Well we all seem quite divided in opinion on this one, don't we?
Given that the completeness check is done very quickly (usually CC/BD cashed within a few days of the application arriving) I cannot believe that they have only RECEIVED 2226 applications which passed the completeness check. All of September and most of October would therefore be included in this total.
1) 2226 with eligibility review complete sounds to me a lot more realistic, since most of September and all of October would yet to be figured into this total.
2) Counting an application towards the cap before the eligibility review is complete is madness IMO, since an ineligibile application can be taking up a place and stopping an ELIGIBLE person emigrating to Canada. It's ludicrous!
3) The main area of their web site concerning Federal Skilled Workers specifically says "considered for processing".
And "considered for processing" is mentioned again in the FAQ for skilled workers:
An application cannot be considered for processing until it has had its first eligibility review, since processing is done by the visa office, not by CIC.
But basically I think people are barking up the wrong tree thinking that CIC have only received 2226 complete applications, they simply abbreviated "complete applications considered for processing" to "complete applications" when they put up this recent list IMO (it does confuse things, I realise).
Sorry for arguing this one to death! I'll shut up now