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Canada Post


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Oct 18, 2009
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doctorkb said:
we're talking about a labour union, not a trade union.
Distinction without a difference. "Trade union" is British usage; "labor union" is North American usage. Both terms refer to the same thing.

doctorkb said:
The bottom line is that we, as Canadians (or residents of Canada), are paying for this gross overcompensation.
Other than the fact that it costs 59 cents to mail a letter, how do you figure? Canada Post doesn't require taxpayer bailouts because it isn't losing money (the past couple of weeks may have changed that, but in general, it's profitable). Besides, even if it weren't profitable, there's no excuse for eliminating the mail. Reliable, universal mail service is one of the marks of a civilized society.


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Nov 1, 2010
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19-10-2011 @ Montreal
boblu said:
pensions have change and they will they have to understand they are not high skill workers they deliver the mail and that is all they do
Skilled or not, it's a VERY HEAVY occupation. Mainly in my neighbourhood, since the mailman has to climb a lot of stairs. Add up a heavy bag with all the mail and it's not hard to imagine why they retire at 55: their knees simply can't go on anymore. And to be able to retire at 55, you need to have a better pension then people that retire at 65. And in order to build up a better pension, you need more wages.

On the other hand a small suggestion to ease the burden for our mailmen and -women (other then something that takes just higher wages): all mailboxes need to be on ground level and something like this:

or this


@ Jurgen: My friend I don't need any refund back although i will pay them more but i just want my file back or get to the destination (Mississauga). Thats all I need. Believe me this strike make me sick and whenever I see Canada Post, I think I should explode it with bomb.They fragile my dreams. Now the hope I was had that my wife will come one day to Canada thats gonna end soon. I haven't told my wife yet about the my file that stuck in Mississauga mail cargo. I just told her, they received the application and review it.

I hope by this week that the strike will end and everyone will go back to work.

Between the canada post website is dead now. Its offline.


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Jurjen said:
Skilled or not, it's a VERY HEAVY occupation. Mainly in my neighbourhood, since the mailman has to climb a lot of stairs. Add up a heavy bag with all the mail and it's not hard to imagine why they retire at 55: their knees simply can't go on anymore. And to be able to retire at 55, you need to have a better pension then people that retire at 65. And in order to build up a better pension, you need more wages.

On the other hand a small suggestion to ease the burden for our mailmen and -women (other then something that takes just higher wages): all mailboxes need to be on ground level and something like this:

or this
hard working you must see a different mail person in your area than i do in mine. If they are not stopping at Tim,s for coffee they are in there small van making stops and NO one is retiring at 55 any more unless you work for the government


Hero Member
May 26, 2011
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sahibzada_2010 said:
Believe me this strike make me sick and whenever I see Canada Post, I think I should explode it with bomb....
Dude, no matter how angry or frustrated you are, that's no excuse to use that kind of language. I don't think anyone on this forum appreciates reading about remarks that are threatening in nature, in fact your remarks can be construed as a direct threat to the party involved, so please be prudent and stay within an acceptable tone. Be aware that moderators may use their discretion to ban your postings or your account.


dakonej said:
Dude, no matter how angry or frustrated you are, that's no excuse to use that kind of language. I don't think anyone on this forum appreciates reading about remarks that are threatening in nature, in fact your remarks can be construed as a direct threat to the party involved, so please be prudent and stay within an acceptable tone. Be aware that moderators may use their discretion to ban your postings or your account.
I was not meant to do it in real. I love canada and so the post but if i tell you what they did to me.
I paid like 49 for priority on june 8 and its not delivered yet? why not? what was the reason?
at that time post was ok just strike in Montreal. but they did not delivered it.

you don't know how frustrated i am???????????


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Jun 18, 2010
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Oct 24th 2011
My problem is how this is affecting the average citizen and that its been allowed to go on this long. I have no problem with employees fighting for their pension and benefits. I believe we would all do the same if it was our future on the line. However the fact that agreements have not been quickly made, that is a problem. What a joke, probably they could care less what this does to people who rely on the mail system. I know a company that has checks mailed from all over the world from people who use their technology. They are now set to struggle because its annuel fee paying time, and all the checks are stuck in the mail. Keep in mind this is a newer company struggling to find its permanent footing. This is just one example!

What about people waiting on bills? People who get speeding/parking tickets and court dates and have no idea because the mail system is not working? People who are waiting on packages sent through mail or mail its self, perhaps crucial things like immigration stuff, or important papers? Are they all screwed over now? Will companies be understanding? Will courts and ticket places be understanding? And consider how long its going to be backed up when they eventually get back to work!!!

This is grossely unfair!! VERY DISRESPECTFUL of those allowing this to continue!! Very disrespectful and shameful towards those who are being royally screwed by this strike taking so long to be resolved!! If it was something less crucial, fine, but something this vital? It should NEVER have been allowed to go on this long!


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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You guys know that it was MANAGEMENT that locked the CP workers out, right? Up until then, the rotating strikes had little impact on mail delivery. It was a bit slower, true, but it was getting delivered.

I love how people will generalize and paint 50,000 workers with the same brush. I don't work for CP and I don't really know their issues. But my mail was getting delivered everyday like clockwork. I could practically set my watch on the time my mail would arrive. My postal carrier started work at 6:00 am so yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he took a lunch break at Timmies around 11:00 am. I'm pretty sure labour laws across the country allow breaks. And that man works his buns off during the Christmas rush.

You know where I've heard the most complaints about mail delivery? Where the people who deliver the mail are contracted out. My friends who live in areas where the delivery is sub-contracted have no end of complaints about it. They can never predict when the mail is going to be delivered, they ALWAYS have to go to post office to pick up parcels no matter how small they are, etc. I only receive a delivery card notice to go to the post office if the parcel is especially large.

I'm not saying all mail carriers are great but mine is. So is the one who delivers at my office. And I'm not saying all sub-contractors are bad but that's just where I hear the most complaints. And how much someone gets paid is none of my business. Just like it's no one's business how much I get paid. Canada Post is a profitable organization. That's a fact. One could look at the cuts they are proposing and suggest that they are getting greedy. I don't know. I don't crunch their numbers.

To the person who posted that they sent something through CP by Priority courier, I'm sorry and I know you are stressed. BUT the strike was well publicized and you took a risk sending ANYTHING through Canada Post, even though at the time it was rotating. It was MANAGEMENT that locked the workers out with NO notice. So don't blame the workers in this case.


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Nov 1, 2010
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19-10-2011 @ Montreal
I'm completely behind rjessome on this one. The only thing I can blame my mailman is walking through out small garden to the neighbour, crushing fragile little plants in spring time. At the time we were finally seeing it happen and fast enough to talk about, the employee was very sorry and we never saw footprints in the garden again.

@Sahibzada: I don't like the aggressive tone of your second last message. And if you're not looking for a refund, why are you so hammering on the 49$ you paid? If you feel you can't wait another week, why don't you send the application a second time through another courrier?

@Boblu: here the mailmen walk around with two huge bags on the shoulders.


VIP Member
Sep 6, 2010
I heard rumors that Canada Post is going back to work starting Monday. Any one know if the news is true or just a rumor?


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Jurjen said:
I'm completely behind rjessome on this one. The only thing I can blame my mailman is walking through out small garden to the neighbour, crushing fragile little plants in spring time. At the time we were finally seeing it happen and fast enough to talk about, the employee was very sorry and we never saw footprints in the garden again.

@ Sahibzada: I don't like the aggressive tone of your second last message. And if you're not looking for a refund, why are you so hammering on the 49$ you paid? If you feel you can't wait another week, why don't you send the application a second time through another courrier?

@ Boblu: here the mailmen walk around with two huge bags on the shoulders.



Jun 19, 2011
Hi Sahibzada,
How did you find that your package has got stuck in mississauga postal facility? by tracking your item or calling canada post cutomer service? I have such a problem, I sent our documents on june 2, and when I track it I see "item processed at postal facility" on june 3 and nothing else so far. I don't know whether something wrong with tracking system or my package also has been got stuck!! I'm really concerned about that. :(

Sallam everyone.

I have sent my wife application to Mississauga on June 8, 2011 from Calgary and now its stuck in the Mississauga mail cargo becuase of the Canada Post strike. Its already been10 days since I have sent the application. I am very sad and depressed of Canada post strike. My wife sponsorship documents are there and I sent them through priority service next A.M delivering guaranteed. I paid $49 to delivered on time. I don't know what should I do now? I am very sad and the strike + my wife sponsorship documents made me = sick and cry all the time. I cried so much of the Canada Post strike. I wish the strike will end soon.

I am scared if the documents will get lost or whatsoever. Please guys give me some info about that.... I am so depressed that I cannot even sleep.

To everyone as you may be know, Canada Post is on lock out and please don not send your documents. They will stuck in the Cargo forever. Wait till they called the strike over.

Thanks and pray for the Canada Post strike to be over soon.


VIP Member
Sep 6, 2010
Jurjen said:
Skilled or not, it's a VERY HEAVY occupation. Mainly in my neighbourhood, since the mailman has to climb a lot of stairs. Add up a heavy bag with all the mail and it's not hard to imagine why they retire at 55: their knees simply can't go on anymore. And to be able to retire at 55, you need to have a better pension then people that retire at 65. And in order to build up a better pension, you need more wages.

On the other hand a small suggestion to ease the burden for our mailmen and -women (other then something that takes just higher wages): all mailboxes need to be on ground level and something like this:

or this
Can you tell me how to attach/upload images from your hard drive?


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Nov 1, 2010
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19-10-2011 @ Montreal
@Wes: the pictures did not come from my hard drive, but exist on the internet. You could upload images for free to numerous websites, like ImageShack.us, ImageBucket and Flickr (Yahoo).
By the way, it think it's really a rumor that Canada Post union employees are coming back to work tomorrow, since Canada Post and the union don't announce it on their websites.

@Boblu: I think your attitude is extremely arrogant. I encourage you to walk with two mailbags of 10kg each and climb about 200 stairs and pass through an entire neighbourhood in less then 8 hours. Stop only looking at the brute wages, but also what is subtracted.


Jurjen said:
@ Sahibzada: I don't like the aggressive tone of your second last message. And if you're not looking for a refund, why are you so hammering on the 49$ you paid? If you feel you can't wait another week, why don't you send the application a second time through another courrier?

Dear Jurgen I have sent all the original documents. I don't have anymore those documents with me except photocopies and they don't accept photocopies from the national of Pakistan. Second no other courier can deliver it because its P.O.BOX address. I asked this from UPS, FEDEX, DHL, PURLATOR ETC.
