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petition call to Ministry of Immigration for CIC's poor practice


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I agree about using foul language, but foul language can still be used intelligently.

This thread has gone WAY off topic. It should be split from this one.

Freedom of speech is a powerful thing.

I don't like to read someone saying that they are going to take advantage of the Canadian system. Obviously, this is not a good thing. If you don't like Canada, that's fine...if you do, that's fine, too...There are things I don't like about Canada...I'm a citizen (not that that makes a difference)...there are good and bad to every country...ever heard of a paradise on earth...that's just a fairly tale...

Good luck everyone!



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I have read JeffandJanet's post and I agree with what he said. Isn't this thread a petition to call CIC's attention due to poor practices? JeffandJanet has laid out some facts that contribute to CIC's poor system of processing applications (e.g failure to send AOR, update processing times accordingly, lengthy processing). CIC is now careful in processing application due to high rate of fraudulence esp in spousal apps.

In the case of Pummelchen and his wife, nobody is against them being reunited in Canada. But when he said that his wife has about $50,000 debt gives me the impression that once he has been granted status and his wife files for bankcruptcy, isn't that a case of deception? For sure CIC will not approve of her sponsoring Pummelchen should they find out about her financial situation. Although financial requirement is waived in spousal sponsorship, a person going bankcrupt is ineligible to be a sponsor.

Going back to the original topic of this thread, the case of Pummelchen is one example why CIC takes a while to respond to our applications. They are reviewing every detail of it. When an applicant is granted the status to permanently reside in Canada, he/she has equal priviliges as citizens except he/she cannot vote. But the benefits in health care, assistance given to low income families, to your children, they are available for you. Every working individual in Canada pays taxes and that is where a portion of the taxes we pay go. So if someone comes to Canada, and then later on go on welfare, it is the tax payers money they are using. If they worked for a while there is EI that they could apply for. But once that runs out, and they remain unemployed, then welfare is their option.

I don't have to be a citizen to understand that some people come to Canada and just rape the system. It is not fair. So don't take JeffandJanet's post disheartening because it is true..

Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
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Can we all calm down? Can we leave this off topic of this guy? Do we need all this? Is it going to help any of us?


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Feb 22, 2012
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muffy1 said:
First, I'd like to say that JeffandJanet's post made much sense.

Secondly, I'd like to say that Deficient's post is dis-heartening. When Deficient says "what is it that makes you think Canada is so special.....What is this ridiculous attitude you display?" The attitude is called PATRIOTISM and I do not think there is anything ridiculous about displaying love for one's country or being proud of the country in which you live.

Thirdly, Deficient's use of vulgarity......I've often heard the phrase said that vulgarities are for less intelligent people that are incapable of using more intelligent words to express their feelings. I'm sure you are very capable of getting your point across without resorting to such foul language. If you use more appropriate language, I feel others (myself included) might actually take the time to try to understand where you are coming from and might give your opinion some credibility.

I think it's great to hear how everyone loves Canada (or any other country for that matter). People choose to live where they live and if you do not love or are unhappy with where you are living.....it helps to make for a miserable life. I can't imagine not living in a place that I am not proud of or to not be able to declare love for my country. These are the people whom you want to call fellow citizens and whom you want to call future citizens.
I apologise for my vulgarity and you are quite right, I ought to have been capable of making my point perfectly clearly without resorting to it.

I got rather fired up when I wrote all of that.

Having had a few hours to 'sit on it' I still feel the same way (although maybe I might hesitate to call someone else's viewpoint "bollocks"...) and here's why. When people say those kinds of things in the UK I generally think them narrowminded and ignorant.

I think there is much to be loved about the UK, but I know it is not perfect. Many people make a choice to come here, and I am sure they make that choice by weighing it up and considering it on balance - for them the pros outweigh the cons, whatever they find the pros and cons to be. It's true that I don't expect to hear them complain much, if at all, and to hear those people complain to any great extent would almost certainly rub me the wrong way, in the same way that some Canadians have responded to that German guy.

For spouses, I think it is different. For them, the only pro they really need to identify with the UK is the fact that the person they love lives here. Everything else could be awful to them, but if their loved one lives here, that's all that ought to matter. If they want to criticise my country, they are welcome to, because they were never expected to like it. I do not expect their devotion and respect to my country and so it follows for me that I would never suggest they don't deserve a spot here on this soil just because they don't love the country.

I think the reason this all rubs me the wrong way is that I know I am moving to Canada. At the moment, everything I have seen about Canada has made me like it, BUT I cannot possibly know whether it is for me until I get there and plant my feet on that ground permanently. What if I don't like it? What if I have a bad time? By the sounds of it, I cannot articulate that? I have no right to criticise that country? If I have bad things to say about it, I might have people basically telling me to "f*** off home" (it was right there in the March thread btw) and other people telling me I don't deserve to live there, and other people telling me that perhaps I deserve whatever misfortunes I have found myself experiencing. How awful is that?! So perhaps I will dislike it enough to want to leave, and perhaps to do so I need to get myself into the necessary position financially to make that move, but in the meantime I have to stick around and be made to feel like I am STEALING something from other "legit" people who love Canada and desperately want to move there. I am using up precious air and land and resources and everything that could be reserved for those who LOVE Canada? How dare I??? Or something...

You can't tell me that all of that isn't totally outrageous. I am moving to Canada in good faith, I at least expect to be received that way.

I understand patriotism, and I understand loving one's country. I love mine too, but crikey guys.

JeffandJanet, I genuinely apologise for some of the more offensive ways I expressed myself towards you and I don't blame you if you're not prepared to respectfully consider my opinion as a result. But I nevertheless hope that you can understand some of what I am saying here.

I can absolutely see why that German guy has rubbed a few people up the wrong way but the way people have responded to him, if you take it outside the context of his specific situation and apply those views more generally, it is quite offputting and honestly rather upsetting.


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"bollocks" is vulgar? Nah...not really...rude...perhaps...but not vulgar.


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Dr Eng X said:
Can we all calm down? Can we leave this off topic of this guy? Do we need all this? Is it going to help any of us?
Absolutely,i will not use the s&@t word anymore to me its not a word i would censor! I find what what jeffandjanet wrote very well put im sorry i could not write it so elequently. I am very patriotic...I am all for giving a new life with great opportunities! Canada is a land of opportunity, so many doors are open for everyone! Let's keep the bashing of canada and negativity out of this, we were all positive until this helping each other out! Deficient you are allowed your own views definately, when a woman and my country is taken advantage of or put down i guess i take it too much to heart!I won't apologize about what i said, i meant. Like the french expressiob goes "Si le chapeau te fait, Mets-le!" To all a happy Easter! Hope they come back refreshed next week and they get to february!


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Jun 24, 2011
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canadiangirl78 said:
Yeah well you don't sound so innocent to me according to the following - no wonder your landlord evicted you! People end up homeless when they rack up 50K in debt.
Deposit and rent was fully paid in advance. My point is that at least in AB a landlord at anytime can call the police and throw you out. Thats impossible in Germany, the police need to have a court order for that. Big difference in a democratic country.


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Jun 24, 2011
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canadiangirl78 said:
The negativity is bothering me too. If you hate Canada so much then leave. And stop posting too. For my family - Canada is our lifesaver.
For sure many ppl like it. But it seems you are resistant against any critics. And what I posted is my real life experience. Pure facts.


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Jun 24, 2011
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muffy1 said:
I think a lot of people have their ups & downs and though it might be hard to believe, I am sure there are many people who have had to go through far worse. [..]
Good post, thx ! You are right, the people here are amazing and are very helpful. The problem is the government system in this country which makes people like me a little golf ball which the government is happy to kick around. And where I come from that would not be possible.

Also I connect with other immigrants in my area, if ppl believe my story is bad, its nothing compared to what my friends have to go through. Much worse stories.


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Jun 24, 2011
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canadiangirl78 said:
I don't care if he likes Canada or that his wife is in debt. But don't rant and rave about how Canada treated you so badly when it's clearly lack of responsibility on their part. And don't brag that Canada was stupid to approve your application.
What lack of responsibility we or I did ?

Dr Eng X

Champion Member
Jan 10, 2012
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Happy Easter everyone and let's forget about all this pointless arguements. I am not eloquent. We have already enough stresses.
I do not really want to take advantage of the situation but let us respect each other, others' opinions and stop prejudice. Listen and read before you jump, argue and write. I really think CIC system needs huge changes.
This thread's topic is "petition call to Ministry of Immigration for CIC's poor practice"
I have created another thread for discussing your dream ideas and if we can really change things for the better

If you love Canadian people, Canadian citizens,...you would love the continuous Canadian system improvement.
If you love your spouse or family ... you would love to reunit with them you would love for them to see the beautiful things in Canada...


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Pummelchen said:
Deposit and rent was fully paid in advance. My point is that at least in AB a landlord at anytime can call the police and throw you out. Thats impossible in Germany, the police need to have a court order for that. Big difference in a democratic country.
Having lived in Alberta all my life, according to the landlord/tenant protection act. Landlords need 3 months notice to throw a tennant out. Even for a tennant who hasn't paid rent. I don't know what your specific situation is, but according to the law, this shouldn't happen. So there is obviously more to it then this. Perhaps it was an illegal suite? I don't know. In any case, I mean you no offence. I wish you all the best whatever you do.


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JEFFandJANET said:
Having lived in Alberta all my life, according to the landlord/tenant protection act. Landlords need 3 months notice to throw a tennant out. Even for a tennant who hasn't paid rent. I don't know what your specific situation is, but according to the law, this shouldn't happen. So there is obviously more to it then this. Perhaps it was an illegal suite? I don't know. In any case, I mean you no offence. I wish you all the best whatever you do.
I don't want to openly doubt the guy, but I will...this would never happen under the circumstances as described. Obviously there is more to the story...something I'm sure is blindingly obvious to those who have read his account.

To infer that Canada is not a democratic country is laughable, based on what he has described. I don't care which part of the country, the police would not order you off the premises unless they had cause...or unless a warrant was served, which I suspect is probably what happened.

Yes, it sucks if you've made some serious life mistakes and find yourself in a spot of trouble, but you have no one else to blame but yourself....not Canada or our system of government...surely not...as we are a socialist country.



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Mar 12, 2012
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21-04-2012 DM on ECAS...: 19-04-2012
Thanks to those who agreed with my point of you, and who gave it the depth of thought to see I was trying to shed some light onto why the process is lengthy, why there are problems etc. I wish I was more elloquent but have a hard time getting my view points across. My intention was not to offend ANYONE. Have no idea why anyone would consider me a bigot, as I certainly am not. I don't care the color of anyone's skin, their ethnicity, etc. I am married to a Filipina. I welcome with open arms anyone coming to this country from wherever and whatever background, as long as they do so legally and follow the rules (not referring to anyone specifically). But I also try to understand the system and the need for it. I feel for all those who have to wait, I really do. Few have waited longer than I have. I didnt receive AOR, I have no updates on my ECAS other than application received and medical results received. But I also went into this expecting it to take as long as the website for Manila says, up to 9 months. Assuming that up front, then I am not frantic at any points in between if little timelines are not falling in line.

I apologize to anyone that may take offense with my posts. That is NOT my intention. I certainly wish everyone the best of luck with their applications and hope they have a speedy process. I do think its not healthy to become too upset or panicky when we don't receive quick updates etc. So I am trying to calm others down, hoping for patience. We all would like faster updates, more often, more accurate etc. But we could drive ourselves crazy with expectations which are so easily dashed.

Best of luck everyone.