Thinking ahead [because I'm hopeful!] about moving to Canada. Handful of questions...
1. Once we receive COPR is it that we have 6 months to cross the border to officially settle? Trying to get our ducks in a row now as we have a house to prep and sell and 2 young kids so you know...nothing goes fast.

2. I know we have to list all that we are taking across on the B4 document but are there limitations to what we can bring across? Moving from Washington state into BC is a short move in the grand scheme of things but we all know how much less things can cost in the US. In addition to stocking up on household goods, are there limitations on dry goods [flours, oats, baking supplies, etc] that we can take across? We make everything from scratch and it would be aweeesome to have a good stock ;D
3. Any knowledge on how detailed the B4 is required to be?