but I would say avoid this "this essay will discuss both the sides of the argument in the following paragraphs"
"the opponents of the idea of the zoo argue that" << its wrong, you have to tell your say not others.
what is your take of this side ??
[Mohit] : Are you sure?? because we need to only discuss two sides and not to give our opinion as the question dint asked for it. Hence, the choice of words.
everything else is nice and smooth.
"proponents of keeping animals in zoos favour this notion" same
endangered, risk of extinction, reinvigorate, significantly, crucial << nice vocab
encapsulate,profoundly, contentious, << nice vocab
Nice conclusion.
your vocab, language, phrasing is great, everything is smooth, understandable.
[Mohit]: Good to hear that. especially from you.
coz you do rip off essays. (Y)
I feel it can fetch 7 or more, very easily.
[Mohit]: Great !! Looks like I am improving..
in 40 minutes and on paper, I can't write like that.
[Mohit]: I do had this problem, but now its improving by practice. Now I take around 45 mins to complete such essays. By the way, I am hoping to appear for Computer delivered IELTS next time, if I dont make it this time. Coz, my typing is quite fast around 50 WPM.
and It would be easy to edit and correct on a computer than erasing and re-writing the lines .