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please do not immigrate to canada if you have stable job in your country!


Champion Member
Feb 10, 2009
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rajdeep said:
I m agree with you ,if someone has a stable job, he should not leave it for canada.but a large number of immigrants is of well-settled people,I know a number of people who left their jobs and went to canada .thus they faced a lots of problems there but they do not want to come back , what is the reason of that ?I m from punjab ,we dont have jobs here , the condition is same as canada .no proper job ,no social security .no health security ,very heard life,social life is much heard ,society is divided into severel levels,private jobs are also like labour ,Now tell me what is the difference between INDIA and CANADA ?why people want to go there ?
I think your answer will be same as me ,i know in canada we have to do labour work ,but we can live our own life , no body hurt us without any reason , and most of all .value of money ,
for exmple in india, a person have a good job of 20,000 per month,heardly (if he can )he saves 10,000.per month,then he will be able to buy a car after 5 years .and in canada if a person saves 1000 per month then he can buy a car just after 5 months .this is condition of a govt. job of india and labour of canada, and what whould you thionk about a labourer of india ?
From what you have uncovered above, in your case, it is a win-win situation if you make the move.


Hero Member
Apr 24, 2009
Let me chip in too.....

What Free says is correct to great extent.

What Qorax says is correct too in his own perspective.

Life is not easy as an immigrant when you have to start from scratch. To begin with it will be very difficult for those who are highly paid and well settled in their home country. It will be relatively better for those in lower or middle level jobs in their home country. The latter category is in a better position both psychologically and physically to struggle in the initial phase which can be anything between 2 to 5 years. So one can figure out where one stands.

But as pointed out by Free do not resign if you have plum jobs in your home country and go to Canada which is a safe bet.


Hero Member
Apr 24, 2009
rajdeep said:
I m agree with you ,if someone has a stable job, he should not leave it for canada.but a large number of immigrants is of well-settled people,I know a number of people who left their jobs and went to canada .thus they faced a lots of problems there but they do not want to come back , what is the reason of that ?I m from punjab ,we dont have jobs here , the condition is same as canada .no proper job ,no social security .no health security ,very heard life,social life is much heard ,society is divided into severel levels,private jobs are also like labour ,Now tell me what is the difference between INDIA and CANADA ?why people want to go there ?
I think your answer will be same as me ,i know in canada we have to do labour work ,but we can live our own life , no body hurt us without any reason , and most of all .value of money ,
for exmple in india, a person have a good job of 20,000 per month,heardly (if he can )he saves 10,000.per month,then he will be able to buy a car after 5 years .and in canada if a person saves 1000 per month then he can buy a car just after 5 months .this is condition of a govt. job of india and labour of canada, and what whould you thionk about a labourer of india ?

@ rajdeep you have asked,"..... thus they faced a lots of problems there but they do not want to come back , what is the reason of that ?"

One honest answer is that no one wants to return back with their tail between their legs. Second is the punjabi spirit to struggle and do well one day...

@rajdeep "I m from punjab ,we dont have jobs here , the condition is same as canada .no proper job ,no social security .no health security ,very heard life,social life is much heard ,society is divided into severel levels,private jobs are also like labour ,Now tell me what is the difference between INDIA and CANADA ?why people want to go there ?"

Well I would say if you have to struggle it is better to struggle in the West rather than in India. Read in my post above .... if you are in low or middle level jobs than Canada is of course a better option.

@rajdeep "for exmple in india, a person have a good job of 20,000 per month,heardly (if he can )he saves 10,000.per month,then he will be able to buy a car after 5 years .and in canada if a person saves 1000 per month then he can buy a car just after 5 months ."

Forget savings in the intial years you will be lucky if you can break even. Yes you can have a car and house but remember mortage is usually for 25 years. That would simply mean 25 years in debt. Miss some repayments and you lose your house.

But having said the above .... one must give it a chance and try for a new life in the west.... believe me it is worth it. Not for the money or car or house.... you may have these in your home country but for the way of life ....... people are polite, relatively honest, fair, and the system works. What you are entitled to you will get it without begging or paying for it and what you are not entitled to you will never get it .....
Good luck.


Hero Member
Sep 5, 2010
Vancouver, BC
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I am looking forward going to Canada despite having everything here in New Zealand.. I have two cars, a house and make 3'190'000 Indian rupees a year.. (NZ$ converted for better understanding)

Again why leave? Because I can.. want to see and experience different culture, areas, meet people. Don't think I am going to struggle, far from it, but it will be a new welcoming challenge anyhow. If it works out then fine, if not at least I tried..


Champion Member
Aug 11, 2009
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March 27th 2912
Hi Singh123,

"But having said the above .... one must give it a chance and try for a new life in the west.... believe me it is worth it. Not for the money or car or house.... you may have these in your home country but for the way of life ....... people are polite, relatively honest, fair, and the system works. What you are entitled to you will get it without begging or paying for it and what you are not entitled to you will never get it ....."

Looking at the above quotation from your post i fully agree with you. In the West when a service is free, it i free for everybody and you will be provided the service whereas in other countries you have to pay and wait for centuries and you will not be provided with the service. Corruption is also another big problem. There are some reasons why some people do not want to go home and will continue the journey to the west.


Good luck.


Champion Member
Aug 11, 2009
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5 april 2012
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March 27th 2912
mikenz said:
I am looking forward going to Canada despite having everything here in New Zealand.. I have two cars, a house and make 3'190'000 Indian rupees a year.. (NZ$ converted for better understanding)

Again why leave? Because I can.. want to see and experience different culture, areas, meet people. Don't think I am going to struggle, far from it, but it will be a new welcoming challenge anyhow. If it works out then fine, if not at least I tried..

Hi Mikenz,
I agree with you, i like challenges and also learning different cultures. The world is becoming a global village. You can go where you want. I speak 3 major languages of the world and i am happy about it, this is as a result of working in this countries. I like moving and learning as it is a continue process.

Those who like challenges should go ahead as planned and those who are afraid of challenges should stay back. It is so simple.

thanks canadaforall


Hero Member
Sep 5, 2010
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Everyone decides for themselves where to build their lives and future.

It is not up to others to decide for us what is best for us.

Everyone has their own individual reasons to immigrate and two people are not the same.

You have no say in telling us what we should do with OUR lives. I will not waste any further time answering this OP.


Star Member
Sep 30, 2008
my friends , corruption exist every where more or less.here in canada this issue exist,you can see black market,people work in cash without any payment receipt and no guarantee and insurance,it is less than your country but not a paradise,many educated and skillful workers even from india return back to their country,becoming a doctor challenges you more than usual power , and it takes years to become a doctor once again,you should start from a taxi driver when you are a doctor,if you can come and do.after 5 to 7 years you will become a doctor,for other jobs too,the more the higher the education is the more difficulties to gain the same qualification


Hero Member
Feb 8, 2010
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I can see your frustration and really feel bad in a way; However, it´s the way you present your arguements!!! I personnally, have a good lifestyle and am willing to take that step to Canada.

Eventhough, I do share of your points of view, I find you ought to respect others point of view. No place ON EARTH has ever being easy my dear and I do not pretend to be philosophycal nor theorical but human beings need THE experience to comprehend THE MEANING must of the time.

Just let´s not be hard on each others. This Forum it´s not all about disagreements but UNDERSTANDING each others to better COMPREHEND THAT THE beauty of Canada IS NOT JUST IN A BETTER JOB OR STATUS!!!




Hero Member
Sep 8, 2010
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BobbyB said:
From what you have uncovered above, in your case, it is a win-win situation if you make the move.
What do you want to say Bobbyb?will you explain ?


Hero Member
Sep 8, 2010
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ihabkal said:
you know this is the last time I reply to you and waste my time, I am no English teacher, I am not fluent, but you are a teacher and you make so many mistakes in your posts, your phrases are hard to understand, you can't even express yourself clearly. Now you could work at Pizza Hut, but I don't think you are good enough to explain lessons in English in an English speaking country. One or two examples just from your last post, you said "why are you give comment here" and "more stronger"?????????
No wonder you can't get a break in Canada. Why don't you work on yourself and improve yourself instead of trying to cut off MY WINGS????
I am outta here, you wasted me at least an hour of work...

Prefection of a language is not so importent ,English language can not give you anything in an English speaking country,you can make people fool with your fluency,only in poor countries,where most of people do not know english ,It is just like A FIGURE AMONG CYPHERSin your case


Oct 16, 2010
Hi Free:
I was reading the hole thing about your topic, I think instead of saying " please do not immigrate to canada if you have stable job in your country!" you could have said " if you have a stable job in your country please consider this" I agree with you in most of your statements, Canada is not paradise, I lived there for two years and I saw everything you are saying, professionals frustrated because they could not find a job in their area of expertise and some of them dissapointed because the canadian dream was not that sweet, but everybody should try for themselves their own experience and you know what?? and you have probably seen this, many people who left their countries start to appreciate more what they had, it does not necessarily means that they go back, but the bad things did not seem that bad after all. I am from Mexico and now I see the wonderful things my culture has as well as my country but right now the terrible violent situation we are living is pushing me to go back, Canada is a very special country, a chance for anybody willing to try....lets stop fighting and lets try to express our experiences to enrich others decisions, not to stop them...you guys have success in anything you decide to do... :)


Hero Member
Apr 15, 2010
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Hi Free,

I suppose I should start off by saying that nothing is good and nothing is bad but only in respective of other things. Even successful immigrants visit their homeland regularly. My one aunt in London visits a town in Pakistan frequently only to see her mother.
Every person has different goals. Basically every skilled person is well educated and experienced of good job along with good English/French communication skills. He also has some savings as Proof of Funds. He is used of struggle in his own country. The chances of his success are almost 100%. The initial period of adaptation/ struggle is a must as he has to absorb culture shock by being sociable with native English speaking people and job search is equally difficult all around the world due to recession. I have seen my professionals return from Canada after getting PR Card for five years. Then they resume their jobs in their homeland and acquire more certifications/skills necessary of Canadian economy. But then within two years they again fly back to Canada and never return.
It is very unfortune that Unemployment has hit the whole world due to recession . Canada is not alone but still one of the best country with respect to living standards as per UNO.
On the other hand if one person is well setteled in his homeland he is better to visit canada for two months, try hard to get job and get PR card valid for five years. If unsuccessful then should resume job in homeland and should return Canada when World Economy is better.
For persons having moderate jobs in homeland should not return homeland and should better to work as labourer rather than enemployed. Labourer also earn in dollars.


Hero Member
Sep 21, 2010
rajdeep said:
Prefection of a language is not so importent ,English language can not give you anything in an English speaking country,you can make people fool with your fluency,only in poor countries,where most of people do not know english ,It is just like A FIGURE AMONG CYPHERSin your case
well said rajdeep i liked that. i have lived in london for long time and it makes no huge difference if you can speak english fluently or not. still you are rated 3rd because color of your skin. i am not a british born and i was born and brought up in asian country. what i have seen british born asians who are native speakers who work as shop keepers, taxi drivers, labourers, etc when they visit their homelands they use their accents specially at airports to try to influence ordinary people and staff whilst they are nothing in their own country / community. i have seen this ignorance and disrespect many times at airports. even myself i have suffered this dicrimination from my own country people because of my plain accent

nobody should use their fluency in english as a tool to dominate or disrespect others. english is just a language like hindi,urdu,japanese, german etc. the problem is created by british / americans who have some how made this language superior over others and made the world follow their trend. if you go to china who is 2nd largest super power nobody speaks any english there. especially french hate english and english speaking people as they are well aware of this english virus.

if somebody wants to debate this isuue please feel free to provide feedback.


Hero Member
Oct 20, 2010
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i feel sorry for you... unfortunately for you it did not turn out well, but there are stories also that gain success and settled for good in Canada... so i think its all about survival and how you do your best when you reach there... :)

free said:
please do not come to canada,this country is going to destroy in unemployment,lawyers are telling you lies cause they want your money,they want money so they make a dreamy picture for you of canada, everday many doctors and professionals return back to their countries from canada.I will tell you why.ask me any question about the reason.