct. On the 10th of oct CIC sent me a letter stating that my file was transferred to the local office in Montreal, and they might call me in for an interview or ask for additional information/clarification. On the 28th of oct my ecas updated to "medical results have been received". What do you think Montreal office will ask of me,. Could I be called in with my wife for an interview to determine the legitimacy of the marriage?. I thought the AIP meant the interview is waived.According to call center agent I might still have to go in for that interview regardless of the AIP, which doesn't make much sense.
The key document here is IP 8 (the inland sponsorship processing manual):

5.36 Review by local CIC

The local office of the CIC may need to interview the applicant and/or the sponsor to assess concerns raised by the CPC, including:

• the need to confirm identity and relationship;
• the authenticity of the relationship;
• possible misrepresentation, including misrepresentation in obtaining temporary resident status (note that this is not waived under the spousal policy).
• violation of the legislation or conditions of temporary residence; and
• inadmissibility for reasons of serious criminality or security.

The CIC should ask the applicant to bring any necessary documents to the interview. The officer should focus on the questions needed to reach a decision on the particular concern. If a relationship of convenience is suspected, the officer should interview the applicant and the sponsor separately.
The decision to interview the sponsor is separate from the decision to interview the applicant, but usually if there is a relationship concern it is raised for interview before AIP, not after. Of course, the best thing to do would be to request your case notes, because that should explain why they have referred it to the local office for further review.

A number of people have said their file was transferred to the local office and then transferred back to CPC-V without any action on their part. It is possible this might happen to you as well, or it may be that they will ask you for additional information. Only you can tell if there is something within your own background that might fall into some of these categories. It is also possible that there is some discrepancy in your application and they wish to investigate it to determine if it is a misrepresentation.

My suggestion to you would be to order your case notes and then use the information from them to prepare for the inquiry from the Montreal office. It does seem that Montreal is a slow office, so it seems quite possible you will have your case notes back before you hear from Montreal.

It is always a bit risky to speculate as to what CIC wants with a letter like that. I'm sure that this is stressful, but if there is an issue I'm sure you'll be able to address it and complete your process.


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Aug 10, 2012
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God Knows,,,,,,
Hi computergeek,

I got PPR request on 14th Aug 2012 nd thn add. docs request like pics and proof of comm. on 31st Aug 2012. I submitted docs on 3 sept after tht it's been 2 months i did'nt receive any reply from New delhi Visa office. E-CAS shows application received.dont knw wht is going on and how much time its gunno take.??


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Jan 31, 2012
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kmartin said:
I got PPR request on 14th Aug 2012 nd thn add. docs request like pics and proof of comm. on 31st Aug 2012. I submitted docs on 3 sept after tht it's been 2 months i did'nt receive any reply from New delhi Visa office. E-CAS shows application received.dont knw wht is going on and how much time its gunno take.??
NVDO is well known to request the passport at the beginning of the process, rather than at the end. I would suggest posting in one of the NVDO threads, as there will be people with more experience dealing with this specific visa office.

I wish I could be more help.


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Mar 31, 2012
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Decision Made-- 01/12/2012
WaterDad said:
When I land, we plan on living in Canada immediately. Thus, we are taking/shipping all of our things with us. It will be two adults and two kids under two. Wife is citizen, kids are of course citizens by birth.

On the B4 and B4a, will we have to list each individual clothing item for each person? So count up every piece of clothing for four people? (daunting)

Or can we say, Clothing for me= $$$$?, Clothing for her= $$$$? etc

Also, every dish, glass, fork, spoon, knife, pots, pans, I mean like wow.
Just bumping up to see if anyone has information regarding this post.


Hero Member
Oct 19, 2012
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WaterDad said:
Just bumping up to see if anyone has information regarding this post.

When I land, we plan on living in Canada immediately. Thus, we are taking/shipping all of our things with us. It will be two adults and two kids under two. Wife is citizen, kids are of course citizens by birth.

On the B4 and B4a, will we have to list each individual clothing item for each person? So count up every piece of clothing for four people? (daunting)

Or can we say, Clothing for me= $$$$?, Clothing for her= $$$$? etc

Also, every dish, glass, fork, spoon, knife, pots, pans, I mean like wow.


Nov 9, 2012

I'm a Canadian citizen who was living the past 17 years in Greece (I also have Greek citizenship). Four years ago I got married there to a fantastic Greek girl. She has a daughter who's now 14. Last year, my wife and I had a baby girl together. Because of the financial and societal problems Greece has, we decided this past summer to come live in Canada. So, I came first, to find a job, settle in, and next summer, when the school year is over for my wife's daughter, the plan is for all three of them (my wife, her daughter and our own daughter) to come join me here. BTW, before I left Greece a few months ago, I made sure I submitted to the Canadian Embassy in Greece an application for Canadian citizenship for my baby daughter which should hopefully be given by next summer. I've read hundreds of pages of this thread and as far as I'm concerned, and from what I understand,

The benefits of us applying for their PR outland ASAP are:
- The process will begin sooner
- The process is usually shorter
- An appeal can be made
- My wife will be able to travel in/out of Canada

The drawbacks of us applying for their PR outland ASAP are:
- I have still not found work, I'm kinda being discriminated against due to my work experience all being in Greece and it'd be best if I first found employment so as to show it on the application (I know it's not required but may cause delays)
- we're still waiting for a Police Certificate which is already delaying us so far
- Greece is under the Rome IC and its processing time is 14 months, not much of a time saver compared to the inland route
- if my wife comes over next year and our PR application obviously has not been processed, she won't be able to apply for an open work permit but a regular one which isn't as good to have (won't allow her any kind of employment)
- she'll have to request an extension of her stay in Canada (application won't be processed within 6 months of her arrival)
- while in Canada, she and her daughter won't have health coverage and it's hardly certain if her dependent daughter will be able to enroll in Grade 10
- if required, she'll have to travel to Rome for any interview and it's not her country of origin, Greece is, thus extra expenses
- once processed and hopefully accepted, she'll have to leave Canada and come back in with her passport stamped with the PR visa(?)

The benefits of us applying for their PR inland are:
- My wife will be able to apply for an open work permit which will be granted after I get approved as a sponsor (even though inland that'll take 6 instead of 2 months)
- I will have a decent job by then, thus strengthening my case that I'll be able to support them until they get accepted (compared to them asking for extensions here if going the outland route)
- There will be no need for my wife to request extensions to stay, or worry of having to leave Canada
- We can do everything for the application here, after she comes, instead of her doing all the necessary examinations, paperwork, translations, documentation etc etc by herself in Greece (her hands are full taking care of two kids and working as it is)

The drawbacks of us applying for their PR inland are:
- My wife won't be guaranteed entry back to Canada if she has to travel back to Greece (eg. one of her parents passes away, knock on wood)
- I'll be accepted as a sponsor in 6 months instead of 2, (meaning that my wife's daughter won't be able to attend Grade 10?)
- They'll get their PR in late 2014 instead of, say, early 2014

Have I understood everything correctly, pros and cons?
What should we do?
My biggest concerns with the outland are 1) getting delayed due to weak financial prospects as I'm still not employed, 2) my wife having to worry about leaving Canada once here and of not being to work and her daughter attending school 3) the financial and emotional hassle arising from her and her dependent having to exit Canada and coming back once approved.
My biggest concerns with the inland are 1) the longer time for me to be approved as sponsor, meaning her daughter can't attend school 2) delaying the whole process by 6 or so more months.

I mention again that we're married for over 4 years already and we have a daughter of our own which will also be coming over but with her own Canadian citizenship.
I have to get this right, to choose the best course of action 'cause my wife is raising our baby daughter alone, without me, and future problems and separations are the last thing we'll need.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. Any advice or corrections to what I've mentioned so far are truly appreciated.


Hero Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Fireblade said:
The benefits of us applying for their PR outland ASAP are:
- The process will begin sooner
- The process is usually shorter
- An appeal can be made
- My wife will be able to travel in/out of Canada
You can appeal even with an inland application, but the appeal process is slightly different. I learned this just recently. But I also wouldn't worry about having to appeal, because you have more than enough working in your favour to ensure a smooth application process.

Fireblade said:
The drawbacks of us applying for their PR outland ASAP are:
- while in Canada, she and her daughter won't have health coverage
- she'll have to request an extension of her stay in Canada (application won't be processed within 6 months of her arrival)
It's true that they won't have health coverage, but for the first few months, neither will you...because you've been out of the country for so long. As a result, I would recommend that you look into the possibility of buying some private health insurance, at least to cover the whole family for the first 6 to 12 months until you get health coverage from the government.

As for requesting an extension - that won't be necessary because as soon as you file your application, your wife will immediately be given "implied status", meaning she can stay in Canada until a decision is made. And with a 99.9% chance of an approval (my own sense), I really wouldn't worry.

Fireblade said:
- once processed and hopefully accepted, she'll have to leave Canada and come back in with her passport stamped with the PR visa(?)
Technically, yes. But if you're going to be close to a border town (Toronto, for example), then you can just drive down to the U.S. border and do what's known as a "flagpole". You tell the immigration officer that you need your wife's passport stamped, and the whole thing will be done in a few minutes.

Fireblade said:
I have to get this right, to choose the best course of action 'cause my wife is raising our baby daughter alone, without me, and future problems and separations are the last thing we'll need.
I would say definitely bring everyone here and do an inland application. Yes, your wife will have to wait 6 months before she can apply for a work permit, but I think that's a small price to pay for being together as a family - especially with a new baby.

Also, it's impossible to say which route will ACTUALLY get your PR faster. The timelines shown are just to give people a sense of what to expect. For all you know, your inland application might be approved much faster than an outland. It could be because of pure luck, or it could be because your application might encounter more scrutiny in Rome, or the case officer reviewing your file in Canada might be in a better mood that day - who knows.


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Jan 31, 2012
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Fireblade said:
The benefits of us applying for their PR outland ASAP are:
- The process will begin sooner
- The process is usually shorter
- An appeal can be made
- My wife will be able to travel in/out of Canada
I'm not so sure about process being shorter these days. Inland first stage is sitting at 6 months. I've been watching march 2012 applicants landing, though the published time would be 14 months.

An appeal is only useful if you need it. From what you've described you don't sound like a high risk application.

Fireblade said:
The drawbacks of us applying for their PR outland ASAP are:
- I have still not found work, I'm kinda being discriminated against due to my work experience all being in Greece and it'd be best if I first found employment so as to show it on the application (I know it's not required but may cause delays)
- we're still waiting for a Police Certificate which is already delaying us so far
- Greece is under the Rome IC and its processing time is 14 months, not much of a time saver compared to the inland route
- if my wife comes over next year and our PR application obviously has not been processed, she won't be able to apply for an open work permit but a regular one which isn't as good to have (won't allow her any kind of employment)
- she'll have to request an extension of her stay in Canada (application won't be processed within 6 months of her arrival)
- while in Canada, she and her daughter won't have health coverage and it's hardly certain if her dependent daughter will be able to enroll in Grade 10
- if required, she'll have to travel to Rome for any interview and it's not her country of origin, Greece is, thus extra expenses
- once processed and hopefully accepted, she'll have to leave Canada and come back in with her passport stamped with the PR visa(?)
Rome reports 5 months for 20% of applications, 6 months for 30% of applications, 7 months for 50% of applications, 11 months for 70% of applications, and 12 months for 80% of applications (for the 12 months ending 31 March 2012, so not the latest data set).

Health insurance eligibility depends upon the province. Ontario is the most stingy and requires either AIP (inland) or PR (outland) to qualify. BC, AB, SK, PEI, and NS all offer coverage to dependents living with the eligible Canadian resident although with varying requirements to demonstrate you are living together.

Fireblade said:
The benefits of us applying for their PR inland are:
- My wife will be able to apply for an open work permit which will be granted after I get approved as a sponsor (even though inland that'll take 6 instead of 2 months)
- I will have a decent job by then, thus strengthening my case that I'll be able to support them until they get accepted (compared to them asking for extensions here if going the outland route)
- There will be no need for my wife to request extensions to stay, or worry of having to leave Canada
- We can do everything for the application here, after she comes, instead of her doing all the necessary examinations, paperwork, translations, documentation etc etc by herself in Greece (her hands are full taking care of two kids and working as it is)

The drawbacks of us applying for their PR inland are:
- My wife won't be guaranteed entry back to Canada if she has to travel back to Greece (eg. one of her parents passes away, knock on wood)
- I'll be accepted as a sponsor in 6 months instead of 2, (meaning that my wife's daughter won't be able to attend Grade 10?)
- They'll get their PR in late 2014 instead of, say, early 2014
Generally, she would not be refused re-entry unless there was an inadmissibility issue. But yes, a BSO has the right to refuse her entry - but the BSO would have to be in a bad mood to do this without reason.

The drawbacks of us applying for their PR inland are:
Have I understood everything correctly, pros and cons?
What should we do?
My biggest concerns with the outland are 1) getting delayed due to weak financial prospects as I'm still not employed, 2) my wife having to worry about leaving Canada once here and of not being to work and her daughter attending school 3) the financial and emotional hassle arising from her and her dependent having to exit Canada and coming back once approved.
My biggest concerns with the inland are 1) the longer time for me to be approved as sponsor, meaning her daughter can't attend school 2) delaying the whole process by 6 or so more months.

I mention again that we're married for over 4 years already and we have a daughter of our own which will also be coming over but with her own Canadian citizenship.
I have to get this right, to choose the best course of action 'cause my wife is raising our baby daughter alone, without me, and future problems and separations are the last thing we'll need.

Bottom line there's no way to know which path would be better. Having your family together is certainly very important, so the sooner you get the application started, the sooner it will be done and they can all come to Canada. Hopefully others will have insight to share here as well.


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Mar 31, 2012
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tuyen said:
So every glass, dish, and fork then. :'(


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Oct 19, 2012
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WaterDad said:
So every glass, dish, and fork then. :'(
I'm sure it will be more than sufficient if you list "kitchen utensils, dishes, books, shoes", etc. I can't imagine they want you to itemize every little thing you own.


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Nov 9, 2012
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26-06-2013 (DONE - thank u all)
newcomer --

Canadian Citizen Sponsoring U.S citizen(Living in Los Angeles).

She filed the application on Oct 17 to mississauga office .. Still we haven't heard anything from them .

I would like to know how long does it take for the whole process, so i can start to look for a job @ Toronto .

Your response most appreciated.


Hero Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Re: newcomer --

shanmba1174 said:
Canadian Citizen Sponsoring U.S citizen(Living in Los Angeles).

She filed the application on Oct 17 to mississauga office .. Still we haven't heard anything from them .

I would like to know how long does it take for the whole process, so i can start to look for a job @ Toronto .

Your response most appreciated.
Processing times are listed here:


As for when you can start looking for work, that will depend on whether you're doing an inland or outland application.