Stressed...although your are frustrated

i must day congrats on the update, i know you see potential problems, but it doesn't change that fact they are doing something on your file, and that is good news ;D
I am sorry you are feeling sooooo stressed right now, :'( it is a terrible feeling , and even more frustrating when our rational mind knows are irrational mind is taking it out on others, but thats what friends, husbands and family are there hold you together when you feel like you are falling apart.
You don't need an intervention

your feelings are valid and completely understandable, this process drags us up and a down an emotional roller coaster that appears to have no end, everytime we see the light coming near the end of the tunnel there seems to be a drop and another tunnel

please try to keep strong, based on what we read from people like soso, FF, KC, the end must be so worth the ride. ;D