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Reasons for Rejection

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
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sam_172452 said:
For all those who received refusals/cancellations/rejections,

did you receive these after status went to Background Check in Progress and ecas in process? Or did you suddenly receive the rejections while your ecas was Application received and your background check has not started?
I don't think anyone with ECAS status as 'In Process' has reported a Rejection so far.


Hero Member
May 13, 2015
United Kingdom
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Asivad Anac said:
I don't think anyone with ECAS status as 'In Process' has reported a Rejection so far.
MaryAnneAB had her application rejected after her ECAS changed to in process. What do you think our chances of rejection are now that our ECAS is in process?


Asivad Anac

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May 27, 2015
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Anya654 said:
MaryAnneAB had her application rejected after her ECAS changed to in process. What do you think our chances of rejection are now that our ECAS is in process?

Good catch! But MaryAnneAB mentions the status as "In Progress". I've noticed this inconsistency in other posts as well. In Progress is Stage 1 and In Process is Stage 3 and some applicants do confuse between the two.

I still maintain that no one with status of In Process has been rejected so far. I believe our chances are really good. Just that CIC has suddenly gone back to processing only inland applications for some reason. Hopefully next week they start shipping out some PPRs :)


Hero Member
Jun 8, 2015
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I just submitted additional documents through an online CSE. The automated reply says to expect a reply after 30 business days :eek:

Has anyone here attempted to send documents through CSE? Did they accept to add the documents to your application?

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
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sam_172452 said:
I just submitted additional documents through an online CSE. The automated reply says to expect a reply after 30 business days :eek:

Has anyone here attempted to send documents through CSE? Did they accept to add the documents to your application?
Someone on that AOR thread did mention success via the CSE route. You'll have to dig through 50 odd pages of recent history to find that one though. But I did see that comment and it did work for that member apparently.

All the best!


Hero Member
May 13, 2015
United Kingdom
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Asivad Anac said:
Good catch! But MaryAnneAB mentions the status as "In Progress". I've noticed this inconsistency in other posts as well. In Progress is Stage 1 and In Process is Stage 3 and some applicants do confuse between the two.

I still maintain that no one with status of In Process has been rejected so far. I believe our chances are really good. Just that CIC has suddenly gone back to processing only inland applications for some reason. Hopefully next week they start shipping out some PPRs :)
Some people often confuse in process with in progress. Besides MaryAnneAB applied in April and her medical changed to pass almost immediately therefore I believe she was referring to in process because it took 3 days between her ECAS change and refusal. Furthermore it seems Anvar21 just had his application refused and his ECAS was in process. Please see link below.


This isn't good at all :(

Asivad Anac

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May 27, 2015
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Anya654 said:
Some people often confuse in process with in progress. Besides MaryAnneAB applied in April and her medical changed to pass almost immediately therefore I believe she was referring to in process because it took 3 days between her ECAS change and refusal. Furthermore it seems Anvar21 just had his application refused and his ECAS was in process. Please see link below.


This isn't good at all :(
I was just having a long message exchange with another member about anvar21. Nowhere has anvar21 mentioned that their ECAS status was In Process. We do know that they had 3 line status but that can also happen with status as Application Received.

I'm certain that having an In Process status indicates that you're almost done. The delay in our cases could be explained by the mid-week holiday, monthly caps on number of PPRs that can be issued etc. We should really start worrying only if majority of the outland applicants from March/April get their PPRs and somehow we end up in the tiny minority that doesn't get them. Till that happens, we should continue to be frustrated, outraged and perturbed about the delay but surely there is nothing to be worried about for now. :)

Plus anyone who has got a rejection is usually so distraught about it that they are barely able to give a cogent account of what got them rejected in the first place - and I don't blame them for that because it would certainly be a depressing experience - but unfortunately that leaves the rest of us trying to speculate about those reasons and applying them to our individual cases. Which is where the problem lies. As long as we've been reasonably honest and meticulous in the process, PPR should be the definite outcome. Justice delayed is not justice denied in such cases. ;)


Hero Member
Jun 8, 2015
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It seems to me that "Application Received" means that the immigration officer went through and made sure you have uploaded documents against each required section and that the required documents are accessible such as your ECA and IELTS. If none were uploaded or IELTS / ECA numbers were not provided or not accessible it is leading to refusal.

While a " In process" status means that the immigration officer is checking the quality of the documents and if the docs are suitable enough to grant points for each section.

I hope I'm mistaken and that "In process" people all get their PPR <3


Hero Member
May 13, 2015
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Asivad Anac said:
I was just having a long message exchange with another member about anvar21. Nowhere has anvar21 mentioned that their ECAS status was In Process. We do know that they had 3 line status but that can also happen with status as Application Received.

I'm certain that having an In Process status indicates that you're almost done. The delay in our cases could be explained by the mid-week holiday, monthly caps on number of PPRs that can be issued etc. We should really start worrying only if majority of the outland applicants from March/April get their PPRs and somehow we end up in the tiny minority that doesn't get them. Till that happens, we should continue to be frustrated, outraged and perturbed about the delay but surely there is nothing to be worried about for now. :)

Plus anyone who has got a rejection is usually so distraught about it that they are barely able to give a cogent account of what got them rejected in the first place - and I don't blame them for that because it would certainly be a depressing experience - but unfortunately that leaves the rest of us trying to speculate about those reasons and applying them to our individual cases. Which is where the problem lies. As long as we've been reasonably honest and meticulous in the process, PPR should be the definite outcome. Justice delayed is not justice denied in such cases. ;)
This is where Anvar said his ECAS was in process when I asked him. However I hope you're right!


Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
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Anya654 said:
This is where Anvar said his ECAS was in process when I asked him. However I hope you're right!

Conceded. With the caveat that this same person managed to get themselves rejected twice on some technicality or the other. I do not mean that to be offensive but just making a point that one person's experience can be taken as an exception and not the rule.

See what InCan1010 says on this thread about ECAS. http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/ecas-in-process-t281282.0.html


Hero Member
May 13, 2015
United Kingdom
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sam_172452 said:
Asivad & Anya

What do you think of my analysis above?
I think I'm leaning more towards your analysis. I believe the applications are checked for completion, employment verification, security and criminality etc when ECAS shows 'Application Received'. After this stage they are now sent to another CIC officer who does a final review of the applications to ensure nothing has been missed and during this process ECAS shows 'In Process'. Therefore people can still get refused when ECAS shows in process although this is very rare. Most refusals are done at the Application Received stage. My thoughts .

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
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My thoughts exactly on anvar21's case. Reinforces the need to be extremely careful while choosing the Primary NOC. Program eligibility and CRS scores must be kept in mind while doing that.

Righteous said:
hmmm.. from what you wrote,it seems to me that your application was evaluated based on NOC6212 which you "don't have much experience under" rather than NOC8253 which is what you have LMIA and 12 month experience under.

Possible solutions

1. You can raise a CSE highlighting this anomaly supporting it with rock solid proof. The onus is on you to provide documents to prove that you were evaluated based on wrong NOC.

2. Open another EE application this time making sure you specifically choose the NOC which you have LMIA and Canadian working experience.

All the best man.. it's only a slight delay which I am sure you would get +ve result from.

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
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sam_172452 said:
Asivad & Anya

What do you think of my analysis above?
CIC has made changes to the ECAS flowcharts as late as June 2015. I distinctly remember that there was a stage called In Progress earlier on this flowchart but that has disappeared now. I believe that this is the transition time from the old process to EE and there isn't a lot of clarity in ECAS flowchart but the broad status transition appears to be In Progress > Application Received > In Process > Decision Made.

Of the following 3 flowcharts, the 3rd one appears to closely approximate ECAS status under EE. It isn't a complete match clearly because Medicals happen earlier in the new process.

https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/redir.do?redir=app_perm_fam&lang=en&app=ecas --- Outside Canada

https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/redir.do?redir=app_perm_com&lang=en&app=ecas --- Inside Canada

https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/redir.do?redir=app_perm_wrkr&lang=en&app=ecas --- FSW to CIO, Nova Scotia

If you observe the flowchart in the 3rd link, Application Received implies that "We have received your application. After checking for completeness, a file has been created and the information from the application form was entered." and In Process implies that "Based on review of your complete application package, it has been determined that your application is eligible for processing. Processing has begun."

What that possibly means is that when ECAS status is In Process, your application is deemed complete AND eligible under the particular program. Of course, there could be exceptional misses like anvar21 where the rejection most likely happened because of program ineligibility and one would expect that CIC would catch that miss upfront rather than wait for such a long time before rejecting the application. But the system is as new to them as it is to the rest of us so such errors might creep in for now and the system will be fine-tuned as we move along.