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petition call to Ministry of Immigration for CIC's poor practice


Hero Member
Nov 10, 2011
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canadiangirl78 said:
Where did you hear they are having problems with new software and new forms?
In one of our forums...the person said she new someone who worked in the accounting department. The forms is just normal i guess when we have new procedures at work it takes a period of adjustment to get used to everything


Champion Member
Mar 1, 2012
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Feb 21
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Mississauga: May 10, Mexico: June 4
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May 16
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Dec 21, 2011
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July 6
July 13
August 2, 2012
cgagnon said:
In one of our forums...the person said she new someone who worked in the accounting department. The forms is just normal i guess when we have new procedures at work it takes a period of adjustment to get used to everything
But the forms have been on the website for awhile so they didn't just start using the system right?


Star Member
Mar 14, 2012
hi All,

CIC updated its website today with new information, which seems more realistic and honest. Although the days seems quite bad (75 days), at least it is showing the fact (hopefully no more covering up). At least if the Ministry is using the website record to judge their performance, he will what is really going on.

I am not sure if our petition contributed anything to this change, however I appreciate whoever promoted the petition and signed their names for it. It shows courage and responsibility of people for fighting for beauracracy. I would specially thank for support from mismini, shiny88, canadagirl85, madmtl, Dr. Eng X, pummelchen, charmainefrances and cgagnon.

This post has fulfilled its task and will sink however sink with honor. Thank you guys!

Good luck to all!


Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
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liuminparis said:
hi All,

CIC updated its website today with new information, which seems more realistic and honest. Although the days seems quite bad (75 days), at least it is showing the fact (hopefully no more covering up). At least if the Ministry is using the website record to judge their performance, he will what is really going on.

I am not sure if our petition contributed anything to this change, however I appreciate whoever promoted the petition and signed their names for it. It shows courage and responsibility of people for fighting for beauracracy. I would specially thank for support from mismini, shiny88, canadagirl85, madmtl, Dr. Eng X, pummelchen, charmainefrances and cgagnon.

This post has fulfilled its task and will sink however sink with honor. Thank you guys!

Good luck to all!

I do not think it is over yet. With these long processing times we need to receive AOR very early. Besides if this proves anything it proves our point that they were not honest and transparent. The CIC site has been saying for the last few weeks processing application Jan. 25 Now after those weeks they change it to processing application of Jan 18.


Champion Member
Oct 6, 2009
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05-2012 (CSQ approved)
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11-2011 (extended until 11-2013)
Passport Req..
02-2013 (finalyyyyyy)
07-2013 (DONE - thank u all :):):))
actually yeah that's right...there could b one more reason in the petition (working on jan 25 for 3 straight weeks and the 4th week is working on jan 18??) if i would tell my boss that i'm 3 weeks late with my project after i kept telling him that i'm on time, would he still keep me? i think not LOL

yes they try to be fair but in the same time there is lots of politica involved too....percentage wise many fraud marriages came from India and China but in the same time those r the fastest embassies....how does that makes sense?!

for the ones putting negative comments it's too bad nobody talks abt who is true or who is fake that's the visa office to decide not Missisauga; please know that someone born in Canada or who lived there for most of the time is used to be treated differently, everything to be clear and done right, that's how people work there; and if they don't then u say something; in other countries saying or not it does not make any difference, in Canada in could; and Canada is all about team work ;D if u really followed the past weeks how they worked and what "advice", mixed messages people got when calling u would understand why people need to raise their voice and complain; if u didn't really follow than why try to put more salt on the wound ?! :eek:


Champion Member
Oct 6, 2009
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
05-2012 (CSQ approved)
AOR Received.
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Med's Done....
11-2011 (extended until 11-2013)
Passport Req..
02-2013 (finalyyyyyy)
07-2013 (DONE - thank u all :):):))
liuminparis said:
hi All,

CIC updated its website today with new information, which seems more realistic and honest. Although the days seems quite bad (75 days), at least it is showing the fact (hopefully no more covering up). At least if the Ministry is using the website record to judge their performance, he will what is really going on.

I am not sure if our petition contributed anything to this change, however I appreciate whoever promoted the petition and signed their names for it. It shows courage and responsibility of people for fighting for beauracracy. I would specially thank for support from mismini, shiny88, canadagirl85, madmtl, Dr. Eng X, pummelchen, charmainefrances and cgagnon.

This post has fulfilled its task and will sink however sink with honor. Thank you guys!

Good luck to all!

allo Michelle c'etait une plaisir :) we need to stick together :) bonne chance a toi!! xxx


Champion Member
Oct 6, 2009
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
05-2012 (CSQ approved)
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
11-2011 (extended until 11-2013)
Passport Req..
02-2013 (finalyyyyyy)
07-2013 (DONE - thank u all :):):))
one more thing i forgot!!! yeah the advice to contact the MP is good but some of them would say u r still within the processing times (which for some VO's is 20, 25, 31 months); so sometimes u just wait with no news for that long until u can take some action...no surprise that some relationship go downhill, some can just not take it being away for so long and go crazy, it's really sad but u need to fight and get stronger as a couple!!!! there is no other way!!!!!

Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
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missmini said:
actually yeah that's right...there could b one more reason in the petition (working on jan 25 for 3 straight weeks and the 4th week is working on jan 18??) if i would tell my boss that i'm 3 weeks late with my project after i kept telling him that i'm on time, would he still keep me? i think not LOL

yes they try to be fair but in the same time there is lots of politica involved too....percentage wise many fraud marriages came from India and China but in the same time those r the fastest embassies....how does that makes sense?!

for the ones putting negative comments it's too bad nobody talks abt who is true or who is fake that's the visa office to decide not Missisauga; please know that someone born in Canada or who lived there for most of the time is used to be treated differently, everything to be clear and done right, that's how people work there; and if they don't then u say something; in other countries saying or not it does not make any difference, in Canada in could; and Canada is all about team work ;D if u really followed the past weeks how they worked and what "advice", mixed messages people got when calling u would understand why people need to raise their voice and complain; if u didn't really follow than why try to put more salt on the wound ?! :eek:
well said...
missmini said:
for the ones putting negative comments it's too bad nobody talks abt who is true or who is fake that's the visa office to decide not Missisauga; please know that someone born in Canada or who lived there for most of the time is used to be treated differently, everything to be clear and done right, that's how people work there; and if they don't then u say something; in other countries saying or not it does not make any difference, in Canada in could; and Canada is all about team work ;D if u really followed the past weeks how they worked and what "advice", mixed messages people got when calling u would understand why people need to raise their voice and complain; if u didn't really follow than why try to put more salt on the wound ?! :eek:
I did not want to say it. But I respect someone else's real informed opinion but those who voiced their uninformed voice without even reading what is this all about ... obviously they have not read a thing...they just jumped into discussion!


Hero Member
Nov 10, 2011
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missmini said:
one more thing i forgot!!! yeah the advice to contact the MP is good but some of them would say u r still within the processing times (which for some VO's is 20, 25, 31 months); so sometimes u just wait with no news for that long until u can take some action...no surprise that some relationship go downhill, some can just not take it being away for so long and go crazy, it's really sad but u need to fight and get stronger as a couple!!!! there is no other way!!!!!
Ah I am so glad to see someone else write about how much of a toll it takes on your relationship, the stress, the anxiety, the unknown...when we survive this I did say WHEN we will be able to surmount anything that is thrown our way!

Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
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Shiny88 said:
''we really dont have enough info to directly jump up and start in on them before knowing the facts.'' So why they dont lets us know, After all we are not sponsoring a friend but a life partner..The precious time is waisted without knowing whats going on with preasure,confusion and tension. It doesnt matter how long it takes for them to process but atleast give some godamn updates.On ecas my application is received for over one year now without update or aything beside receiving the interview letter. So how depressing is that.......anyway relation goes downhill for me and i guess for thousands of us.With all this stress blaming each other for everything...
I can understand whatif after the long wait you forgot any small thing.... you both want to be together....but you will blame each other
Fencesitter said:
That's unfortunate, the part about your relationship going downhill.

It's a shame....
some :( voices!!!
missmini said:
one more thing i forgot!!! yeah the advice to contact the MP is good but some of them would say u r still within the processing times (which for some VO's is 20, 25, 31 months); so sometimes u just wait with no news for that long until u can take some action...no surprise that some relationship go downhill, some can just not take it being away for so long and go crazy, it's really sad but u need to fight and get stronger as a couple!!!! there is no other way!!!!!
cgagnon said:
Ah I am so glad to see someone else write about how much of a toll it takes on your relationship, the stress, the anxiety, the unknown...when we survive this I did say WHEN we will be able to surmount anything that is thrown our way!

Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
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liuminparis said:
Merci missmini. Aussi bonne chance a toi! :)
alors rien pour Moi haha ;) I am not that good in french but I mean nothing for me poor me


Hero Member
Oct 7, 2010
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Kingston, Jamaica
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Dr Eng X said:
well said...I did not want to say it. But I respect someone else's real informed opinion but those who voiced their uninformed voice without even reading what is this all about ... obviously they have not read a thing...they just jumped into discussion!
I did read what it was about, I was not being negative, I was voicing my opinion which I am allowed to do. I do understand it was about updates, and first stage processing, etc etc. I was just pointing out that A) I had not been treated unfairly at all. B) I HAD infact recieved appropriate notices and C) each case is completly different and individually handled. i didnt make up that rule, CIC did. I more "jumped into dicussion" which btw I am free to do no matter the topic, to give a positive spin, that not all cases are handled that way.

And at the stab @ ppl not born in Canada, aka myself, We foreigners also like to be treated uniform and fair and in a timely manner, however I have seen many Canadian based agencies, be slow, unreliable etc to CANADIAN BORN PEOPLE. Oh the shock! I am by the way right of descent Canadian citizen born in Jamaica, to a Jamaican father and Canadian mother and have been here 22 years, so I would hope I would be "used" to the same treatment that other canadians are so "used" to. I actually think I may be offended over that comment.


Champion Member
Oct 6, 2009
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05-2012 (CSQ approved)
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11-2011 (extended until 11-2013)
Passport Req..
02-2013 (finalyyyyyy)
07-2013 (DONE - thank u all :):):))
no need to b offended that was not the intent...if u reffered to my comment i said born there or who lived there for a while....noone says Canadians r better and here we don't know who is the sponsor and who the sponsored....my point i was trying to make is the ones who will become Canadians soon and especially the ones where their countries r as they r (no need of a whole list) might b more afraid of raising their voice or might think that it would not change anything (like when u go vote in some countries and u know it was just useless)...this thread was more for information than anything else: the ones desperate, who r in the situations mentioned above they will know where they could raise their voice; like this with a number of signatures (no matter how many) any one of us could send it to our MP, NGO, wherever they want....i still don't understand why others try to discourage it or defend smthg which ok for them it went ok but what abt the others?! it's like saying ok it went well for me and 10 others who cares abt the rest?! (again i talk abt the ones in agonazing situations, like thinking their file is lost after 3 months, like no updates after 1 year, etc etc)

by the way i noticed Michelle already got poor rating (although she did a great job with this from her own free time) and i don't find it fairplay to give poor rating if u just don't agree with that person's opinion or choice or try to do something which she thinks it's good...

Dr Eng X don't worry my French is rusty nowadays, i lack practice ::) bonne chance pour toi et tout le monde!!! :)

happy Easter everyone!! :)


Hero Member
Oct 7, 2010
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Kingston, Jamaica
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neva yet
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Passport Req..
missmini said:
no need to b offended that was not the intent...if u reffered to my comment i said born there or who lived there for a while....noone says Canadians r better and here we don't know who is the sponsor and who the sponsored....my point i was trying to make is the ones who will become Canadians soon and especially the ones where their countries r as they r (no need of a whole list) might b more afraid of raising their voice or might think that it would not change anything (like when u go vote in some countries and u know it was just useless)...this thread was more for information than anything else: the ones desperate, who r in the situations mentioned above they will know where they could raise their voice; like this with a number of signatures (no matter how many) any one of us could send it to our MP, NGO, wherever they want....i still don't understand why others try to discourage it or defend smthg which ok for them it went ok but what abt the others?! it's like saying ok it went well for me and 10 others who cares abt the rest?! (again i talk abt the ones in agonazing situations, like thinking their file is lost after 3 months, like no updates after 1 year, etc etc)

by the way i noticed Michelle already got poor rating (although she did a great job with this from her own free time) and i don't find it fairplay to give poor rating if u just don't agree with that person's opinion or choice or try to do something which she thinks it's good...Dr Eng X don't worry my French is rusty nowadays, i lack practice ::) bonne chance pour toi et tout le monde!!! :)

happy Easter everyone!! :)
Not sure if this one was meant for me, but I never have and never will rate anybody on this board good or bad. Nor do I think it was a bad thread, or bad petition. This was not my doing.