I was just reading and more reading in quest to find out why we are stuck at 6.5, Well it is very obvious, and simple answer for that is, we write complete shit, In England, they prepare this test and checking criteria to very specific set rules. They are looking for specific things, give them, you will get bands, otherwise you will be stuck. Although, there are doubts around competency of examiners, still we write shit.
We think and write in a way which they are not looking for.
Let us rip it, in more strict way than ever before.
1S : fine.
2S : "There could be main reasons behind this" wrong phrasing.
rewrite : There are various reasons for this phenomenon/process/situation such as .....
Or : There could be myriad of reasons for this phenomenon/process/situation , some of them are ......
Or : There are uncountable reasons for this phenomenon/process/situation, some of them are ....
Or : Although, there are various known or unknown reasons for this phenomenon/process/situation, some of them could be .....
problem was word "main" usually refers to one, better word for this is "prominent/significant/ reason".
3S : fine.
4S : "
it is all depend on the
conditions that persist within a country
which brings in lot of differences and no two countries cannot be same in each and every aspect"
totally wrong phrasing. you would get no more than 6.5. believe me. I write like that and it is shit.
I can debate/discuss/argument on this line forever, I am extremely frustrated right now, since there's word limitation, I will stick to the point.
"condition" word for country is wrong.
"It" used for what ??? I can't find that. similarities or differences ???
rewrite: In my opinion, differences result from unique cultural, social and traditional values in practice from hundred of years in a particular country, even if two countries speak the same language these things would still be different.
funny thing is,
In my opinion, its all depend on the conditions that persist within a
car which brings in lot of differences and no two
cars cannot be same in each and every aspect
In my opinion, its all depend on the conditions that persist within a
home which brings in lot of differences and no two
homes cannot be same in each and every aspect
In my opinion, its all depend on the conditions that persist within a
street which brings in lot of differences and no two
streets cannot be same in each and every aspect
I can go on..... you can fit some critical body parts, such as penis, vagina etc, in that and It will sound damn funny. NOTE: just for learning purposes LOL.
do you see the
fucking problem, mate ??? It's called total bullshit stuff.
Overall, your introduction is totally bullshit for that topic, you failed to process the prompt.
Let's us have a cool conversation with our friend called "
prompt said : Countries are becoming more and more similar
I said, hmm okay, why is that ??
prompt said : because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world
I said, ohh because they are buying same stuff, it means they are buying same levis jeans, gucci bags, Nike, Reebok around the world, and consuming same KFC, MacDonald, Starbucks shit around the world,
I said, ohh you mean there is no uniqueness left in the world.
prompt replied, "Yea Mannn!!, damnn you are smart!!!"
prompt said : "Now, let me ask you a question":
I said , "hmmm, why not!'
prompt said : Do you think this is a positive or negative development
I said ," I feel that's bad in various ways."
prompt said : " then write your arguments for this answer with examples, reasons, and don't forget to develop your idea fully. otherwise I am gonna fuck you around with 6 or 6.5 bands"
"ohh also don't forget to write it within 40 minutes, add cohesive devices, various types of tenses, rare words, different types of sentence structures, maintain a clear tone, stick to the main topic, digressing is a criminal offense here, finally no less than 250 words okay"
'' ohh there's more, which I won't tell you because crappy humans will check your essay, they have full authority to do whatever they want... you know what I mean
"Best of luck and see you in NEXT TEST, Cuz I know you won't be that lucky....."
"and you can not use my words in your essay, use your own."
You failed to mention, buying, similarities because of that, your opinion about similarities which result from buying same stuff.
As a reader, I don't know what are you talking about.
Question is, Is this positive or negative trend.
which one are you supporting in this paragraph ??? I simply cannot see it
otherwise, language is good, examples are there, explanations are good.

what ? OMG , Read it yourself, I don't have to explain a bit.
"nonetheless of the region" ??? what ?? >> "regardless of the region"
again, conclusion failed to address the topic.
nobody can tell you about bands for this, all depend on examiner's discretion.
Once you start slipping from the topic, it became slippery slope situation, there is no comeback from this...
otherwise, your writing capability is good, you made clear efforts to give reason, example, explanation, conclusions. There are obvious errors of punctuation errors, word choice, sentence formation etc.
don't make statements like this one
"people living in cold countries cannot include spices in their regular food, as this will bloat their stomach"
without explaining why that is so.