hiiiii everyone!!!!!
our trip to Jordan went as hoped, we r back with the gold visa, COPR and aaaaaalll our relationship proofs!!!! what a great feeling!!!! u'll see, u'll all get it!!!!! we were soo in the cloud 9 after we got everything, that once passing all the security back outside and collecting our things (they don't let u inside with mobile phones, headphones, etc) we forgot the most imp envelope

of course the security were more focused than us and i guess we were not the first ones to forget something that we got it back in no time; but anyway, if u do go in person try to b focused and don't forget the most important

also open the envelope before leaving make sure that the passport and copr r there and all the info is correct; after that it will b very difficult to go back in; there is a completely different atmosphere between the local security outside (not patient at all with people, rude, thinking themselves as Gods) and the people working inside very patient, gentle, polite;
now i'll try to give u as many details as i could gather; maybe it's not much because everyone there was talking arabic including the receptionist inside the embassy so i was lost and my husband is not the kind of person to start talking with people and asking questions; also since we were very pressed with the time (our return flight was in the same evening) we tried to b the first ones there to make sure we can enter; so i noticed a few things with ppl before us and don't know much abt the ones entering after us; BUT most people were there for visit visa applications either to apply or to inquiry abt their application; from maybe 20 ppl 17 had receipts from visit visa applications, 1 guy before us left with an envelope too (not clear if it was sponsorship application or FWS) and one young lady with very small baby had interview

i suppose it was sponsorship application cuz otherwise her husband should have been at the interview too (usually for FWS they interview all family); she entered in the interview room while we were there and it was such a small room with 2 chairs one in front of the other; i really think the officers there r trying to avoid an interview as much as possible, because really they lack space; and i also think that most of people getting visa like us use courrier that's why we didn't see many; i'm sure they issue a few visas every day; but they have a looooot of work; while we were there there were applications coming by fedex and an officer taking them upstairs, so they are very active and have lots of work
now here is how our day went; our hotel was walking distance from the embassy; we arrived sunday and first thing we did was to go check where the embassy was; i was expecting a nice building with fence around just like i saw in other countries; but no and we almost missed it; at the end it's easy to find it cuz it's the only place with a Canadian flag; the embassy is actually inside an office building and has 2 floors - one for immigration another for consular services; so we went to check out the place the evening before and chat with security; he told us that they let max 30 ppl inside (there is no capacity for more) and we should arrive since 6am to make sure we can enter

that's what we did; next morning we were there at 6am, we were the 2nd to arrive; at 6:30am sharp the security started to write our name on a paper but without giving a number or anything; then we left, had breakfast and a little before 8am we were back ready to enter; through my surprise (my husband being arab is used with such practices

) a guy came to security told them he's a doctor and they let him enter first although his name was not on the list

that's why i say that how they work outside is completely different than how they work inside; anyway, we were not many ppl so everyone entered; once inside we gave the passport and email to the receptionist and initially she told us to come back on Wednesday

after we explained to her that we don't live there and our flight is in the same evening she told us to wait; she went in the back probably to talk to the officer dealing with our file and then she asked us to come back at 2pm with the printed return ticket (we had it only on the phone and the phones were left at the security downstairs); it was still not clear if we would get the passport in that day or not; at 2pm we went and there were many more people than in the morning (many without being called they were there just to inquiry); we were afraid we were too late but luckily they let us in; once upstairs they were calling first the ones who got visit visas and then one by one the rest in the order they entered; unfortunately many left empty handed
the embassy is really really small, poor really, it reflects very well the situation in the country i find; it gives u the impression of a community center not embassy - so simple and warm (except all the security checks); behind the reception window (out from the public view) r the ones working on our files - it looked like an open office really; i feel there r more people working than the office capacity, but they looked so busy, so much movement in the back; so don't worry, ur turn will come too
and yes we got all (or mostly all) of our relationship proofs back; they were exactly in the same envelopes we sent (we sent a looot of proofs - most of them were not open at all, for some the binders were in the exact same place and some were opened and studied and we didn't get back); but the most imp for us, the sentimental ones, the pictures and postcards were there; so i'm certain now that they are very practical and pragmactic people; the officer who studied our file looked like someone with many years of experience - he looked for specific things and found them easy and could make his mind fast; for the rest he just didn't look at all; so if u send less don't worry
also i think the "in process" status on ecas is there really at the end of the process, in the moment the file gets in the hand of an officer (but many paper work and checks r done before that); i heard this before and for our application it was clear that once an officer takes a file he won't let it until he will make a decision; some files could take longer because of the extra background/security checks which could also b done randomly; in that case the officer could put that file on the side, work on another file and go back to this one later; also there r officers and senior officers - if a file is more complicated it will b passed on to a senior one to make the final decision; that's my conclusion at least on why it takes longer for some and less long for others
that's it!!!! hope soon u'll all say a story like ours ;D if u have more questions feel free to ask!! good luck everyone!!