1) For background info, most of them included separate sheet. But what I did is where ever possible typed and taken print, remaining place written with pen in two lines in a box, but readable.vvv said:Some Issues related to filling forms.
I have been asking for this confusion but couldnt get solutions yet.
1. While Filling Schedule A Background Information form, in no. 8, I cannot write full name of my employer.
It appears as below.
I am able write only "Feedback Infrastructure Serv" but full name of the company is "Feedback Infrastructure Services Private Limited"
What shall I do ?
2. I am showing a balance certificate of 15000 CAD from my Saving account of Bank only as a Proof of fund.
In Schedule 3 form, Shall I write as follows ?
Assets 14,000
Liabilities 0
Settlement funds 14,000
Is it necessary to show the liabilities ?
2) Its ok. But u have CAD 15,000. then y typing 14,000.