Amira I have one other question for you about the interview. Is it better is give short answers to the questions, or is it better to elaborate providing more information than what they have asked?amira041 said:thank's brainiac ,the room of waiting was empty only me i was there ,waiting the officer to come, and when the officer come he tell me to come to another room who was face to face.
i hope the interview gone well for y my sister arljam next thursday ,bitawfi9,about y questions:
i can see that the Visa Officer that did the interview for you he was a man, right?yes
he was speaking english only or french too ?i remember two frensh and english.
if you can tell us some of the questions plz ?the question is the same who was posted by simple7777
you was both of you in an office face to face just two of you ?yes face to face in an office ,just us.
at what time you did your interview ?at 10H00 the morning.
with success inchaelah
Thanks again for sharing with us and helping everyone