Application has been in process in Rome since March 2016 , Got GCMS notes recently , that state they have multiple concerns about our application, My letter of Intent was not satisfactory even though I stated I had a job offer my husband has one as well, sent household bills in My Name at our residence in Canada my daughter lives on the main level and weave a one bedroom apartment downstairs, they are saying quote , concerns of the resonablilty of these arrangements for the long term, our backgrounds were also mentioned as I am Canadian and my Husband is Libyan , My previous marriage was mentioned, we do come from different backgrounds but we are both Muslim I converted in 2013, They are stating they have concerns how my husbands has had such a varied CV and what affilliations he has had in Libya that has allowed hum such and access to funds in times of unemployment , My husband is a singer song writer and worked with many people and companies that brought his music for logos for tv stations and etc... can someone please tell me what they are trying to do with our application , or what we can do to resolve these concerns , we are currently awaiting a interview but no date as of yet , my husbands back ground checks or nothing has been started and we are reaching our 15 month processing time on April 26 2017 , Not quite sure what to think or do at this this point ...HELP :'(