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CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2009 -2010

lonly widout hubby

Champion Member
Nov 23, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
Doc's Request.
sep 2010 &" refill-forms+ repcc) 2nd jan 2012
RPRF Fee letter "28th march 2012"
AOR Received.
sep 2010 ( dated aug)
File Transfer...
aug 2010
Med's Request
feb 2nd 2012 (remedical ws sent on 28th dec 2011 , but we never recieved it , ask to resend on 24th jan)
Passport Req..
21st july 2012 ! Allah ka shukar !
11 aug 2012 mashalla see :)
amnafahad4life said:
since ur lonely without ur husband... i gave u a +1..hehhee kiddin...
i want one toooooo.. i m also lonely without my husband :'(. +1 gguyyysssss just cuz we r away from our spouses..
thats a pat to uussss on the back for staying so far away for such a long time :-\ n still bering it...
+ 1 for u , n thankoooooooooooooo muuuaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

ONE 2 KA 4

Champion Member
Jul 22, 2010
Job Offer........
Danny4450 said:
Could you guys please stop this BS discussion. I am sick and tired of reading "I got my head up my ass" views. I got a question for both sides:
Danny Bro how are you? Same feeling here.Urdu mey typre kerta ho kya pata kon kon loog iss topic ko parh rahe ho ge "Forum ka Weekend mahol karab ho gya" aur oss pr be ye ke english mey baat cheet chal rahi ta ke koi aur be dekhe tu proud kare hum par. Ap ke question ka jowab ye hy dono ik dosro ko bhai/bro/brother be keh rahe aur Bhai-Chara be khel rahe. Chalta hy aisa.


Star Member
Jan 14, 2011
wes786 said:
Alhumdolillah, wife has landed safe and sound the formal procedure was simple didn't even take 5 minutes but it did take two hrs for her to come out due to heavy volume of flights and people in queue....
hahah finally the journey ends 4 u wes bhai.... hehehheheheh
pray 4 us too

ONE 2 KA 4

Champion Member
Jul 22, 2010
Job Offer........
UOC said:
Dear friends,

Congrats to all my friends who got PPR. I am still praying for the same. I have a question. Do TCS call before they deliver the passport to make sure that some is at home to receive it. Secondly, do they only hand-over the passport to the applicant by verifying the ID.
UOC Bhai. How are you and good to see you? I remeber you. Its been long time since you last visit the forum, I thought that you might have received the PPR that is why not visiting hope everything is fine with you. As per your mentioned timeline 1 year & 6 months meaning 18 months what is the latest update on your case? It should have been completed by now. Did you check your CAIPS?


Hero Member
Nov 4, 2010
Job Offer........
Thanks, I just saw your timeline and its seemed scary. Why is this taking so long ?

Wes, have TCS called your wife before delivering the passport.

amnafahad4life said:
ya they usually call before delivering n they also see the ID for the passport delivery..


Hero Member
May 6, 2011
Job Offer........
someone did a very nice job on one of facebook page (Have a look):

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Hero Member
Nov 4, 2010
Job Offer........
Thanks brother, yes its been long since I visited the forum. I was actually upset due to delay in my case. There were two letters not delivered to us and therefore I lost almost six months in processing. Insha ALLAH as per CAIPS everything is finalized and I expect to receive PPR soon. Keep praying. What happened with your case ?

ONE 2 KA 4 said:
UOC Bhai. How are you and good to see you? I remeber you. Its been long time since you last visit the forum in, I thought that you might have received the PPR that is why not visiting hope everything is with you. As per your mentioned timeline 1 year & 6 months meaning 18 months what is the latest update on your case? It should have been completed by now. Did you check your CAIPS?


Hero Member
May 12, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
04-11-2009 and Re-PCC in July/2010 and on 3/March/2011 asked for proof of eligibility of sponsor
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
8-07-2011 submitted on 21-07-2011
Congratulations WES brother.May Allah shower His blessings on your famiy...Ameen
wes786 said:
Alhumdolillah, wife has landed safe and sound the formal procedure was simple didn't even take 5 minutes but it did take two hrs for her to come out due to heavy volume of flights and people in queue....

lonly widout hubby

Champion Member
Nov 23, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
Doc's Request.
sep 2010 &" refill-forms+ repcc) 2nd jan 2012
RPRF Fee letter "28th march 2012"
AOR Received.
sep 2010 ( dated aug)
File Transfer...
aug 2010
Med's Request
feb 2nd 2012 (remedical ws sent on 28th dec 2011 , but we never recieved it , ask to resend on 24th jan)
Passport Req..
21st july 2012 ! Allah ka shukar !
11 aug 2012 mashalla see :)
wes786 said:
Alhumdolillah, wife has landed safe and sound the formal procedure was simple didn't even take 5 minutes but it did take two hrs for her to come out due to heavy volume of flights and people in queue....
wow .........congratzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........happinessssssssssss ahead n bless u bothhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Champion Member
Mar 16, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
Ranjah said:
I and so many other forum members can see your *very* effective communication, for example : PM me and .....

why not you go ahead and dissect my each word?? what happened to your courage/energy now?? Are you Coward?

I think I already did enough anatomy of your words and I am ready to do some more operations of your any future words/phrases about Pakistan.

I also think you already got so many pills from ME and Other forum members and I think, for the moment, for your good health, that's more than enough to show you your real face.

Yes indeed, you are in pain for Pakistan - what a nice, effective and impressive way you adopted to show your real pain. How come you are in pain for Pakistan when at one side you say Pakistan nation is Coward and Pakistan is Coward? What a good level of pain you showed to us... I agree you are in some real pain - go see some doc.

Now peace! :)
I can only laugh at all this ......... you dont seem to understand or give up ....... hope your trauma shall heal and you would grow up from being a crying baby ........ I am not sure if u were bullied as a child and this unwarranted demeanor has some nexus with that but regardless of its origin and chemistry, it is beyond my reasoning, I wont respond to any of your deeply insane self proclaimed patriotism, even if you assume that I dont have the audacity (where in responding to you it takes more of stupidity than audacity) to do so.......... carry on now and although there is no Ignore option on the form I will still ignore it


Hero Member
Oct 26, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
Med's Request
Re-Med: 15-06-2011
Congratulations...it was such a pretty day in Toronto so I'm sure you got the chance to show her around... :)

wes786 said:
Alhumdolillah, wife has landed safe and sound the formal procedure was simple didn't even take 5 minutes but it did take two hrs for her to come out due to heavy volume of flights and people in queue....


Hero Member
May 6, 2011
Job Offer........
became-a-loner said:
I can only laugh at all this ......... you dont seem to understand or give up ....... hope your trauma shall heal and you would grow up from being a crying baby ........ I am not sure if u were bullied as a child and this unwarranted demeanor has some nexus with that but regardless of its origin and chemistry, it is beyond my reasoning, I wont respond to any of your deeply insane self proclaimed patriotism, even if you assume that I dont have the audacity (where in responding to you it takes more of stupidity than audacity) to do so.......... carry on now and although there is no Ignore option on the form I will still ignore it
Duder, You have started hitting on my personality [AGAIN with your false findings/assumptions]. First you hit the country and then nation and now me. if you can't hold a good discussion then at least try to stay in your limits to show that how much educated and learned person you are!!!

In response of your all BS I only have one comment though: to me you are just a little punk and nothing more.

Go kid play with you mates and don't bother this forum by giving your stupid thoughts about Pakistan.


wes786 said:
Alhumdolillah, wife has landed safe and sound the formal procedure was simple didn't even take 5 minutes but it did take two hrs for her to come out due to heavy volume of flights and people in queue....
Congratulations Wes brother. You must be so excited. There must be someone by ur side now. MashAllah always stay happy and unite.


VIP Member
Sep 6, 2010
Thank you everyone for the best wishes! Always keep me in prayers. We will be visiting gta/Ottawa/Montreal/niagara this while week so will catch up with you all once I get back InshAllah!


Champion Member
Mar 21, 2011
Job Offer........
wes786 said:
Thank you everyone for the best wishes! Always keep me in prayers. We will be visiting gta/Ottawa/Montreal/niagara this while week so will catch up with you all once I get back InshAllah!