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BEIRUT Family Class Applications sent to Mississauga then BEIRUT 2012


Star Member
Jan 13, 2012
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Tina85 said:
Thanks for the reply! But unfortunately my husband just did his medicals yesterday in ksa and write down his address there :( everyone advised me doing it in ksa would be ok :( now immso worried....he could of went to Leb but since he had the option of seeing any DmP he did it in ksa! He will submitt a letter explaining he arrived August 22 to ksa on workers visa ( he will supply contract and update address ) in package along with other documents and his brother will drop them off directly at embassy in drop box....

I'm so worried now :(:(
Hi Tina
don't worry everything will be ok hopefully and as nayrad said every one case is diffrent,,,,i'v been in canada for over 17yrs now and i never know somebody get their visa like me imagine,,,my point don't compare your case to any one,,, and as long as you're not lying no body can stop the process it's just matter of time,yalla be patience and hopefully soon all of us will be over this long waiting time.

still waiting

Hero Member
Oct 4, 2011
Visa Office......
Damascus/ Beirut
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
??-02-2011 and 12-01-2012
Passport Req..
Leb_Can said:

still waiting you can change my name into green :)

Yesterday I was called at 4:15 from the embassy. I went today and there was another person in front of me who got his visa also, and there was a lot of people for visit visa.

After almost 4 week of them having my passport, it is done.

I wish all of you the best of luck and I hope that you will hear good news soon
LEB_CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making a mistake with your name worked 100%!!!!! LOL!!!!! I'm so happy for you... yalla guys, the visas are starting to roll and nshallah this journey will end soon for everyone with a visa stamp ya rab!!!!!! Million congrats Leb_CAn, nshallah u will land smoothly, are you coming to Quebec? Have you booked a flight yet?

still waiting

Hero Member
Oct 4, 2011
Visa Office......
Damascus/ Beirut
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
??-02-2011 and 12-01-2012
Passport Req..
nairyd said:
I'm here to update everyone on our case! What a crazy morning and on top of all this I am at work and it is crazy busy before the long weekend.

We got a call July 31st they told my hubby his papers are almost done and they will call soon for him to bring his passport. Two days ago i emailed telling them could they advise its been a month since the call and my bdays in 3 weeks and we are 17th month of waiting.

They emailed us today at 4:04 am (toronto time)! 11 am lebanon time asking my hubby to give them schedule A background info of where he worked and what not (i guess they lost it) AND they want proof we are in communication! SOO FUNNY! I told my family and friends and they keep laughing! My hubby and I are in contact 24/7, so much so that when I am at family events he has play by play of what we are doing and everyone asks to send him pics of them cheersing to him (thank GOD for smartphones)! So I have compiled photos of when I went down for 5 1/2 months last summer (this was after we got married) and my recent visit. I photocopied my passport of visits to lebanon after our marriage. I have phone bills and my husband has phone bills. We sent eachother flowers for our anniversary so there are those pictures as well. They want proof i'll give them all the proof we can. And with smartphones you can call for free with viber and msg with whatsapp, so I have to write that in a letter to them. Thet told we have 10 days.

I cried a lot this morning! Proof of communication? I feel like they think we are liars! :( I am so sad, but we will accept this challenge because our marriage was built to be strong. We are all strong for enduring all this and every one of us should be so proud of ourselves!!

So I just wanted to give everyone an update! Everyones case is so different, so i just want to tell people do not compare yourself to someone elses case and get upset they got the visa before you did, cause this whole thing is THE biggest mystery of life, all I want is for my husband to be here in my arms (I tried lebanon and its just not a place for us to live and start a family).

Happy long weekend everyone!! Big kisses!!
WHOA!!!! Very powerful speech Nairy_d!!!! You are 100% right! Nobody should be discourage and compare with other cases!!! Been there and done that, the resentment and feeling of injustice surfs in and takes over without any productive or realistic advantage!!! Just a bad feeling!!!! I'm so happy that you are not taking their request badly, on the contrary pour on them all the evidence in the world so you could be with your partner... and now when he gets his visa soon nshallah, you will look back at this and say "we did it", because seriously surviving this thing as a couple is the first biggest test of endurance, nshallah it will be the last!!!
All these news are extremely positive, everyone;s turn will come up sooner or later!!!! Nshallah ya Rab soon for evryone!!!! Happy long weekend!!!

still waiting

Hero Member
Oct 4, 2011
Visa Office......
Damascus/ Beirut
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Doc's Request.
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Med's Request
Med's Done....
??-02-2011 and 12-01-2012
Passport Req..
lele said:
thank you nairyd, today I felt so bad, I have done chokehold with everyone who I met from early morning, his luck was very bad who I met today.
Lele, you are always in my prayers! Nshallah ya Rab you will get your papers asap!!! Nshallah this will be over for you the soonest!!! But meanwhile have faith that this is just a matter of time and believe it will be over soon. And I know that your husband is against speaking to an MP, but you have to consult someone because they can actually see the file and tell you what is going on!!! Nshallah you will get your visa so soon that you don't need to convince your husband to do it ya RABBBBBBBBBBBB!!!


Full Member
Jun 7, 2011
Visa Office......
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still waiting said:
LEB_CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making a mistake with your name worked 100%!!!!! LOL!!!!! I'm so happy for you... yalla guys, the visas are starting to roll and nshallah this journey will end soon for everyone with a visa stamp ya rab!!!!!! Million congrats Leb_CAn, nshallah u will land smoothly, are you coming to Quebec? Have you booked a flight yet?
Thank you stillwaiting, may be you should do the same mistake with other people Hahahahahahahah, I booked my flight on Sep. 13, the first good flight which lands in Ottawa (I was informed I must land in Ottawa first)


Hero Member
Mar 28, 2011
Visa Office......
Lebanon/ Damascus
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App. Filed.......
February 2011
File Transfer...
April 6 2011
Med's Request
January 2012
Med's Done....
December 2010
That's really good that u did ur medicals again! It usually takes another 2-3 months for your medicals to reach its destination and I say this through experience because my husband did his in january and on his ecas it said medicals received in march/April I forget the exact month but around April. And if they are saying your file is in the counsolars hand it means they are just waiting for your medicals to be approved it goes through a process-to paris then Ottawa and Ottawa gives the green light. Don't listen to people about 8 months them again who knows anything about these time lines! Everyone's case is different all you can do is take this news as being positive and have some patience ! Good luck!


Hero Member
Mar 28, 2011
Visa Office......
Lebanon/ Damascus
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App. Filed.......
February 2011
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April 6 2011
Med's Request
January 2012
Med's Done....
December 2010
Please, please please advise someone. In the email that we received August 31st they said to hand the documents in:

"within 10 days of the date of this letter" is that bussiness days? or no? If its not bussiness days, what would be the day to hand it in-do we count the day of the email?

I am still waiting for comwave to email me my phone bills and my husband went yesterday and they advised he cant get his phone bills until next wednesday. Please advise someone, I am having a panic attack :(


Star Member
Jul 16, 2011
Friends in suffering.

I am always entering the CIC website but nothing ever changed.

What should i put, the number that starts with Fxxxxxxxxx, or the Bxxxxxxxxx or anything else? actually i tried all and also never changed not even mentioned that i ever did my meds or even if they received them or not, eventhough it is written that all informations are updated every Tuesday.


Hero Member
Mar 28, 2011
Visa Office......
Lebanon/ Damascus
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App. Filed.......
February 2011
File Transfer...
April 6 2011
Med's Request
January 2012
Med's Done....
December 2010
Ajaxxio said:
Friends in suffering.

I am always entering the CIC website but nothing ever changed.

What should i put, the number that starts with Fxxxxxxxxx, or the Bxxxxxxxxx or anything else? actually i tried all and also never changed not even mentioned that i ever did my meds or even if they received them or not, eventhough it is written that all informations are updated every Tuesday.
Ajaxxio please see my above post in reply to you. And dont worry Ecase never updates and by the time it shows medicals received will be 3-4 months after you completed them (personal expierence)


Hero Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Nov 24, 2011
Hey everyone!!!
Ok so my husband got the ikraaj aid individual civil registry extract done and translated , first of all the stamped it for him from the "ministry of foreign affairs" ( 5arijiyee if anyone knows) and then translated it says "certified by the ministry of foreign affairs".... Is that wrong? Should is be ceritiied by head of civil status department??? Because I think that's what it was before? Does anyone know If that's right? Also they spelled my name wrong on translation ( by one letter) would cic make it a big del
Or will they get they point?? Do we have to retranslate everythin now????

Please someone verify if that's ok about stamp from foreign affairs etc for the civil Extract


Hero Member
Mar 28, 2011
Visa Office......
Lebanon/ Damascus
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App. Filed.......
February 2011
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April 6 2011
Med's Request
January 2012
Med's Done....
December 2010
Tina85 said:
Hey everyone!!!
Ok so my husband got the ikraaj aid individual civil registry extract done and translated , first of all the stamped it for him from the "ministry of foreign affairs" ( 5arijiyee if anyone knows) and then translated it says "certified by the ministry of foreign affairs".... Is that wrong? Should is be ceritiied by head of civil status department??? Because I think that's what it was before? Does anyone know If that's right? Also they spelled my name wrong on translation ( by one letter) would cic make it a big del
Or will they get they point?? Do we have to retranslate everythin now????

Please someone verify if that's ok about stamp from foreign affairs etc for the civil Extract
I dont think it matters, as long as it is translated!! And they want everything translated. My husband even has to translate his phone bills!! And dont worry about the mistake in writing your name, thats not a big deal, I dont think they will nit pick that!!


Star Member
Jul 16, 2011
Hello Nairyd

Thank you for trying to keep some morals up but your info are way far from reality. Anyway, i hope some will become true especially concerning your case.


Hero Member
Mar 28, 2011
Visa Office......
Lebanon/ Damascus
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App. Filed.......
February 2011
File Transfer...
April 6 2011
Med's Request
January 2012
Med's Done....
December 2010
Ajaxxio said:
Hello Nairyd

Thank you for trying to keep some morals up but your info are way far from reality. Anyway, i hope some will become true especially concerning your case.
I am not trying to keep morals up, what I said to you is not far from reliaty because it was from personal expierence (the medicals statement and the papers being in the counsolars hands) Believe what you want, but no one really knows the answers, unless you are in CIC. And there are no more "far from reality" info I have about my case lol. Best of luck.


Hero Member
Aug 23, 2011
Visa Office......
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Nov 24, 2011
When dropping off documents at the embassy... What should be written at the front of the envelope? Do you guys think they will check this box everyday?? Because some people have to submitt everythin within specific times so.....And do we have to email them the documena as well? Or is the original package with everything is sufficient ??

Good luck everyone!