wa alikom salam Amira. merhabebik
Goatlove, well that is great news they are actually working!!! Inchallah you will know something soon.
andyloonz, yes I know of people who got approved in 4 months, but most often this happens when both spouses are moroccan. Someone I know here in Calgary was approved in 4.5 months, no interview, plus he forgot to include some documents when he initially applied to sponsor his wife...so there is no rhyme or reason.
Guys, you know yesterday I was driving back to the office from my meeting and I saw cars lined up on the street trying to get into a parking lot of an industrial/warehosue type building, I glanced to see what the building is and it's a food bank, cars were lining the street trying to get it, really made me thankful for all I have, and as I continued to drive all I could say was hamdulillah, the sight made me cry to be honest. As it is getting colder, and the need for clothing and food bank is greater, if any of your sisters could drop off some stuff at their local donation centre that would be great.
asiya masfiwiya maghribiya