here is a response from Auditor general of Canada to my request to perform an Audit on Immigration Dept ... We can work on this issue with a thought of OUR IMMIGRATION ISSUE then MY IMMIGRATION ISSUE
Dear ****
Thank you for your email of 20 September 2010 regarding spousal immigration issues at CHC-Islamabad.
While the issue you raise is an important one, we are sure you can appreciate that we cannot address all of the potential audit issues that come to our attention. Each request is carefully considered in light of our mandate, the matter's significance, our audit schedule, and our available resources. A copy of your email has been forwarded to the audit teams responsible for Citizenship and Immigration Canada, for their information. However, we cannot commit to auditing the issue you have raised. Also, we cannot notify you should we decide to conduct an audit. We present our audit plans and reports directly to Parliament and they become public only after they have been tabled in the House of Commons.
Miguel Lanthier
Communications Officer | Agent de communications
Public Enquiries | Demandes du public
Office of the Auditor General of Canada | Bureau du vérificateur général du Canada
C.D. Howe Building, 240 Sparks Street, West Tower | Édifice C.D. Howe, 240, rue Sparks, tour ouest
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0G6
Telephone | Téléphone 613-952-0213 (6565)
Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-957-0474
Communications @