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please do not immigrate to canada if you have stable job in your country!


Full Member
Oct 23, 2010
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My husband and I we decided to leave Qatar and immigrate to Canada because we have a kid, we want to provide a strong educational environment for him, we want him to live in a country where he will not be treated according to his nationality,, where he is going to be treated as everyone else.NO DISCRIMINATION.
We suffer here, moreover my husband is Jordanian, all Jordanian people here are suffering, there are political problems between Qatar and Jordan and here in Qatar they are paying the consequences.
Money is not the only reason that push people to immigrate, it's about the whole life style.


Star Member
May 20, 2010
Edmonton, Alberta
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Buffalo, NY
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06/08/2010, Edmonton
Free, you are totally wrong to blame on Canada. I work in US and i know many people face lot problems in US too but eventually i saw them settled. Same things i have heard in Canada. In US and Canada u need to take risks and u will get your way. You have to accept the true fact that no matter how much stable job you have back in your country, there must be some problems definitely thats why you applied for canadian PR to improve your life or stability or etc etc, orelse why would someone even think of going through these long process to acquire PR if they have the best life and best job back in their own country.

Last week i sent my first resume and they already did phone interview, checked all my references and arranged my trip to Canada this week to meet them. Its the same job profile as a civil engineer on what i am working in US for last 5 years. I hope i get it, but if not i will keep sending resumes, i know it will hit sometime soon. That's life, just face it. Dont expect everyday when u wake up it will be a perfect day, but once you get it u will be glad that you took the chance.

Good Luck


Hero Member
May 6, 2010
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Jan 22,2012
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March 12, 2012
March 20, 2012
January 2013
I think we are entitled to our own opinion and whatever our views in life reflect our experiences. Its always scary when u migrate to another world, but do you have a choice? i assumed that your reason for migration is you are not satisfied with your current life...i am a filipino, i am a Resident here in New Zealand but still wanting to go to Canada. Life here is fine for me as i am a nurse but its very hard to get a job for my wife. So we thought of going to Canada. We can stay here and just live with what we have...but we want a better life. There is always a risk for everything we do...i think that's life! If all of us will get all we want and when we wanted it- i think life will be boring isn't? Well, goodluck to all of us!


Hero Member
Aug 9, 2009
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free said:
please do not come to canada,this country is going to destroy in unemployment,lawyers are telling you lies cause they want your money,they want money so they make a dreamy picture for you of canada, everday many doctors and professionals return back to their countries from canada.I will tell you why.ask me any question about the reason.
i can see your point, yes if we have stable job our country is best of the best it is our home land our root is there, but what a bout if we dont have a stable goverment to run our country...... so we have to be some place for safty secure and future of our children. i know it is hard for parents but some times we have to sucrifize ourself for our next generation.
it is my point as a new immigrant caz i know if we are on middel of age 35-40-45 it is very hard to adjust and be on the same position which we had in our home land.


Star Member
Sep 30, 2008
lorearco said:
Hi Free:
I was reading the hole thing about your topic, I think instead of saying " please do not immigrate to canada if you have stable job in your country!" you could have said " if you have a stable job in your country please consider this" I agree with you in most of your statements, Canada is not paradise, I lived there for two years and I saw everything you are saying, professionals frustrated because they could not find a job in their area of expertise and some of them dissapointed because the canadian dream was not that sweet, but everybody should try for themselves their own experience and you know what?? and you have probably seen this, many people who left their countries start to appreciate more what they had, it does not necessarily means that they go back, but the bad things did not seem that bad after all. I am from Mexico and now I see the wonderful things my culture has as well as my country but right now the terrible violent situation we are living is pushing me to go back, Canada is a very special country, a chance for anybody willing to try....lets stop fighting and lets try to express our experiences to enrich others decisions, not to stop them...you guys have success in anything you decide to do... :)
you are so bright-minded and so human,thanks my dear friend! :D


Star Member
Sep 30, 2008
aouksh974 said:
My husband and I we decided to leave Qatar and immigrate to Canada because we have a kid, we want to provide a strong educational environment for him, we want him to live in a country where he will not be treated according to his nationality,, where he is going to be treated as everyone else.NO DISCRIMINATION.
We suffer here, moreover my husband is Jordanian, all Jordanian people here are suffering, there are political problems between Qatar and Jordan and here in Qatar they are paying the consequences.
Money is not the only reason that push people to immigrate, it's about the whole life style.
everywhere good and bad things exist,it is you that can choose between,maybe you sell your life for 40%bad and 60% good to another choice that is 40% good and 60% bad,you see difference is 20% but you can tend to choose the first canada can be first,see if it worth you will come,I can not see any warm people like asians anywhere,here human chains are not so strong,money talks.if they are your values too,you will come


Star Member
Sep 30, 2008
wxyz123 said:
well said rajdeep i liked that. i have lived in london for long time and it makes no huge difference if you can speak english fluently or not. still you are rated 3rd because color of your skin. i am not a british born and i was born and brought up in asian country. what i have seen british born asians who are native speakers who work as shop keepers, taxi drivers, labourers, etc when they visit their homelands they use their accents specially at airports to try to influence ordinary people and staff whilst they are nothing in their own country / community. i have seen this ignorance and disrespect many times at airports. even myself i have suffered this dicrimination from my own country people because of my plain accent

nobody should use their fluency in english as a tool to dominate or disrespect others. english is just a language like hindi,urdu,japanese, german etc. the problem is created by british / americans who have some how made this language superior over others and made the world follow their trend. if you go to china who is 2nd largest super power nobody speaks any english there. especially french hate english and english speaking people as they are well aware of this english virus.

if somebody wants to debate this isuue please feel free to provide feedback.
these are great sentences,wise and deep,thanks


Star Member
Sep 30, 2008
we have 2 kind of jobs in canada,regulated and non regulated jobs,most of the jobs for example a plumber needs 5 years and over 4500 hours of experience,that is not the end you should pass exam for certificate as a plumber,lots of canadians do not accepted low prestige jobs,so who will fill these positions?answer:immigrants
in canada as a g8 member(funny)canada has the highest bureaucracy,have you ever asked yourself what happened in your immigration process?what bothers you?in 21 century you see huge amount of bureaucracy and paper works,papers and papers,for every little process,and of course it is why it takes a long time for you to obtain your goal,5 years to become a plumber is the first one,in 5 years you can obtain your MA!!!!!!it is just one example.


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
Maybe I am kidding myself, but I have never felt there was that much emphasis placed on what job a person did. It is far more important what KIND OF PERSON they are, in my mind. It may be of interest to know that good wages are paid in trade jobs. As Canada experiences a shortage of tradespeople, high schools are now preparing students to consider their options in either Trade Schools or Universities. If they choose the trades they can begin their apprenticeship studies in Grade 12 and be well on their way toward a promising career long before their classmates who select the university route.


Star Member
Apr 1, 2009
Well Free!!!! What ever you said are 100 % FACTS. I am here for the last 1 year and 3 months, and I have experienced exactly what ever you said is 1000 % true. Canada does not need qualified people to work in their professional fields. It needs qualified people to work in Factories/ farms. Just forget about what you did, because what you studied or worked is not even worth a dime in Canada......( I CAN BETTER TELL THIS SINCE I STUDIED IN 2 OF THE WORLD MOST FAMOUS UNIVERSITIES AND EVEN THEY ARE NOT CONSIDERED AS SAME LEVEL AS 3RD RATED CANADIAN UNIVERSITIES HERE IN CANADA......)
I have seen hundreds of immigrants who, after years, are still working in factories, doing pizza deliveries etc and living in the low income houses. I have seen only 2 people who got jobs in their fields after studies....i can count 1000s who finished their masters in engineering, computer sciences, accounting etc last year and are still looking for jobs..........working in call centers, security guarding, doing taxi etc............
If 1 person amongst 1000 gets a jobs, everyone says that you CAN get a job, look at him, he got the job!!!! They just look at that 1 person and not to 1000 who are unemployed/ under employed....
But every one has different motive to immigrate.....
having said all this, i still want my brother to come to Canada, since I am from a country which is in S*******t......at least he can have a safer life. I know he will be living a very very modest life,just like I am living now.... although I was a top earner in the previous country where I studied, earning 90 dollars per hour.......in the last 15 months in Canada, I can tell that hardly i am at break even point now....
if some one is coming to earn money in Canada ( just like someone pointed above....) , then he needs to think twice....
free!!! you have fulfilled your duty by informing others. I must say what ever you said is because of your good heart and nothing else.
To the perspective immigrants!!!!!!
My advice to you is DO NOT LEAVE YOUR JOBS where ever you are. come here,check the situation, and make an informed decision.( I made the very same mistake.. left my job before moving here.....
Canad is the most fortunate country that it gets the brightest of talent from around the world....but is also the MOST UNFORTUNATE country by loosing that talent........... i would say most of the immigrant feel the same way as explained by free, but people are shy to say what is happening to them in Canada.....because after all we WERE top professionals and top earner in our previous life ....lol


Hero Member
Sep 21, 2010
noolan said:
Well Free!!!! What ever you said are 100 % FACTS. I am here for the last 1 year and 3 months, and I have experienced exactly what ever you said is 1000 % true. Canada does not need qualified people to work in their professional fields. It needs qualified people to work in Factories/ farms. Just forget about what you did, because what you studied or worked is not even worth a dime in Canada......( I CAN BETTER TELL THIS SINCE I STUDIED IN 2 OF THE WORLD MOST FAMOUS UNIVERSITIES AND EVEN THEY ARE NOT CONSIDERED AS SAME LEVEL AS 3RD RATED CANADIAN UNIVERSITIES HERE IN CANADA......)
I have seen hundreds of immigrants who, after years, are still working in factories, doing pizza deliveries etc and living in the low income houses. I have seen only 2 people who got jobs in their fields after studies....i can count 1000s who finished their masters in engineering, computer sciences, accounting etc last year and are still looking for jobs..........working in call centers, security guarding, doing taxi etc............
If 1 person amongst 1000 gets a jobs, everyone says that you CAN get a job, look at him, he got the job!!!! They just look at that 1 person and not to 1000 who are unemployed/ under employed....
But every one has different motive to immigrate.....
having said all this, i still want my brother to come to Canada, since I am from a country which is in S*******t......at least he can have a safer life. I know he will be living a very very modest life,just like I am living now.... although I was a top earner in the previous country where I studied, earning 90 dollars per hour.......in the last 15 months in Canada, I can tell that hardly i am at break even point now....
if some one is coming to earn money in Canada ( just like someone pointed above....) , then he needs to think twice....
free!!! you have fulfilled your duty by informing others. I must say what ever you said is because of your good heart and nothing else.
To the perspective immigrants!!!!!!
My advice to you is DO NOT LEAVE YOUR JOBS where ever you are. come here,check the situation, and make an informed decision.( I made the very same mistake.. left my job before moving here.....
Canad is the most fortunate country that it gets the brightest of talent from around the world....but is also the MOST UNFORTUNATE country by loosing that talent........... i would say most of the immigrant feel the same way as explained by free, but people are shy to say what is happening to them in Canada.....because after all we WERE top professionals and top earner in our previous life ....lol
i agree with you people are shy and feel embarassed telling others the truth but still we have to be hopefull


Hero Member
Sep 21, 2010
to tell you the truth if somebody asks me why i want to go to canada, my answer is i want to get canadian passport so i will be free to travel around the world without any visa restrictions and that is my aim


Hero Member
Sep 21, 2010
mikenz said:
I am looking forward going to Canada despite having everything here in New Zealand.. I have two cars, a house and make 3'190'000 Indian rupees a year.. (NZ$ converted for better understanding)

Again why leave? Because I can.. want to see and experience different culture, areas, meet people. Don't think I am going to struggle, far from it, but it will be a new welcoming challenge anyhow. If it works out then fine, if not at least I tried..
i like your thinking mike, i think the same way


Hero Member
May 6, 2010
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March 12, 2012
March 20, 2012
January 2013
we will all have our own experiences, either struggles or success. Better chance if you will be registered in your field of work in Canada, like me, i am a Nurse. I am making sure that i will get registration first before flying there. However, if you are a supervisor or manager in your country but don't have a registration in Canada, definitely you will start from scratch. Canada doesn't recognize any education obtained overseas, so make sure you are ready to start from bottom going up...eventhough, look at the brighter side! the moment you step into Canada, you will have access to a better healthcare, education, minimal or no corruption, and even a beautiful and clean environment. If you are in your 40's to 50's, just think that you are migrating not for your self but for your children..if you are in the 30's to 40's bracket, believe me...there is light at the end of the tunnel..it will take time but if you think about it and plan for it-you will succeed...imagine if you are lets say 33 yrs old. Go get a part time job and do a study there- maybe a 1-2 yrs course..so after 2 yrs, you are 35, you will get a job for sure because you have studied your qualification there! see?! it needs a lot of patience, courage and planning...ofcourse, don't forget your faith...lets be positive here, we have made a choice mate. Its up to us if we will recognize the outcome as a defeat or we can still work it out and face the challenge...goodluck and i hope we will all have a good christmas gift!!! (PR VISA) :)


Hero Member
May 10, 2009

The Japanese owner came to Vancouver in 2005. He doesn't have enough money,
so he started a Japanese hotdog pushcart in downtown Vancouver, after learning
how to cook hotdog from the other hotdog vendors. Now, he is looking to establish
his first Japanese hotdog restaurant and franchise. Next, probably is IPO.