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petition call to Ministry of Immigration for CIC's poor practice

Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
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Fencesitter said:
Tell us about your case. Is it straightforward? Any children involved?

3 months isn't that bad...I've read on here and elsewhere of longer waits...hang in there...

3 months is very bad without a response! It used to be 1 month


Champion Member
Mar 1, 2012
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Mississauga: May 10, Mexico: June 4
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Dec 21, 2011
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July 6
July 13
August 2, 2012
Fencesitter said:
Tell us about your case. Is it straightforward? Any children involved?

3 months isn't that bad...I've read on here and elsewhere of longer waits...hang in there...

3 months for step 1 is very bad. Probably the longest wait it has ever been.


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Nov 10, 2011
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canadiangirl78 said:
When you are married, you share responsibility. And yes I agree he is the real loser if his PR is approved. But he was bragging - big smiley face after telling everyone they would file bankruptcy the day he gets his PR.
You know what got me going?!? The fact that he sounds proud that once his visa expires Canada (our tax dollars) will be paying for his return home....that he's putting his wife down and under being a sponsor is a hell of a risk to take... Everyone always looks at the applicants and forgets our sacrifices! I am proud to be canadian and anybody who wants to bash my country,my home can just go home!if your in someones house and you don't like it you dont stay you leave! If my husband talked about me on a forum like that bragging and and putting my dirty laundry out i wouldnt be too kind!


Hero Member
Sep 7, 2010
@ pummelchen:
Interestingly Germany is a top country like Canada but my Canadian wife only needs to register to get PR and work permit if we decide to go there. Quick and easy. No application kit needed, just plain register with passport and marriage certificate and that's it.

And Germany gets highly pressured with immigration requests just like Canada but at least a German citizen gets treated respectfully when he/she wants to bring in a foreign partner.
that's only half of the truth. If your wife is from any other country than canada, usa, japan, or south korea your wife would have to pass a German language test at Goethe institute even before submission of the visa request. furthermore, legalization of documents can be a pain in the a** when dealing with documents from non-EU countries. in addition, i do not fully agree with your last sentence. It really depends on the origin of the applicant and the circumstances.
I went through the Canadian process twice in the recent years (my own PR and my wife's sponsorship) and I must say that CIC is not that bad when comparing to other countries. The service might need some improvements in some areas but don't forget that some of the delays in waiting times have their reasons in political decisions (process changes, regulatory modifications and stream lining of work force, etc.). Some delays are even controlled and on purpose (quotas).

Don;t get me wrong. I understand the frustration especially from couples from non-western countries with tremendous waiting times. You should thank those applicants who abused the system in the past and which forced CIC to apply more scrutiny when assessing applications from certain countries and/or genders...


Star Member
Mar 12, 2012
Calgary Alberta Canada
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24-02-2012 Passport Sent.: 16-03-2012
21-04-2012 DM on ECAS...: 19-04-2012
clubcanada said:
@ pummelchen:
that's only half of the truth. If your wife is from any other country than canada, usa, japan, or south korea your wife would have to pass a German language test at Goethe institute even before submission of the visa request. furthermore, legalization of documents can be a pain in the a** when dealing with documents from non-EU countries. in addition, i do not fully agree with your last sentence. It really depends on the origin of the applicant and the circumstances.
I went through the Canadian process twice in the recent years (my own PR and my wife's sponsorship) and I must say that CIC is not that bad when comparing to other countries. The service might need some improvements in some areas but don't forget that some of the delays in waiting times have their reasons in political decisions (process changes, regulatory modifications and stream lining of work force, etc.). Some delays are even controlled and on purpose (quotas).

Don;t get me wrong. I understand the frustration especially from couples from non-western countries with tremendous waiting times. You should thank those applicants who abused the system in the past and which forced CIC to apply more scrutiny when assessing applications from certain countries and/or genders...

I would like to add... It was reported a few months back. Canada accepts the MOST IMMIGRANTS per capita than any other first world nation. Obviously we are a prime destination and it also goes to say our process also would appear to be the most accepting. Some would say $1040 is high cost, but it was stated the actual cost incurred by Canada is much higher.

As a Candian I am offended that someone would go through the PR process and not even want to be here. Worse yet run down Canada, and yes even brag about how they are abusing the system and the generosity of Canadians. Canadians are proud to be the most accepting nation, the most helpful and generous nation (per capita). Remember we are only 30 to 35 million people. The millions of people worldwide that want to immigrate here is staggering to the size of our economy and the costs we would incur. Our economy would simply collapse if everyone who wanted to come was allowed to simply sign a form and enter. As much as we all hate to wait, myself included waiting for my wife, there must be these controls to manage the sheer numbers that wish to immigrate here. The government has stated they are making major changes to the whole immigration system. This takes time, with growing pains (unfortunately for us), and hopefully will result in a quicker, fairer process for the legitimate applicants with good intentions, who are welcome here in Canada. The numbers of fraudsters and criminals who have been abusing our system to enter Canada over the decades have resulted in this overbearing process. Yet, without it, we would be further over run with those who don't deserve to be here and reult in a drain on our system and economy, and only succeed in giving immigration a bad feeling. I think the case being mentioned is a prime example of why we need these tougher controls on who gets accepted and who not. No offense to the person, but anyone who shows such disdain for Canada should not be granted a visa. Quite frankly we do not wish to welcome those who show disdain for us and our country. Millions of others throughout the world would be very happy to call Canada home if given the chance. I suggest to anyone in this situation who does not want to live here, don't apply and withdraw your applications. Stay where you are where you will be happy.

For those who think hiring more and more people will solve the problem. Think again. There are so many millions of people worldwide who wish to immigrate to Canada if the process were made easier. Canada can only afford to pour so much resources into satisfying an endless lineup of applicants. Also there are only so many our economy can handle in a year. The problem is we are SUCH A GREAT place to live, that is why the list of applicants is always so high.

For those who end up having a longer process than the average, I feel for you I really do. I have been away from my wife for almost 3 years now, believe me I understand the frustration of waiting. But it also disgusts me the number of cases still getting through immigration that should never have been allowed in. Please all be patient. Remember that every case is different. As much as your situation is clear to you, the VO officers DON'T KNOW YOU or your story. They have to learn about you solely based on your application, and from there determine if your application meets the requirements. I can't imagine how hard it must be to sort through many of the difficult situations I have read about just on this site. So many gray areas, of course they are going to have more questions with some. Some are simple, but many many require far more checking and verifying etc and difficulty trying to determine the true nature of relationships histories etc.

For those who assume its a right to enter Canada, or any other country. No, it is not a right. It is a privilege and a generosity granted by Canada on behalf of its citizens. As such we need to respect and understand the process and requirements. We need to show patience. I believe the onus is on the applicant to prove they meet the requirements of this generosity offered to them. It is not a right. It is not like a court of law where innocent are innocent until proven guilty. Applicants should take it seriously enough to research and KNOW ahead of time what is involved in the process, the extent to which they may be required to go to meet requirements, and the potential results. No application is guaranteed successful, no timeline is guaranteed. Applicants need to understand how difficult their situation may be, and thus be prepared for a lenghty process, higher risk of denial, and extra steps that may be required. Most of us know this and accept this knowing this is the risk and the effort we must make to be with our families etc. The price we must pay.

Sorry for the long reply again, but just a little perspective. I wish all serious and legitimate applicants a very speedy and successful process. With God's good graces, and a little patience, our applications will be approved all in good time.

Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
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All I would say. I meant easier and simple process for sponsoring your spouse NOT for skilled or other categories. (The discussion is under FAM)
I am a Canadian too but I do not go around saying I am doing people a favor for accepting them into my country. They are accepted to help the Canadian economy however due to many faults in the system that is NOT what happens.
The bottom line you can NOT accuse someone of wrong doing while he/she did not do wrong. (I am talking in general for you and me NOT specific about this guy) You can not as well elongate the process under these excuses. It is also unfortunate according to CIC stat that the countries responsible for most fraud are the least processing time.

Bringing your spouse is a right and NOT a privilege or generosity! That is NOT an assumption I have actually read it some where.

missmini said:
it's like saying ok it went well for me and 10 others who cares abt the rest?!


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

madmtl said:
three months since mississauga received my application! 3 months of waiting, suffering and torture! you pay $ 1040 for a lousy service! for no service. I sent two faxes to mississauga, faxed and emailed the minsitre; a fax to the official opposition, two phone to my MP, spoke to the call center n times; a complaint to a supervisor. Results: nyet!
the file was received January 11, AOR super fast: January 31 and ... forget it! It's like if we were in a dictatorship. all to whom I spoke haven't a real access to my file. those who make the rain and sunshine are in Mississauga and they do not care about your faxes or emails of call-center.
I've lost the feeling of being respected as a citizen of this country;
Is there an ombudsman at CIC? is there any recourse?
These officials have made me sick, they deserve no respect!

En tout cas je sais que ça va finir un jour; mais pour ceux et celle qui disent que ça vaut pas la peine de crier pour se faire entendre, sachez qu'on ne cognera jamais à votre porte pour venri vous donner vos droits. le gouvernement, les responsables sont les premiers à donner l'exemple, à respecter leurs engagements et à respecter les citoyens; nous somme nous qui payons leurs salaires; plus de 1/3 des mon salaire est retenu en impôt! je paye 15% de taxes plus d'autres frais divers. Alors SVP un peu de respect pour nous!

1. Did you read the processing times at Mississauga? It is 75 days and they are working on applications received 18 January.

Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
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PMM said:

1. Did you read the processing times at Mississauga? It is 75 days and they are working on applications received 18 January.
Yes he/she did


Star Member
Mar 12, 2012
Calgary Alberta Canada
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24-02-2012 Passport Sent.: 16-03-2012
21-04-2012 DM on ECAS...: 19-04-2012
Dr Eng X said:
All I would say. I meant easier and simple process for sponsoring your spouse NOT for skilled or other categories.
I am a Canadian too but I do not go around saying I am doing people a favor for accepting them into my country. They are accepted to help the Canadian economy however due to many faults in the system that is NOT what happens.
The bottom line you can NOT accuse someone of wrong doing while he/she did not do wrong. (I am talking in general for you and me NOT specific about this guy) You can not as well elongate the process under these excuses. It is also unfortunate according to CIC stat that the countries responsible for most fraud are the least processing time.
I don't see how the process requirements etc are accusing anyone of doing anything wrong. Consider it like a job interview. They are not accusing applicants applying, only making sure their requirements are met. They then check references and backgrounds before actually hiring the person. Same process same results.


Hero Member
Oct 7, 2010
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Kingston, Jamaica
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neva yet
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@ JeffnJanet, I agree with everything you said, funny enough, when this thread just started I believe in my own way was trying to explain that every case is different and gets handled that way, and how much I really did feel for the ppl who have longer waits, everyone jumped on me like I was being so outrageous and negative. I also stated that by aggravating the situation by getting hyper and bombarding them with inquiries and such will not speed up things for them and I was again attacked...funny enough this whole thread took a much more negative turn that had nothing to do with the original topic...

I am glad you stated your opinion as a Canadian, because I guess since I am not "Canadian born" even though I am a Citizen, plus have right of descent, lol, that wasnt enough for ppl to understand what I was trying to say but you said it beautifully. :)


Hero Member
Feb 22, 2012
Montreal, Quebec
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11/07/2012 [CSQ]
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Med's Request
Signature has med furtherance details
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
JEFFandJANET said:
I would like to add... It was reported a few months back. Canada accepts the MOST IMMIGRANTS per capita than any other first world nation. Obviously we are a prime destination and it also goes to say our process also would appear to be the most accepting. Some would say $1040 is high cost, but it was stated the actual cost incurred by Canada is much higher.

As a Candian I am offended that someone would go through the PR process and not even want to be here. Worse yet run down Canada, and yes even brag about how they are abusing the system and the generosity of Canadians. Canadians are proud to be the most accepting nation, the most helpful and generous nation (per capita). Remember we are only 30 to 35 million people. The millions of people worldwide that want to immigrate here is staggering to the size of our economy and the costs we would incur. Our economy would simply collapse if everyone who wanted to come was allowed to simply sign a form and enter. As much as we all hate to wait, myself included waiting for my wife, there must be these controls to manage the sheer numbers that wish to immigrate here. The government has stated they are making major changes to the whole immigration system. This takes time, with growing pains (unfortunately for us), and hopefully will result in a quicker, fairer process for the legitimate applicants with good intentions, who are welcome here in Canada. The numbers of fraudsters and criminals who have been abusing our system to enter Canada over the decades have resulted in this overbearing process. Yet, without it, we would be further over run with those who don't deserve to be here and reult in a drain on our system and economy, and only succeed in giving immigration a bad feeling. I think the case being mentioned is a prime example of why we need these tougher controls on who gets accepted and who not. No offense to the person, but anyone who shows such disdain for Canada should not be granted a visa. Quite frankly we do not wish to welcome those who show disdain for us and our country. Millions of others throughout the world would be very happy to call Canada home if given the chance. I suggest to anyone in this situation who does not want to live here, don't apply and withdraw your applications. Stay where you are where you will be happy.

For those who think hiring more and more people will solve the problem. Think again. There are so many millions of people worldwide who wish to immigrate to Canada if the process were made easier. Canada can only afford to pour so much resources into satisfying an endless lineup of applicants. Also there are only so many our economy can handle in a year. The problem is we are SUCH A GREAT place to live, that is why the list of applicants is always so high.

For those who end up having a longer process than the average, I feel for you I really do. I have been away from my wife for almost 3 years now, believe me I understand the frustration of waiting. But it also disgusts me the number of cases still getting through immigration that should never have been allowed in. Please all be patient. Remember that every case is different. As much as your situation is clear to you, the VO officers DON'T KNOW YOU or your story. They have to learn about you solely based on your application, and from there determine if your application meets the requirements. I can't imagine how hard it must be to sort through many of the difficult situations I have read about just on this site. So many gray areas, of course they are going to have more questions with some. Some are simple, but many many require far more checking and verifying etc and difficulty trying to determine the true nature of relationships histories etc.

For those who assume its a right to enter Canada, or any other country. No, it is not a right. It is a privilege and a generosity granted by Canada on behalf of its citizens. As such we need to respect and understand the process and requirements. We need to show patience. I believe the onus is on the applicant to prove they meet the requirements of this generosity offered to them. It is not a right. It is not like a court of law where innocent are innocent until proven guilty. Applicants should take it seriously enough to research and KNOW ahead of time what is involved in the process, the extent to which they may be required to go to meet requirements, and the potential results. No application is guaranteed successful, no timeline is guaranteed. Applicants need to understand how difficult their situation may be, and thus be prepared for a lenghty process, higher risk of denial, and extra steps that may be required. Most of us know this and accept this knowing this is the risk and the effort we must make to be with our families etc. The price we must pay.

Sorry for the long reply again, but just a little perspective. I wish all serious and legitimate applicants a very speedy and successful process. With God's good graces, and a little patience, our applications will be approved all in good time.
Sorry BUT. I do like Canada and I truly believe I will be happy there...

But this is such an utter load of bollocks. When somebody marries another person, they marry THAT PERSON. They do not marry the country. Of course there is some negotiation as to where they will live as a couple, but that is between them and their personal circumstances. I do not have to love Canada to love that person. THAT IS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, THAT IS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE. GROSS. What is your problem here? These are not skilled workers who CHOSE your country, they are people who are in love. That is none of your business. None. I do not have to love Canada to live there, neither does anybody else. I do not expect those who marry Britons to automatically love Britain. That is some pathetic bigoted nonsense and you know it.

It is not anybody's business if somebody in a spousal situation doesn't love Canada. That is pathetic, are we frickin children here? He loves a woman who is Canadian. What the heck do you people want?

I am so disheartened with this website and the attitudes I am reading, I don't know that I even have words for it?

I wrote this earlier on this board and later deleted it because I felt like perhaps I was being antagonistic. But no, it stands. What makes you think Canada is so special? Honestly? What is it? What is this ridiculous attitude you display? I think Canada is a lovely place, that is my view, but I don't see what it has to do with you if that one guy doesn't love Canada. Move the damn hell on. He didn't chose Canada, he chose the person he loves and she happens to be Canadian. You want to hold that against him? How rude. Awful.


Hero Member
Feb 22, 2012
Montreal, Quebec
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11/07/2012 [CSQ]
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Signature has med furtherance details
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Honestly, I am so disheartened. I don't even want to come back here anymore in the face of this awful nonsense.

If somebody wants to take over the February spreadsheet then please PM me and let me know.... please please just let me know and we can sort it out for a handover and you guys can keep helping each other out and all of that, it's such a great thing. But I don't want to come here if this is the kind of thing I have to read. Nasty meanspirited awfulness.

I don't tolerate bigoted viewpoints from my own people, not for a second, so I sure as heck don't tolerate them from anywhere else either.

Best wishes to everybody.

Please contact me to take over this spreadsheet or recommend it to your fellow users or something. Thanks.

Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
Visa Office......
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Deficient said:
Honestly, I am so disheartened. I don't even want to come back here anymore in the face of this awful nonsense.

If somebody wants to take over the February spreadsheet then please PM me and let me know.... please please just let me know and we can sort it out for a handover and you guys can keep helping each other out and all of that, it's such a great thing. But I don't want to come here if this is the kind of thing I have to read. Nasty meanspirited awfulness.

I don't tolerate bigoted viewpoints from my own people, not for a second, so I sure as heck don't tolerate them from anywhere else either.

Best wishes to everybody.

Please contact me to take over this spreadsheet or recommend it to your fellow users or something. Thanks.
You are not the only one disappointed however I might not be disappointed for the same reasons. I really do not care about the specifics and people mentality. I do accept others opinions not pointless discussion and arguements. I just can NOT imagine the shear amount of selfishness. All those who opposed were not in our shoes to judge us to begin with. Most have finished already their stage 1 and they come here to stand against us! Others are in their final stages...at least you have been through this why can NOT we wish others happiness. Why do we wish everyone to suffer if NOT as we did then more. It is like "Do you think you can have it easy?"
Or those who suffer from years of racism and project their anger on others
Pointless, disappointing, disheartening, ...I am out of words.


Hero Member
Jan 9, 2012
Job Offer........
Mrslwsn said:
@ JeffnJanet, I agree with everything you said, funny enough, when this thread just started I believe in my own way was trying to explain that every case is different and gets handled that way, and how much I really did feel for the ppl who have longer waits, everyone jumped on me like I was being so outrageous and negative. I also stated that by aggravating the situation by getting hyper and bombarding them with inquiries and such will not speed up things for them and I was again attacked...funny enough this whole thread took a much more negative turn that had nothing to do with the original topic...

I am glad you stated your opinion as a Canadian, because I guess since I am not "Canadian born" even though I am a Citizen, plus have right of descent, lol, that wasnt enough for ppl to understand what I was trying to say but you said it beautifully. :)


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2012
First, I'd like to say that JeffandJanet's post made much sense.

Secondly, I'd like to say that Deficient's post is dis-heartening. When Deficient says "what is it that makes you think Canada is so special.....What is this ridiculous attitude you display?" The attitude is called PATRIOTISM and I do not think there is anything ridiculous about displaying love for one's country or being proud of the country in which you live.

Thirdly, Deficient's use of vulgarity......I've often heard the phrase said that vulgarities are for less intelligent people that are incapable of using more intelligent words to express their feelings. I'm sure you are very capable of getting your point across without resorting to such foul language. If you use more appropriate language, I feel others (myself included) might actually take the time to try to understand where you are coming from and might give your opinion some credibility.

I think it's great to hear how everyone loves Canada (or any other country for that matter). People choose to live where they live and if you do not love or are unhappy with where you are living.....it helps to make for a miserable life. I can't imagine not living in a place that I am not proud of or to not be able to declare love for my country. These are the people whom you want to call fellow citizens and whom you want to call future citizens.

Deficient said:
Sorry BUT. I do like Canada and I truly believe I will be happy there...

But this is such an utter load of bollocks. When somebody marries another person, they marry THAT PERSON. They do not marry the country. Of course there is some negotiation as to where they will live as a couple, but that is between them and their personal circumstances. I do not have to love Canada to love that person. THAT IS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, THAT IS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE. GROSS. What is your problem here? These are not skilled workers who CHOSE your country, they are people who are in love. That is none of your business. None. I do not have to love Canada to live there, neither does anybody else. I do not expect those who marry Britons to automatically love Britain. That is some pathetic bigoted nonsense and you know it.

It is not anybody's business if somebody in a spousal situation doesn't love Canada. That is pathetic, are we frickin children here? He loves a woman who is Canadian. What the heck do you people want?

I am so disheartened with this website and the attitudes I am reading, I don't know that I even have words for it?

I wrote this earlier on this board and later deleted it because I felt like perhaps I was being antagonistic. But no, it stands. What makes you think Canada is so special? Honestly? What is it? What is this ridiculous attitude you display? I think Canada is a lovely place, that is my view, but I don't see what it has to do with you if that one guy doesn't love Canada. Move the damn hell on. He didn't chose Canada, he chose the person he loves and she happens to be Canadian. You want to hold that against him? How rude. Awful.