Thank you for this. Yes, when i sent my application, i explained to them my situation and mentioned that I will send the marriage cert as soon as I get it. Guess, I will just have to send a copy and wait if they will ask for it again. -

Yes, am still on legal status till the end of October. I spoke with a friend of mine who applied for Pr inland too who got her DM and owp on the 6th month ( yes, lucky her) but this was in 2010. Angway, when she applied she submitted owp, Pr, and visitor visa extension. Her visitor visa extension fee was refunded as the cic person said she didnt need that as she already submitted owp. So i guess, we did the right thing.
Ohh, i am still far in the waiting game. Havent receiveed aor yet but its just been 2 weeks so i guess just keep on waiting. Am just lucky hubby ( who is the canadian citizen) is very supportive and understanding. Sometimes, i tell myself, i wished i did the outland. But i know i shouldnt regret as it wouldnt help. It just hit me sometimes especially when i feel so down.