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please do not immigrate to canada if you have stable job in your country!


Hero Member
May 10, 2009



Champion Member
Nov 4, 2008
Job Offer........
Who the hell asked doctors, scienctist, CEO's, Managers to immigrate to Canada if they are doing well in their home countries.
Canada is for people who believe in themselves and not depend on their profession to survive. All the above want a silver spoon in their mouth when they land Canada.........
Work your way up and dont complain.


Hero Member
Apr 4, 2010

I have 2 siblings in Canada. One with US qualifications, he fortunately struggled very little and got a good job in 4 months. The other is more qualified then him, but Indian degree and still struggling. But we have our reasons, the one struggling has his children going to University this year. He is ensuring that they get world class education, for a better price. I am based in the middle east for 32 years now, out of my 35 years of life. I have applied because I have a Special Needs child and the fascilites and integration levels are far far higher there then in this part of the world. Here, if I want to send my child to main stream school, I have to pay 800 dollars in tution and another 1000 dollars a month for a shadow teacher. This is one example why people move. Another reason is, I am a little tired of being a "Foreign Labor" with Sponsorship requirements, relase letters, NOC's even after spending 32 years of life and both kids being born here. So many thanks for sharing your experiences and let us be open to different opinions. You have one, you are entitiled to one, I have mine, I am entitled to mine. I request you and others, not to get personal, not question your integrity by implying you have forged qualifications or coming up with personal insults.

Kind Regards,


Hero Member
Nov 1, 2010
NOC Code......
Passport Req..
No PPR yet , just Passport Biopage request
I'm Dreaming of July/2015
well i agree on the most important things is the income as you all know money=power wherever you live you can make the perfect environment ,education for children, food, holidays...ect if money is not the problem

BUTTTT stability is far more important, i'm a specialist doctor and i have a business which is successful in my country but is this enough?? i had to flee my country before due to the bad security situation and now although things are partially stable but i applied to canada to ensure i let my kids born thiere to get the citizenship of canada and i will try also to see a gap of time to get the citizenship or even maintain my residence

when the war happened in my country all doors were closed infront of us and we couldnt escape to other countries becoz of our passport

so i guess its not only about the money ,stability is the biggest thing


Star Member
Jul 4, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
1st AOR 30-03-2010
AOR Received.
2nd AOR 16-06-2010
Med's Request
Med's Done....
30-10-2010 & RPRF send on 04-11-2010
Passport Req..
Passport back -----16-12-2010
I want to migrate to Canada as my forefather did the same, migrate from Central Asia to Hindustan.


Hero Member
Sep 21, 2010
KingKhan said:
I want to migrate to Canada as my forefather did the same, migrate from Central Asia to Hindustan.

you are following your forefather's footsteps


VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
free said:
please do not come to canada,this country is going to destroy in unemployment,lawyers are telling you lies cause they want your money,they want money so they make a dreamy picture for you of canada, everday many doctors and professionals return back to their countries from canada.I will tell you why.ask me any question about the reason.
It will be a cold day in hell when anyone will tell me which countries I may or may not apply to.

Most of us are well aware of how consultants can lie and mislead people (which is why a lot of people, including me, do not employ consultants and are doing this ourselves). As Qorax says, nobody is expecting the start to be easy. But I've been to Canada several times on holiday, and I have distant relatives and some friends in Canada, so my picture of Canada has been from those experiences and the experiences of people I trust - not from those of consultants.

Posting messages of "Please do not come to Canada" I am afraid will receive quite a cold response on a forum like this. People have dreams, and here we are helping each other to realise those dreams.

I am sure that for some people this may not have worked out, but I am sure for others (the vast majority in fact) they are now having a wonderful life in Canada, even if the start was a struggle.



Star Member
Sep 30, 2008
noolan said:
Well Free!!!! What ever you said are 100 % FACTS. I am here for the last 1 year and 3 months, and I have experienced exactly what ever you said is 1000 % true. Canada does not need qualified people to work in their professional fields. It needs qualified people to work in Factories/ farms. Just forget about what you did, because what you studied or worked is not even worth a dime in Canada......( I CAN BETTER TELL THIS SINCE I STUDIED IN 2 OF THE WORLD MOST FAMOUS UNIVERSITIES AND EVEN THEY ARE NOT CONSIDERED AS SAME LEVEL AS 3RD RATED CANADIAN UNIVERSITIES HERE IN CANADA......)
I have seen hundreds of immigrants who, after years, are still working in factories, doing pizza deliveries etc and living in the low income houses. I have seen only 2 people who got jobs in their fields after studies....i can count 1000s who finished their masters in engineering, computer sciences, accounting etc last year and are still looking for jobs..........working in call centers, security guarding, doing taxi etc............
If 1 person amongst 1000 gets a jobs, everyone says that you CAN get a job, look at him, he got the job!!!! They just look at that 1 person and not to 1000 who are unemployed/ under employed....
But every one has different motive to immigrate.....
having said all this, i still want my brother to come to Canada, since I am from a country which is in S*******t......at least he can have a safer life. I know he will be living a very very modest life,just like I am living now.... although I was a top earner in the previous country where I studied, earning 90 dollars per hour.......in the last 15 months in Canada, I can tell that hardly i am at break even point now....
if some one is coming to earn money in Canada ( just like someone pointed above....) , then he needs to think twice....
free!!! you have fulfilled your duty by informing others. I must say what ever you said is because of your good heart and nothing else.
To the perspective immigrants!!!!!!
My advice to you is DO NOT LEAVE YOUR JOBS where ever you are. come here,check the situation, and make an informed decision.( I made the very same mistake.. left my job before moving here.....
Canad is the most fortunate country that it gets the brightest of talent from around the world....but is also the MOST UNFORTUNATE country by loosing that talent........... i would say most of the immigrant feel the same way as explained by free, but people are shy to say what is happening to them in Canada.....because after all we WERE top professionals and top earner in our previous life ....lol
reality is that the facts taste bitter and nobody wants to listen,immigration could be a disaster for anyone who has a stable life in his or her country,your sentences were great noolan,appreciate u,most of the people who immigrate want to pretend to their friends and families in their homeland that everything is ok and it is the best part of world,even they lie,I saw lots of them when I was in my country,when somebody lies he should first tell himself the lie,well my intent is that to make your eyes open and see what are you doing to your life ,you might loose your money your wife and do not find human values(money is a value)without these floods of immigrant canada does not have any meaning,they no how is the situation in 3rd world countries they make a trap and give u a chance,to scape and......................


Hero Member
Dec 28, 2007
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Sent with App. (Excluding PCC)
AOR Received.
1st:-04.2010, 2nd:- 04.2011
IELTS Request
Sent with App.
File Transfer...
06.2011 (RBVO), 04.2012 (In Process)
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Decision Made 24.01.2013
I feel things are getting out of the context. Everyone has his/her own perception and way to put hands over the up-coming challenges.
I don't see "Free" has any intention to harm or mutilate any person's dreams or aspirations.

Perhaps the topic/subject could have been a bit more humble or subtle instead of being so direct and sharp, but it's still without bad intentions.

He just mentioned what he went through or saw, which if considered, may actually makes us more prepared and vigilant about such
hardships which otherwise remain latent, underneath big dreams and desires we all have pertaining to Canada.

Then of course, one person with family and another was a bachelor seems to be in the same boat here but actually have
different circumstances and extent of challenges of settlement.

We need to acknowledge and be grateful to those who sincerely share their "REAL" experience, which is a blend of triumphs, trade-offs & struggles.
So listen to them and then be self-driven. If another person's words drive our decision, it our own weakness.

Attitude, dreams, aspirations, desires etc. if set on realistic assumptions, are more easy to cope with.



Star Member
Nov 26, 2008
nobody told anyone there was a job at the POE waiting for ur approval,if u can't speak their language,you can't live with them.get re-trained and move in at your pace


Hero Member
Apr 28, 2009
I like free s words
I think he opens his heart out and I share the same view
my summary :
In 3rd world countries , people not doing good or poor or unhappy or unsafe or they like to struggle in their life and work hard : canada is number 1 choice for all of them

currently if u have high or good income as per your country standards, own your own successful business or trade, r at a stable job or good or enough paying jobs to be content and are able to safely survive in your country, canada is or can be very hard or struggle for you - but still i would suggest to invite you here without shutting your occupation or job or business in your countries and experince everything yourself

Also, discrimination is experinced by the people at the lowest or the bottom 25 to 40 % of society in most places which makes immigrants more prone to it + their difference in cultural n language n values background
Tell yourself these statements before coming to canada and do not compromise on them no matter what --
I would like to be treated same as everyone else around me is treated - be it by cops, phone operator, bus driver or sales guy at store in mall,
I do not like any sort of discrimination and will not allow it to me or do it be it from different races or within same race

martha marita

Hero Member
Aug 1, 2007
It all depends with your mentallity and mind.

-I find engaging in the community is the best way to fit in your community.
-If you need license to practice, work on that.
-If its canadian experience they need for you to get a job, join the job search workshops which are unpaid and prove yourself.
-have ambition and target public sectors which have a wide variety of different types of job levels and good turnover on employment rate. Its honestly hard to get a job in these sectors but if you do placement or job search or volunteer and prove yourself they will definately help you fit in a position in that thats how it worked for me.

So its different ways. Canada is good to live in compared to my living in britain so many pros I see. Its taken us a while to settle down but its great in so many ways.

thats all


Star Member
Oct 26, 2011
free said:
please do not come to canada,this country is going to destroy in unemployment,lawyers are telling you lies cause they want your money,they want money so they make a dreamy picture for you of canada, everday many doctors and professionals return back to their countries from canada.I will tell you why.ask me any question about the reason.
I do not have the slightest idea why people complain about certain decisions they make. And besides, if ever your plans didn't materialize then move to plan B! In this case, get out of Canada and find another place where you can flourish. Canada is NOT the only country that can provide you with your general needs. I was in the same predicament a while back. Moving to Canada was a big mistake for me, but it didn't get me down. I got out of Canada last year and transferred to another country... and by God, Allah, and the winds willing - I am very satisfied where I am right now! ;D i am earning thrice as what I could possibly muster in the so-called "the new Land of Opportunity". Leaving Canada was the BEST move for me.

Being turned down in Canada is not the end of the world. Get outta there. There's literally a whole world for you out there!

You can do it! :D