Nana81 said:
Thanks for the answer! Guess, is just pray and wait. It's just very frustrating and scaring having your life on someone else's hands and they are taking there sweet time. What make's it so different from one office to another? For what I see, only European and Australian offices are faster. What's behind this huge difference?
That is an excellent question and only CIC could answer for sure but here are a few of the reasons it varies from one office to another:
-some countries have higher instances of marriage fraud so relationships from those countries are examined more carefully and thus take longer
-it is harder to do background and security checks in some countries because records are not computerized or documents are easier to forge
-some offices seem to be short staffed or busier than others (or maybe they are just less efficient

What I find more interesting is why applications through the same office take such different times. Some of it is related to how many red flags you have (eg. large age difference, no family at wedding) or how complicated your situation is (eg. lived in many counties or was in the army) but even two similar straight forward simple cases can take months longer through the same VO. Why? Seems to be luck has a lot to do with it, which makes it frustrating when you compare your timeline to others. Patience is key as it's all out of our hands.