Greetings to all

I trust everyone is keeping well - as well as can be expected with so much waiting...
Well - hubby arrived on December 1 so it's been a few weeks now and he is getting used to Canada...sort of...just the cold he doesn't much care for, but otherwise loves this 'pretty, pretty place'.
Just wanted to let folks know that we also received our medical re-do's...seems they issued them 2 days after they issued the I can only hope for anyone who bothers with the TRV (like hatewaiting) that at least it clears the dust of your file and lights a wee fire under them to get you the medical re-do's.
So, as things turn out, hubby left the island the day before the forms came and thus now has to go back right at beginning of January as they have only given him 60 days to respond to medical and police re-do's or they will cancel our file. Nice, eh? So back he will go and finish this process off.
Hope you are keeping well and hanging in there. Wishing everyone all the best for the upcoming holiday season and hoping that everyone is reunited with their hubbies/wives real soon.