I see many members have access to only applicant's information and no access to sponsor's info through GcKey login option. I have a different thing going on with mine..... 8) I always have complete access to whatever account/email etc my husband can ever make. So I get a double dip n check his side of the processing all the time ;D
1). Using "Check your application status" online tool:
First I put the application number, my(sponsor's) last name and Date of birth+Country of Birth and I see that I have submitted application to sponsor my husband. It shows when application reached, when it started processing and when correspondence was sent. Also shows medical passed
Second time I put Same application number, my husband's(applicant's) last name and Date of birth+Country of Birth and I see that his permanent residence application was received. It shows when application reached, when it started processing and when correspondence was sent. Also shows medical passed
2). Using an online account by making a GcKey and linking the online application to the account:
I made one account for me and my husband has another GcKey login(which I access

I linked the application to my account and it shows his application as well as details of when I became a citizen many years ago. It shows a table after I click "submitted application and messages". It shows that my eligibility is "review in progress" and medical Passed etc.
When I login through my husband's Gckey, There is no details of such sort.
I figured that we were able to link application to only 1 account (Either sponsor's or applicant's account). It was linked to mine and then we searched application again by his login and linked it to his account. After that I had no access to the application's updates through my GCkey login. I again logged in into my account and searched it again and linked it to my account. Then I checked that it was transferred to my login and he didn't have access to it through his login. Eventually I chose to keep it with my account as it showed more details plus info about sponsor ;D
We always have a big laugh about playing football with linking application and checking it all the time

I feel CIC might block us frm accessing info ;D Watever the case is....its my new addiction till I get SA