vividind said:
I attached past 3 years of NOA (no Option C included) for my applications. CC charged with no issue though. But not sure if this can be a a problem once they start processing

. Do you guys think they will reject once the CC is charged?
You can go online and print your own copy.
Will it be accepted at CIC??
What CIC wants.
To calculate your available income, you will need a document called an “Option-C Printout.” It is the equivalent of the last notice of assessment you would have received in respect of the most recent taxation year and will serve as a basis for the calculation of your income. This
printout is issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA, formerly CCRA) and you can obtain it free of charge by calling 1 800 959-8281. Your spouse or common-law partner will also have to obtain an “Option-C Printout” if he or she is co-signing the undertaking.
By using the online service you receive the same "Printout"

But it seems that CIC wants you to contact CRA to receive your copy.
I hope this is to make it as simple as possible to receive the Option C.
I myself went on line and printed my copies. ;D
CIC does not ask for this document to have any signatures, stamps, or a referring file number.