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please do not immigrate to canada if you have stable job in your country!


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Oct 27, 2010
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25 July 2011
rajdeep said:
Everyone has his own sky ,I have my sky with stars twinkling around the moon ,but at the same time someone can have a sky with full of fog, darkness of negative thoughts
satisfaction is the mode of mind. I have my own CANADA which is full of opportunities and beautiful sights ,and someone has his CANADA destroying in unemployment
3 Cheers for u Raj...Keep up the good spirit !!!


Hero Member
Sep 8, 2010
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RI said:
Dear Qorax

I appreciate your comments. Immigration is not limited with rightnow getting job or not. It has a generation time planning. And this forum shouldn't be selected for such negative feelings.


life does not move only with positiveness,negative and positive thoughts makes life balanced ,MUCH SUGAR GAVE YOU DIABETES


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Jun 21, 2010
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25-09-2010 / 7 band
Most of the people work for money,some work for challenges but the greatest of all will work for what you know?
For the joy... joy of the accomplishment..
I said the samet hing before a week when one guy called JCKDRY sent the same negative comment and i pronunced the same story.Here i m repeating that most who go to canada are not going for the money or same life what the were living but they are going to get the biggest joy of life..the joy of accomplishment..
If u are accomplished with what u have done so far then be there wherever u are..if not..explore the world and get the joy of achieving something than nothing..
I am happy that Columbus never thought of something like this otherwise he would not have dicovered what we call America!!!




Hero Member
Oct 8, 2010
I don't care about accomplishing anything I just want to see my kids play in the park, chase squirrels and ducks and laugh before they're too old.


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May 26, 2010
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Thank you PROF QORAX

People should stop this obnoxious habit of posting threat and failure on this forum
If you dont want to immigrate to Canada, Please I beg you to simply withdraw your application and I am confident that CIC will immediately approve your request.
You must have a VALID reason for whatever you are doing. The failure of most immigrant is not Canada BUT the individual

Qorax, thank you so much for your comment. Let us say NO to those that will not encourage us in this forum
Immigration is a long term investment and NOT 6months


Champion Member
Feb 10, 2009
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thejackson said:
Thank you PROF QORAX

People should stop this obnoxious habit of posting threat and failure on this forum.
Threat yes, Failure No, because that will help and alert others.

If you dont want to immigrate to Canada, Please I beg you to simply withdraw your application and I am confident that CIC will immediately approve your request.
Agree, but most people would not know that without first hand experience.
You must have a VALID reason for whatever you are doing. The failure of most immigrant is not Canada BUT the individual
Too high expectancy and little or no preparation for what an individual might face.

Qorax, thank you so much for your comment. Let us say NO to those that will not encourage us in this forum

Sorry, but I beg to differ. People should be allowed to air their views and experiences, either positive or Negative, or both.

Immigration is a long term investment and NOT 6months


Champion Member
Jan 30, 2010
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I must add that a new immigrant should come prepared that it is going to be struggle in Canada in the next one year or so and once he is mentally prepared then it is all right. I have seen people landing and getting frustrated from the day one. Anyone who is not prepared to struggle should not come to Canada as a new immigrant.


Hero Member
Oct 8, 2010
explorer101 said:
I must add that a new immigrant should come prepared that it is going to be struggle in Canada in the next one year or so and once he is mentally prepared then it is all right. I have seen people landing and getting frustrated from the day one. Anyone who is not prepared to struggle should not come to Canada as a new immigrant.
Absolutely. My first two weeks in the US, I slept on the floor. I had a couch for a bed for a whole year. But later things improved and I even bought a house, sadly I had to sell it when my work permit expired. that's why I want to go to Canada, they won't kick you out and destroy your dreams like they did to me in the US when my work permit expired if you become a citizen.

ali green

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Oct 14, 2009
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May 15 2013
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NOV 15th 2013
free said:
please do not come to canada,this country is going to destroy in unemployment,lawyers are telling you lies cause they want your money,they want money so they make a dreamy picture for you of canada, everday many doctors and professionals return back to their countries from canada.I will tell you why.ask me any question about the reason.
Mr free where are you right now did you go back or you sre still in Canada??


Star Member
Sep 30, 2008
Dear all friends
I hope instead of accusing me to be someone negative or positive,instead of judgment about me,just think why I am saying that.I saw others who were just asking me about the truth,canada can bear millions of immigrants regarding its surface,it is one of the biggest countries according to its size,canada is g8 member,but the truth is the recession gonna destroy the economy,united states is in a huge problem and this problem as you know the amount of money trades between canada and us is gong to infect canada too.of course lots of other problems exist here,do not have dreamy picture even of a neat country,you can see very dirty streets,crashed and out of service subways,without safety streets,especially toronto which is the most welcomed city by immigrants,you can see mess all around in the city and subways.about the work,do not forget that you come here with your savings even you fail this government does not care,the most profitable category of immigrant for this country are skilled workers not businessmen,even those who wants to come with business plans are now banned to come in certain areas of canada,country is in a chaos,you come here and most of your credentials would not be accepted,so the only way is to go to low paid jobs as a labor,they need canadian work experience,they do not accept your work experience in your country,that is why canada wants you(labor),in this huge recession that canada had once in 1993 too(in toronto unemployment rate was 11% in 1993),nothing goes right,of course we have lots of educated immigrants and successful ones but most of them come here when they were in their 20s,they studied here before recession and found a job,even if you study here there is no chance to get jobs,cost of life in toronto that is the biggest job market for even 1 child family is too high.it depends on you,you can live in dangerous places in east and west of toronto,other provinces suffer from a huge unemployment rate ,here in toronto this rate is 8.1% per new statistics,in vancouver and, montreal(if you are fluent in french),the unemployment rate is even higher,the more small the province is the less chance to get the job and more difficulties but very far and very cold provinces the cost of life is cheaper but no job there.for the question that why I am not returning to my country that I am glad that you asked,the answer is more important for you,guys,that is why I am telling you if you have stable job keep it and forget canada,I had a stable job in my country but because of my immigration I quit the job and sold all my properties there,now in this situation that is very hard to go there and find stable job and start new life,people who come here by 6 months visiting visas are in less risk than others,they come and see and analyze the situation here without quitting their job,we have communities in canada but the problem is that asian communities are very closed and they do not hire people of countries other than their country,but even them want you to work for lowest salary.3rd world countries work here without mercy for each other,koreans do not have good behavior with koreans,and indians to indians and so on so force,because here the money is important not humanity,health care is free but come and see the hospitals,it is a mess,not enough doctors for patients,I had bad experience in starting days in a hospital,here they have the shortage of electricians and painters and road makers and generally labors,and economy needs them,you can come here to make roads for canada,repair very bad subway system ,I have still story to say,I am searching for a job in my country,it is so hard when I am far away,but if I found I return.,I have paid lots of money that it took years to accumulate in my country.....to be continued


Hero Member
Oct 8, 2010
All what you said even if 100% true, Canada is still 10 times better than Beirut, well I and my children almost get killed every day when we cross the streets in Beirut drivers drive their cars like crazy, the pollution is killing us, I used the Subway system in Toronto in 2007 and I found it clean and safe and cheap. It is voted the safest and cleanest subway system in the world. Now about Korean and koreans and chinese against chinese, every time there is small political problem here, like 5 or 6 times a year, people go down in the streets in Beirut and start killing each other, last mini war in Burj Abou Haidar just last month more than a dozen killed for a PARKING SPACE, every militia and faction here want to kill each other, sometimes all kill each other, well being in a tough business environment in Canada sure is better for my health than being in a country where people kill each other for politics or anytime someone says something on tv. jUST TODAY i WAS TOLD WAIT FOR WAR BY THE END OF THIS MONTH in Lebabnon.

so Free we are not babies don't worry about us. Toronto was voted the safest place to raise a family many times. I would rather be in Toronto and not save any money than be in Beirut and save a lot of money. Everywhere in the world money is important it is called globalization, everywhere people care more about money more than each other sadly it is a fact. And about west Toronto read this: http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090417180116AAtrRhL

the internet is full of info about Toronto we can researsh it ourselves.


Hero Member
Oct 8, 2010
and if money is important for indians and koreans and chinese like you said, not humanity, they sure would rather work with each other and have a bigger business network where there is more money, not get closed up like you said. Logically you contradict yourself. Most of them own FAMILY BUSINESS and they hire from the family thats a real bonus as I see it because they keep a tight relation with family like we Arabs like. they keep close to each other. why don't you try to work with white Canadians for a change? what is it that you do? what is your profession?


Star Member
Sep 30, 2008
I know a few people will change their mind by these words of me,if you wanted to listen you would not make a plan to immigrate,even if 1 people listen and comprehend what I am saying you will change your mind,still there are lots of countries to immigrate,you should come and see,this is the 3rd world countries way of thoughts that they have doubt about others opinion,you did not take my place in canada that I want you to forget to come,still I know if people are used to be degraded and do not be appreciated by their personality they could come here as servants in dirty works because they just think about scape,scape and scape..........,I know canadians even have problems to find jobs