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petition call to Ministry of Immigration for CIC's poor practice


Champion Member
Oct 6, 2009
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05-2012 (CSQ approved)
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11-2011 (extended until 11-2013)
Passport Req..
02-2013 (finalyyyyyy)
07-2013 (DONE - thank u all :):):))
Saffy said:
They should hire more people to work on all those thousands of applications they get! If my husband was here I would have started having
a family already. But how can I start? I don't want to be pregnant and him being oceans away from me, and then having to go through labor
by myself because they wont accept him in time? That's too much for me. So for now, we have to wait on them and its really depressing.
actually i think it was on the contrary: cutting costs and jobs instead of adding

it's ok....we r all in the same situation!!!! ::) it's not good idea at all to start a family now so be patient!! :) each of us turn will come!!! :)


Champion Member
Mar 1, 2012
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Mississauga: May 10, Mexico: June 4
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Dec 21, 2011
Passport Req..
July 6
July 13
August 2, 2012
Pummelchen said:
One of the posts above talk about fair treatment in this country. Everyone has their own experience but living in Canada as a tourist for more than one year I went through this:

- Thrown out from our apartment in Edmonton by the police in the middle of the night. Rent and Deposit fully paid in advance. Moved in 3 days ago but Landlord didn't like us. Officer said rent contract is not valid (?) so my wife and me are not protected and had to pack our things within 10 minutes and leave the building.

- Since when the police decides if a contract is valid or not ? Thats up to a judge in democratic countries !

- As the result lost $1000 for rent and were homeless for 4 months, living at a Husky Truck stop most of the time. Freezing at -25 C outside in November, at times no money to buy food as we were not aware of the Foodbank.

- I got convicted in court for the fact that the plate on my wifes car expired. Why I got the ticket ? I was reading a book in another car parked next to it. I am a tourist here and never owned a car in my life ! We have a prenub contract, whatever my wife owns is not my property. How can I be held responsible for my wifes car if I am not driving it nor sit in it ? Unbelievable injustice.

- To appeal I would have to order the transcript of the trial within 30 days which cost around $700. How do you appeal when you have no money to pay for a copy of your own words ?

- My court date got set for June. At that time my Visa would expire in January. I told the court that I cannot attend the trial based on my Visa and need an earlier trial date. Got refused by which Canada broke international agreements to give a fair trial to foreigners. Had to involve the local MLA to get the trial date set forward.

- In court the police officer who gave me the ticket lied under oath, making a statement which was wrong and I could prove it with written evidence. The judge ignored it.

To sum up: I was never homeless before, I was never in court before, I never got a police ticket for anything in my whole life. And I worked in many countries worldwide, traveled a lot.

Had to come to this country to get abused and thrown into the dirt by the Canadian Government. I could puke when I hear how ppl talk so nice about this country but have no clue.

If my sponsorship case will be rejected I will be the most happy person ever and go back to Europe. Never had issues there.
Yeah well you don't sound so innocent to me according to the following - no wonder your landlord evicted you! People end up homeless when they rack up 50K in debt.

Pummelchen said:
Mid of June I have to extend my Visa again, same time Sponsor approval should come in. If they refuse its time to fly back to Europe, paid by the CA government as without a work permit for more than I year I ran out of savings ..

Interesting will be if they make credit checks for the sponsor. My wife works full time since 15 years but cant keep money together and has total debts of $50.000, convicted in court for not paying anything back since months. It would actually stupid to approve her being a sponsor as one day after I would be landed PR she will file bankruptcy ;D


Hero Member
Feb 22, 2012
Montreal, Quebec
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Doc's Request.
11/07/2012 [CSQ]
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Med's Request
Signature has med furtherance details
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
I came over to this thread to see what cgagnon was ranting about in the other thread.

I still don't see why his wife's bankruptcy has anything to do with any of us. She'll still be under obligation as his sponsor, nothing changes there except her own personal debts.

Why is everybody so up in arms that he doesn't like Canada?

We are spouses being sponsored. We aren't skilled workers choosing a life in Canada, we are people choosing our spouses who are Canadian, and simply choosing one of two possible places to live. I don't see why we're expected to show our undying love for Canada as a country to be seen as 'legit'. I wouldn't be moving to Canada if I didn't have a Canadian spouse.

I personally happen to like Canada but it's nobody's business whatsoever if I didn't like it. I'm not moving to Canada for Canada, I'm moving to Canada for my spouse.

I think the way you are treating that guy is unfair.

What cgagnon said in that other thread is outrageous.

Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
Saffy said:
They should hire more people to work on all those thousands of applications they get! If my husband was here I would have started having
a family already. But how can I start? I don't want to be pregnant and him being oceans away from me, and then having to go through labor
by myself because they wont accept him in time? That's too much for me. So for now, we have to wait on them and its really depressing.
The solution is way simple than this if we don't just prejudge people. Just have a punishment for frauds and after they commit the faud! Do not ask people to prove their innocence!


Champion Member
Oct 6, 2009
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Doc's Request.
05-2012 (CSQ approved)
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
11-2011 (extended until 11-2013)
Passport Req..
02-2013 (finalyyyyyy)
07-2013 (DONE - thank u all :):):))
Deficient said:
I came over to this thread to see what cgagnon was ranting about in the other thread.

I still don't see why his wife's bankruptcy has anything to do with any of us. She'll still be under obligation as his sponsor, nothing changes there except her own personal debts.

Why is everybody so up in arms that he doesn't like Canada?

We are spouses being sponsored. We aren't skilled workers choosing a life in Canada, we are people choosing our spouses who are Canadian, and simply choosing one of two possible places to live. I don't see why we're expected to show our undying love for Canada as a country to be seen as 'legit'. I wouldn't be moving to Canada if I didn't have a Canadian spouse.

I personally happen to like Canada but it's nobody's business whatsoever if I didn't like it. I'm not moving to Canada for Canada, I'm moving to Canada for my spouse.

I think the way you are treating that guy is unfair.

What cgagnon said in that other thread is outrageous.
i agree with what u say: so many choose Canada for their spouses not necessarily for a better life (what they live behind might be better)....that is why the ones from poor coutries r checked and double checked - to make sure that they move to Canada for their spouse not for economical reasons....and yeah some have in Canada their only chance to b together and for a better life but not all.....i don't know what cgagnon said in the other thread, i don't want to get angry :-\

Happy Easter


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2012
Pummelchen said:
I could puke when I hear how ppl talk so nice about this country but have no clue.

If my sponsorship case will be rejected I will be the most happy person ever and go back to Europe. Never had issues there.
I am sorry to hear the above. I think a lot of people have their ups & downs and though it might be hard to believe, I am sure there are many people who have had to go through far worse.

But, what really upsets me is reading the above that you had posted. If that is how you feel, why bother going through the application process? Just cancel your application. Let the next person who really and truly wants to be here have a shot. If you will be so happy with your application being rejected, why wait for someone else to make you happy? Make yourself happy (and I'm sure a number of respectful citizens and immigrants, etc, and just cancel the app yourself? If you feel you will be much happier in another county, then why not make yourself happy and do just that? You are doing a disservice to to many people, but more importantly yourself!

And, then, to think you will have a chance to be elligible for citizenship in the future, as well. Though, given what you have stated, I doubt that is an option you will want to pursue.

However, as upset as I was after reading your comments, I do wish you the best. I do hope you find your happiness. And, I am hopeful, that your negative view on Canada will change....with time....and different circumstances. I hope what you have said was just said out of anger/frustration/hurt. If I was a person who knew you and was able to help you....I would have! I think that's just one beauty of this country....you will find that there are many, many people willing to help eachother.

Alll the best to you!


Hero Member
Feb 22, 2012
Montreal, Quebec
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Doc's Request.
11/07/2012 [CSQ]
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Med's Request
Signature has med furtherance details
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Dr Eng X said:
The solution is way simple than this if we don't just prejudge people. Just have a punishment for frauds and after they commit the faud! Do not ask people to prove their innocence!
That would be more simple but way way more expensive.

It seems like it takes years of legal wrangling to deport somebody, and there are all of the costs associated with that, and then they probably have to pay the expense of their actual carriage out of the country.

I think Canada has way too many fraudsters trying to get in for them to make it as easy as that.

That being said, the idea they're pursuing now of having a 2 year conditional period in theory ought to put more of the burden of proving genuineness AFTER the PR is granted instead of beforehand. So you definitely have a point, if they decide to enact that rule. But I suspect all that will happen is they make us jump through all the hoops to get PR and then jump through a bunch more hoops to get the conditions lifted from it after two years pass. Very annoying.


Hero Member
Feb 22, 2012
Montreal, Quebec
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
11/07/2012 [CSQ]
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Med's Request
Signature has med furtherance details
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
muffy1 said:
I am sorry to hear the above. I think a lot of people have their ups & downs and though it might be hard to believe, I am sure there are many people who have had to go through far worse.

But, what really upsets me is reading the above that you had posted. If that is how you feel, why bother going through the application process? Just cancel your application. Let the next person who really and truly wants to be here have a shot. If you will be so happy with your application being rejected, why wait for someone else to make you happy? Make yourself happy (and I'm sure a number of respectful citizens and immigrants, etc, and just cancel the app yourself? If you feel you will be much happier in another county, then why not make yourself happy and do just that? You are doing a disservice to to many people, but more importantly yourself!

And, then, to think you will have a chance to be elligible for citizenship in the future, as well. Though, given what you have stated, I doubt that is an option you will want to pursue.

However, as upset as I was after reading your comments, I do wish you the best. I do hope you find your happiness. And, I am hopeful, that your negative view on Canada will change....with time....and different circumstances. I hope what you have said was just said out of anger/frustration/hurt. If I was a person who knew you and was able to help you....I would have! I think that's just one beauty of this country....you will find that there are many, many people willing to help eachother.

Alll the best to you!
This is very pleasant and I'm glad somebody is taking it easier on that bloke!

I just wanted to point out or rather just suggest that happiness in his situation depends on both him and his wife - if she is happier in Canada that she might be in Europe then that's a pretty big factor in his situation. It's not all just about him and his feelings/attitude. In fact, from what he says it sounds like he's not interested in living in Canada so one can only assume it must be at his wife's insistence since clearly it is not by his own.

They probably have one source of security now: her job. If they uproot for Europe they'll have precisely none, it seems.

I don't profess to know or understand this man's situation, just running through the possibilities in my head. From the outside it seems clear cut and simple, just go away if you don't like Canada, but this is real lives we're talking about.

So yes, let's not all give this guy such a hard time, he sounds like he's been in a bind for quite some time.

Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
Deficient said:
That would be more simple but way way more expensive.

It seems like it takes years of legal wrangling to deport somebody, and there are all of the costs associated with that, and then they probably have to pay the expense of their actual carriage out of the country.

I think Canada has way too many fraudsters trying to get in for them to make it as easy as that.

That being said, the idea they're pursuing now of having a 2 year conditional period in theory ought to put more of the burden of proving genuineness AFTER the PR is granted instead of beforehand. So you definitely have a point, if they decide to enact that rule. But I suspect all that will happen is they make us jump through all the hoops to get PR and then jump through a bunch more hoops to get the conditions lifted from it after two years pass. Very annoying.
Simple solutions are always the best and are the cheapest. For example the condition of 5years applied to spouses is one good way to deter frauds. The idea of asking a person to prove their innocence seems very strange to me.
The contract agreement is another good example of taking responsibilities....there are a lot of ways to catch, accuse and excute guilties but do NOT ask a person to prove his innocence!!!
Why it is cheap because it reduces the work and all applications will be governed by the same exact rules

I suggest we keep this topic as "petition call to Ministry of Immigration for CIC's poor practice " , I started a new topic.


Champion Member
Mar 1, 2012
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Mississauga: May 10, Mexico: June 4
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Dec 21, 2011
Passport Req..
July 6
July 13
August 2, 2012
Deficient said:
I came over to this thread to see what cgagnon was ranting about in the other thread.

I still don't see why his wife's bankruptcy has anything to do with any of us. She'll still be under obligation as his sponsor, nothing changes there except her own personal debts.

Why is everybody so up in arms that he doesn't like Canada?

We are spouses being sponsored. We aren't skilled workers choosing a life in Canada, we are people choosing our spouses who are Canadian, and simply choosing one of two possible places to live. I don't see why we're expected to show our undying love for Canada as a country to be seen as 'legit'. I wouldn't be moving to Canada if I didn't have a Canadian spouse.

I personally happen to like Canada but it's nobody's business whatsoever if I didn't like it. I'm not moving to Canada for Canada, I'm moving to Canada for my spouse.

I think the way you are treating that guy is unfair.

What cgagnon said in that other thread is outrageous.
I don't care if he likes Canada or that his wife is in debt. But don't rant and rave about how Canada treated you so badly when it's clearly lack of responsibility on their part. And don't brag that Canada was stupid to approve your application.


Hero Member
Feb 22, 2012
Montreal, Quebec
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11/07/2012 [CSQ]
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Med's Request
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Passport Req..
canadiangirl78 said:
I don't care if he likes Canada or that his wife is in debt. But don't rant and rave about how Canada treated you so badly when it's clearly lack of responsibility on their part. And don't brag that Canada was stupid to approve your application.
I see your point although I kind of took his posts a bit differently from that.

I don't think he realises that he's the real loser if his PR is approved and his wife files bankruptcy, not Canada. Because he has a wife who evidently cannot provide for his needs as per her sponsorship obligations, and will be living in a country that will only provide for his needs minimally as a last resort and then will pursue his wife for repayment later. He's not exactly pulling some kind of clever trick on them... Still, I didn't read his post as bragging although it definitely does sounds like he's not thinking it through very clearly.

I don't see what part of his posts indicates a lack of responsibility on his part. His wife maybe, but not necessarily him. You can't help who you fall in love with - in his case he's married to someone whose situation appears to be making life harder for him in every sense rather than easier, but I think it's a bit rude to blame him for that, and definitely a bit rude to insist that he deserves to be treated with contempt by various bodies in the country he lives in.


Champion Member
Mar 1, 2012
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Feb 21
AOR Received.
Mississauga: May 10, Mexico: June 4
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May 16
Med's Done....
Dec 21, 2011
Passport Req..
July 6
July 13
August 2, 2012
Deficient said:
I see your point although I kind of took his posts a bit differently from that.

I don't think he realises that he's the real loser if his PR is approved and his wife files bankruptcy, not Canada. Because he has a wife who evidently cannot provide for his needs as per her sponsorship obligations, and will be living in a country that will only provide for his needs minimally as a last resort and then will pursue his wife for repayment later. He's not exactly pulling some kind of clever trick on them... Still, I didn't read his post as bragging although it definitely does sounds like he's not thinking it through very clearly.

I don't see what part of his posts indicates a lack of responsibility on his part. His wife maybe, but not necessarily him. You can't help who you fall in love with - in his case he's married to someone whose situation appears to be making life harder for him in every sense rather than easier, but I think it's a bit rude to blame him for that, and definitely a bit rude to insist that he deserves to be treated with contempt by various bodies in the country he lives in.
When you are married, you share responsibility. And yes I agree he is the real loser if his PR is approved. But he was bragging - big smiley face after telling everyone they would file bankruptcy the day he gets his PR.


Star Member
Mar 4, 2012
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AUG 2011
AOR Received.
NOV 2011
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JAN 2012
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JUL 2011-JUL 2012
Passport Req..
NOV 2012
DEC 2012
Different opinion....This web page give us the opportunity of talking,express our Ideas about our experience with this proccess...Every person is FREE to say whatever they thinking.And We must RESPECT them....Becausse We must be TOLERANT ...We are in the same proccess...nervous,stress,sad,frustrated,worried,hopefull,positive with a lot of sensations....

Yes CIC must to proccess thousend of application,for that reason they are there.....Canada is a wonderful country,I know there are a lot of ilegal people,fraud married etc...People doing bad things there and because of them all Canadian must to pay taxes to keep them and plus the goverment burocracy We are dealing with long time proccess ....I agree with Canadian Goverment care and try to protect their country.

But at the same time I understand my need..I wanna be with my husband I wanna have a family I wanna have a life.I dont wanna be married with a Canadian and only see him around the world because I cannot have a tourist visa to meet my in law relatives because If you have a nexus with Canadian the only visa that you can get in Permanent Resident.I dont want a Buffalo agent told me when I request a visa to go to my mother in law funeral Oh its not your mother so its not neccesary you to be there...!
I dont wanna live in USA and see my husband only every week spending a lot of money because Canada doesnt allow me there until 25 months..because Venezuela has that time to proccess our application.Who understand and help people like us APPLICANTS WITHOUT INFORMATION? its our only request INFORMATION...We dont asking a favor,or something IMPOSIBLE to provide...


Full Member
Mar 5, 2012
three months since mississauga received my application! 3 months of waiting, suffering and torture! you pay $ 1040 for a lousy service! for no service. I sent two faxes to mississauga, faxed and emailed the minsitre; a fax to the official opposition, two phone to my MP, spoke to the call center n times; a complaint to a supervisor. Results: nyet!
the file was received January 11, AOR super fast: January 31 and ... forget it! It's like if we were in a dictatorship. all to whom I spoke haven't a real access to my file. those who make the rain and sunshine are in Mississauga and they do not care about your faxes or emails of call-center.
I've lost the feeling of being respected as a citizen of this country;
Is there an ombudsman at CIC? is there any recourse?
These officials have made me sick, they deserve no respect!

En tout cas je sais que ça va finir un jour; mais pour ceux et celle qui disent que ça vaut pas la peine de crier pour se faire entendre, sachez qu'on ne cognera jamais à votre porte pour venri vous donner vos droits. le gouvernement, les responsables sont les premiers à donner l'exemple, à respecter leurs engagements et à respecter les citoyens; nous somme nous qui payons leurs salaires; plus de 1/3 des mon salaire est retenu en impôt! je paye 15% de taxes plus d'autres frais divers. Alors SVP un peu de respect pour nous!


Champion Member
Sep 29, 2011
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Hong Kong
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App. Filed.......
April 13, 2012
AOR Received.
AOR2 July 25, 2012
File Transfer...
July 13, 2012
Med's Done....
Mar 1, 2012
Passport Req..
Aug 28, 2012
Sept 24, 2012
Jan 30, 2013
Tell us about your case. Is it straightforward? Any children involved?

3 months isn't that bad...I've read on here and elsewhere of longer waits...hang in there...