hope everyone is well, i came back from vacation last week which was a nice break i was able to take my mind off the whole kg process for a while which really helped!! unfortunately my hubby did not get his pp pickup call in time to join us for the vaca , does anyone know how long they keep the pp for its been almost 6 weeks :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(!!! its really hard because his job wants a months notice before he leaves.
im praying that kg starts working hard now that september is around the corner, this summer flew by really fast wow! everyone better be ready for their turn

hope everyone is well, i came back from vacation last week which was a nice break i was able to take my mind off the whole kg process for a while which really helped!! unfortunately my hubby did not get his pp pickup call in time to join us for the vaca , does anyone know how long they keep the pp for its been almost 6 weeks :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(!!! its really hard because his job wants a months notice before he leaves.
im praying that kg starts working hard now that september is around the corner, this summer flew by really fast wow! everyone better be ready for their turn