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Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS



westwards said:

Now out of all the post 26/6 applicants (esp. July & august lot).. I believe NONE (atleast on our forum) have received any correspondence
from CIO regarding Eligibility for processing. So what are these 2226 complete applications..?
Hallelujah, Amen, Allahu Akbar in whichever order you like...

Look, the explanation is written for us in black and white; why are we choosing to create imaginary lines in between and speculate? Here is the link again:


Total complete applications received since June 26, 2010... Applications received toward the overall cap: 2,226 of 20,000 as of October 19, 2010

The statement above could not be clearer, as of October 19 there were 2,226 applications that passed the completeness check and now count towards the cap. By studying the immigration guides, the procedure is spelled out further. When the applications arrive they are checked for completeness, if all the forms are correctly filled out and the application can be considered as complete, then the money is cashed and the application will count towards the cap. Now, the next part is equally important:

Between June 26, 2010, and June 30, 2011, a maximum of 20,000 complete Federal Skilled Worker applications will be considered for processing. Within the 20,000 cap, a maximum of 1,000 Federal Skilled Worker applications per eligible occupation will be considered for processing within this same time frame.

It is written in black and white for us; they are only considering 20,000 complete applications (those that are considered complete and have been successfully cashed) toward the cap. What they are saying here is that once they have 20,000 complete applications they will stop accepting applications (the 1000 NOC caps are also respected)... and whatever number of applications within these fail, they will simply be returned. They are not saying they will give 20,000 PR visas, only that they will accept 20,000 complete applications. No other applicant will replace those applications that fail. After this stage they will go through the eligibility phase explained below... BTW, "considered for processing" means, will go to the eligibility phase and then given to VO.

The next phase, CIO eligibility procedure, is quite simple . They see what NOC code you have applied under and whether your documentation sufficiently meets the requirements for that job. If it does, you pass eligibility.

The thing to remember is that just because you pass eligibility, it does not mean you are home free; far from it. Once the application is given to the visa office, they will assess the remaining criteria, 67 points, IELTS results, reference letters, bank documentation, background checks, etc...until the medical records are submitted. At every stage of this process above one can fail and the application could be returned.

That is my 2cents and I hope I have not offended anyone. :)


Hero Member
Sep 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Received 02-09-2010
Doc's Request.
Sent with App.
AOR Received.
21-12-2010 [img]http://i1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc386/hazooma/Maple.gif[/img]
IELTS Request
Sent with App.
Pippin said:
Yes Wayne...I can say that up to several weeks ago, the bank confirmed the BD had not been encashed. The app was recv'd by CIO on 26 July and it has not been returned. Noolan has a similar story with CC and app recv'd 19 July.

It is really frustrating. I really wish you hear something relieving your tension.
I think you should call the CIC. When i asked about the indication of encashing, the agent told me: it means that your envelop was opened. Dose it make any sense that your application wasn't opened ,complete and encashed if you have sent it by a courier?!! ??? ??? ???
So there is a possibility that they might sent it back but you never recieved it. I don't want to increase your tention, but i think you should call them ASAP. Please feed us back. I'm praying for you that it might not been happened.


Hero Member
Sep 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Received 02-09-2010
Doc's Request.
Sent with App.
AOR Received.
21-12-2010 [img]http://i1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc386/hazooma/Maple.gif[/img]
IELTS Request
Sent with App.
Travel Dream said:
you can call cic . I called them 5 hours ago but they told me if your application was received in July or august we can told u about the situation of your application but because my application was received in 15th September i must wait about 2 weeks until they put the september applications on the system.

Dear friend,

According to their reply, I suppose that the 2226 complete applications are those recieved in July and August only. They will never give a figure for applications that are not added to their system yet even if they are complete. In my opinion this figure will be doubled or tripled for complete applications recieved in September and October. And this makes sense when they say that they can't gurantee that further applications will reach the cap.

Please share your opinions.


Hero Member
Sep 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Received 02-09-2010
Doc's Request.
Sent with App.
AOR Received.
21-12-2010 [img]http://i1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc386/hazooma/Maple.gif[/img]
IELTS Request
Sent with App.
Cam1234 said:
Hallelujah, Amen, Allahu Akbar in whichever order you like...

Look, the explanation is written for us in black and white; why are we choosing to create imaginary lines in between and speculate? Here is the link again:


Total complete applications received since June 26, 2010... Applications received toward the overall cap: 2,226 of 20,000 as of October 19, 2010

The statement above could not be clearer, as of October 19 there were 2,226 applications that passed the completeness check and now count towards the cap. By studying the immigration guides, the procedure is spelled out further. When the applications arrive they are checked for completeness, if all the forms are correctly filled out and the application can be considered as complete, then the money is cashed and the application will count towards the cap. Now, the next part is equally important:

Between June 26, 2010, and June 30, 2011, a maximum of 20,000 complete Federal Skilled Worker applications will be considered for processing. Within the 20,000 cap, a maximum of 1,000 Federal Skilled Worker applications per eligible occupation will be considered for processing within this same time frame.

It is written in black and white for us; they are only considering 20,000 complete applications (those that are considered complete and have been successfully cashed) toward the cap. What they are saying here is that once they have 20,000 complete applications they will stop accepting applications (the 1000 NOC caps are also respected)... and whatever number of applications within these fail, they will simply be returned. They are not saying they will give 20,000 PR visas, only that they will accept 20,000 complete applications. No other applicant will replace those applications that fail. After this stage they will go through the eligibility phase explained below... BTW, "considered for processing" means, will go to the eligibility phase and then given to VO.

The next phase, CIO eligibility procedure, is quite simple . They see what NOC code you have applied under and whether your documentation sufficiently meets the requirements for that job. If it does, you pass eligibility.

The thing to remember is that just because you pass eligibility, it does not mean you are home free; far from it. Once the application is given to the visa office, they will assess the remaining criteria, 67 points, IELTS results, reference letters, bank documentation, background checks, etc...until the medical records are submitted. At every stage of this process above one can fail and the application could be returned.

That is my 2cents and I hope I have not offended anyone. :)

Totally agree with you, man! One positive for you.

That's exactly what i was arguming with my spouse about last night!!!

They said 20.000 complete applications will be considered for processing this year. Which means that the door will be kept opened untill they have 20.000 complete, encashed applications in their hand. Then, simply the doors will be closed... Announcement for that will be issued on their website...comprehensive eligibilty will be done...some will pass...some will fail but will not be replaced by any incoming application which will be returned as a whole package without being opened!!!

So, it is actually less than 20.000 visa will be issued for this year...but no one knows by how much.
And i think if this theory is true...the first completeness check was accompanied by strong initial eligibility review to reduce the number of applications that may fail in the main eligibility review to the lower possible limit and that's explain the difference in the time lag between recieving the appliction and encashing among the applicats. That is simply because some have very strong, clear, complete and good presented application and others needed more time to review the completeness of the documents before encashing.

That's how i really think it gose!!! I'm not 100% sure it's correct. It just makes sense to me!!


canady said:
And i think if this theory is true...the first completeness check was accompanied by strong initial eligibility review to reduce the number of applications that may fail in the main eligibility review to the lower possible limit and that's explain the difference in the time lag between recieving the appliction and encashing among the applicats. That is simply because some have very strong, clear, complete and good presented application and others needed more time to review the completeness of the documents before encashing.
Thank you Canady for your kind comments... and wow, I like your theory above. Although it is not in the guideline documents provided to us, I think it makes perfect sense... and would explain why some applications are cashed quickly and others a short time later.

The beauty of your theory is that it could go hand in hand with what Wayne has been saying... well somewhat. I don't want to speak for him... but if I am correct, our board stands united!! :) :)
I feel like singing the Canadian National Anthem :) :)


Star Member
Oct 20, 2010
Dunno if this helps the arguments further....but I had initially submitted my application in August using some OLD forms and I received my whole package back in first week of Sept. saying that it cannot be considered for further processing because it is using the old forms.
I resent the package with the new forms on Sept. 10 (delivered on Sept 14) and haven't heard anything back ever since. Looks like they are actually doing completeness+eligibility together.
Hope this helps!


Hero Member
Sep 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Received 02-09-2010
Doc's Request.
Sent with App.
AOR Received.
21-12-2010 [img]http://i1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc386/hazooma/Maple.gif[/img]
IELTS Request
Sent with App.
I feel like singing the Canadian National Anthem :) :)

Dear friend,
Let me sing it with you "silently ::)". I don't think you'll be satisfied with my voice :D :D :D

And Wayne,
I must say: After landing, i think you know where you should apply to work!!! ;D ;D ;D Forward to the CIC. You have great analyzing mind. :D :D


Hero Member
Sep 28, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
6th Jan 2011
File Transfer...
25th feb 2011
Med's Request
March 8, 2011
Passport Req..
Travel Dream said:
you can call cic . I called them 5 hours ago but they told me if your application was received in July or august we can told u about the situation of your application but because my application was received in 15th September i must wait about 2 weeks until they put the september applications on the system.
hello Travel Dream,

Which number are you using to call cic from outside canada ?


punter said:
Dunno if this helps the arguments further....but I had initially submitted my application in August using some OLD forms and I received my whole package back in first week of Sept. saying that it cannot be considered for further processing because it is using the old forms.
I resent the package with the new forms on Sept. 10 (delivered on Sept 14) and haven't heard anything back ever since. Looks like they are actually doing completeness+eligibility together.
Hope this helps!
Hi Punter:
You may be right, some form of preliminary eligibility might be going on... Hopefully your application will be cashed shortly. Don't lose hope my friend, Sept. 14 was not that far away, and I have heard stories of applications processing in different time frames, even though they were submitted on the same date...
Take care,

Travel Dream

Hero Member
Sep 20, 2010
canady said:
Dear friend,

According to their reply, I suppose that the 2226 complete applications are those recieved in July and August only. They will never give a figure for applications that are not added to their system yet even if they are complete. In my opinion this figure will be doubled or tripled for complete applications recieved in September and October. And this makes sense when they say that they can't gurantee that further applications will reach the cap.

Please share your opinions.
I think 2226 applications are those received until 19 oct. In my opinion this number is only counting not related to the process or eligibility they only numerate the applications which were received by CIC


Hero Member
Jul 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
01-09-2010 and received 08-09-2010; PER received 08-03-2011
AOR Received.
March 31, 2011
IELTS Request
Feb 25, 2011
File Transfer...
RBVO-April1, 2011
Med's Request
Med's Done....
May 31, 2011
Passport Req..
Hopefully in 2011
dgm said:
it's been pissing me off as well that our consultant won't disclose information for the BD since we got it from them. i prefer to do the follow up myself but they said they would do it for me. i rather be the one to inquire about its encashment coz i would gladly check on it on a daily basis. ::)
Just give them a call 3-4x a week, and be courteous and hopefully they will be obliged, your case is a bit hard coz its like youre in a third party, and you cant call the bank yourself.


Hero Member
Jul 19, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
October 22
Doc's Request.
Sent with app.
AOR Received.
15th Feb. 2011
IELTS Request
Sent with app.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Hi there,
What are the old forms you sent? I guess schedule-3 is updated recently. Anythign else? Probably I send with old forms. Hmm in that case there is a chance they may send it back.


Star Member
Oct 20, 2010
EnvioZA said:
Hi there,
What are the old forms you sent? I guess schedule-3 is updated recently. Anythign else? Probably I send with old forms. Hmm in that case there is a chance they may send it back.
yes, I had used the old Schedule-3 and forgot to sign the back of the photographs.


Hero Member
Jul 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
01-09-2010 and received 08-09-2010; PER received 08-03-2011
AOR Received.
March 31, 2011
IELTS Request
Feb 25, 2011
File Transfer...
RBVO-April1, 2011
Med's Request
Med's Done....
May 31, 2011
Passport Req..
Hopefully in 2011
Cam1234 said:
Hallelujah, Amen, Allahu Akbar in whichever order you like...

Look, the explanation is written for us in black and white; why are we choosing to create imaginary lines in between and speculate? Here is the link again:


Total complete applications received since June 26, 2010... Applications received toward the overall cap: 2,226 of 20,000 as of October 19, 2010

The statement above could not be clearer, as of October 19 there were 2,226 applications that passed the completeness check and now count towards the cap. By studying the immigration guides, the procedure is spelled out further. When the applications arrive they are checked for completeness, if all the forms are correctly filled out and the application can be considered as complete, then the money is cashed and the application will count towards the cap. Now, the next part is equally important:

Between June 26, 2010, and June 30, 2011, a maximum of 20,000 complete Federal Skilled Worker applications will be considered for processing. Within the 20,000 cap, a maximum of 1,000 Federal Skilled Worker applications per eligible occupation will be considered for processing within this same time frame.

It is written in black and white for us; they are only considering 20,000 complete applications (those that are considered complete and have been successfully cashed) toward the cap. What they are saying here is that once they have 20,000 complete applications they will stop accepting applications (the 1000 NOC caps are also respected)... and whatever number of applications within these fail, they will simply be returned. They are not saying they will give 20,000 PR visas, only that they will accept 20,000 complete applications. No other applicant will replace those applications that fail. After this stage they will go through the eligibility phase explained below... BTW, "considered for processing" means, will go to the eligibility phase and then given to VO.

The next phase, CIO eligibility procedure, is quite simple . They see what NOC code you have applied under and whether your documentation sufficiently meets the requirements for that job. If it does, you pass eligibility.

The thing to remember is that just because you pass eligibility, it does not mean you are home free; far from it. Once the application is given to the visa office, they will assess the remaining criteria, 67 points, IELTS results, reference letters, bank documentation, background checks, etc...until the medical records are submitted. At every stage of this process above one can fail and the application could be returned.

That is my 2cents and I hope I have not offended anyone. :)
I totaly agree with you. but the questions are:

1) Are they gonna send us 1st AOR just like from the previous set up or are they gonna send the "eligibles" directly to their corresponding Visa Offices and their the ones to send us notifcations to send our Originals?

2) Since we are in a fast track application and the system have been changed compared before when applicants send applications and "some" documents only compared to us when we submitted everything (Photocpies)including original IELTS in accordance with their respective Visa office requirements; Are we going to be requested to submit the Original documents just like the procedure before or the photocopies that we submitted were enough for their verification purposes (That saves them time and money in sending back the original documents once their done with the review). and just send us MR outright.