molarius said:
good day to all! today (dec23, 2010) we got the returned application that we thought was lost... a letter from CIO indicated that the application kit was returned to our mailing address on AUGUST 26, 2010.... after almost 4 months it arrived...
In the explanation letter the reason was that the IELTS result was more than 1 year old..... that was the only reason they indicated why our application was returned... we are so happy that we got our application kit back..
In the previous letter I received it was noted... If you cannot locate the application, it will be necessary for you to file a new application along with all the necessary info.... since we were able to locate the application kit can we just send the same application & just include the new IELTS result?
my question:
1. The photos were taken 7 months ago
2. Police certificate is more than 3 months old...
3. the bank certificates were issued AUGUST....
do we need to update these documents or we can just send the same application kit that was returned to us plus the NEW IELTS results.. anyway it is not our fault that it took almost 4 months... since it is just regular mail.. I wished that it was returned via courier like FEDEX,DHL etc..because it would reach us in a weeks time rather than 4 months.... even if we have to pay for it rather than wonder if our applications are lost..... it was so stressful not knowing...
I am just thankful that it is with us now...
hope you can advise us on this..
thank you very much
Ok, CIO will not consider this application as being received and will have no record of any of your details on their system, other than the date they returned the application.
Therefore my advice would be to:
1) Reprint all your forms and sign them with the current date
2) Definitely get a new PCC if this is only going to take a few weeks. If it is going to take longer than send without PCC as per new guidelines you are able to do this, and then get PCC at visa office stage but IMO do not risk sending an out of date PCC (there is still some ambiguity as to whether PCC over 3 months old can be accepted. Even if they can you will almost certainly need new ones at VO stage anyway else they will get over 1 year old before decision is made)
3) 7 month old photos will still be ok IMO as long as your appearance has not drammatically changed since then. After all photos on passports are valid for up to 10 years.
4) It will be worth getting a new bank certificate and if possible new statements to prove that the money has been in your possession since you last applied
5) Make sure you include an explanatory letter saying that your previous application was declined due to out of date IELTS results, and this explains why your work references are several months old. I am fairly sure your work experience references will be accepted but IMO it is important to explain why they are older.
Your NOC is only just over 1/3rd full and is unlikely to even hit the cap before 30th June 2011, therefore time is on your side!

Don't panic, just reprint and get your application together again calmly and double check everything before you re-send it.
In our letter to CIO (which has never been replied to) we suggested that people have the option to include a courier fee as well as their payment fee, and if their application is returned for any reason it can be sent by courier rather than standard Canada post.
But alas our suggestion seems to have fallen on deaf ears
Best of luck!