yeh i actually didnt know about this too...someone from here told me a while back if u write complaint in the subject line, then it apparently goes to a different section of the embassy or something and then it is send to the officer that is handling your file, now with that being said, it has worked for me and i can tell its different officers writing back to me, as the emails i get back, one has the wording colored blue and it almost never says hi,. hello, and the other one is always written in black calour and it always says dear applicant, please blah blah. again i have noticed this for the last 2 month since i started writing complaint in my subject line, this might not work for everyone or the officer might be just messing with me but this is what i have noticed.....
write complaint in the subject line, and go on writing, Dear visa officer, and introduce yourselve, with ur wife's name and file number, and write that you are very concerned and worried about the unknown status and stages that your file has passed/is at,, any new information about your file is greatly appreciate..blah blah u know the drill ahhah and inshalla ull hear something useful back soon...